Your feedback about last update


Overall I think the latest update is good for the future of the game as it means a variety of battlefield elements.

But some break changes are too sudden, making it difficult for players to adapt.


The rate of fire of semi-automatic rifles is all set to the same value of 350. I think this may be too homogenous. I hope that there are some subtle differences in the values of different types of weapons, which may be more reasonable and beneficial to enrich the game content.


I also found a bug, perhaps a bug, that is seriously affecting engineers enthusiasts, hoping it would be fixed soon.

i m not sure why that answer is for me since i do play every campaign, every side at prety much any rate.

but that or soldiers with 3 grenades over and over… imagine using a gun on a first person shooter.

New Bolt action changes really have been well received by majority

The new animations, just feels better and love you killed Bunny Hopping, drop shotting too!

New loader perks on Tanks, now gives me a reason to go to every campaign and reroll my maxed crews.

Don’t like:
AA Spam - suggestions on how to fix all over forums

Suicide bombers, seems some players can’t bomb so use attacker as missile - you used to take away kills from players who did this, please put that back.

Mortar shell firing right hand side, please please fix

Don’t understand:

Mosquito aiming reticle is too far left even if using relective gunsight and also latest patch notes said added copilot, but there always was a copilot and I can’t see any change really.

AA Guns need a rethink

Typhoon rockets
Spitfire later models in Normandy please
LMG Deployment

Please rebuild the mechanical sight models of M2 carbine, M1 Thomson submachine gun, M1A1 Thomson submachine gun, M2A1 Carbine, they are now impossible to see the target

And then repolish the map, and now I’m going into a little pit and I’m going to put my weapon away

I hope you can improve the sight of the M2 and m2a1 carbine to this extent, at least so that the player’s eyes are not damaged

  1. I like:
  • many Forum User registrier now and share their -I have fun now- Topics.

  • Developers decision to follow the needet Suggestions but more Feedback would help.

  • Starter in ENLiSTED can compare to Veterans, with BA buff.

  • Veterans can now have Fun again, because what caught us on Game was the Start-Time in ENLiSTED.

  1. After that Update the List could be very long, better i stop here and start with
    Things i dont like are
  • Veterans inGame want slaughter Newbies and tell others the Game actuell is bad

  • you release something and believe you are finished with that

  • purchased Squads, few 50€, should get more Attention and Love

  • Customization, if i buy a Skin it should be selectable, but actuell State is…
    _i buy Skin for M4A1 (76W), now i have max LvL with that Squad.
    _i take the M4A3E2 Jumbo, and cant equipp my Skin because its a different Squad, but same _Campaign

  1. I dont understand
  • why ENLiSTED not follow his Wish to make a Realistic Authentic Game, and only see the Fast-Cash in highest Priority.

  • if the Developers made a Mistake, why they did not remove AND rework AND bring it back
    Specially Old Premium Squads with 4 Men, needs the 5th as Engineer
    _if it is not easy- Remove it, tell the Players why and how long, AND bring it back.

  • why the Developers did not Remove the Shovels complete, Rework them and bring them back
    _they should work like the Hammer from Engineer.
    _when equipped the Hammer, you should be able to pick different Fortifications or Trench-Constructions.

  • why i cant believe my Post did anyone of you read, this is the Problem of Feedback from your Side.

The importants Thing, you did awesome Jobs with Camouflages and Runes/Patches, Squadsymbols.
Then you remove it.
Of course any Guy on any Place on Earth is offended, you cant do it 100% for Everybody

Simple Solution, give the Possibility to let the User decide: ON/OFF
many Laws in the World have to accept this Freedom.

Immersion is defect since Squad Members have no longer their Squad Symbol on the T-Shirts.

About the latest update (


  • bolt action rifle damage buff and semi auto weapons rate of fire increase
  • movement animations etc are very nice (although they need some visual polish)
  • AI changes (finally I feel the danger while facing bots + they retain formation when ordered to hold the ground)
  • free look for tank commanders and that commander’s MG works when I use it
  • more points for repairing and extinguishing fire of friendly tanks
  • tank reload changes (ammo type change, loader)

Don’t like:

  • bipods are even more bugged (they are basically unusable unless you bipod on a flat surface like a road)
  • option to lock a custom lobby by password is paywalled

What I like:
the change to the BA made me use my tanks and air planes pretty much exclusively, I do not feel bad about grey zoning anymore

What I don’t like:
So many people camp or even grey zone camp as attackers with their BA, that playing infantry is not fun to me any more


I agree with you, I feel like the only thing I want to do every match is to use planes and tanks as much as possible.

That’s because the accuracy of 95% fullautomatcis are bad like shit(95% of them, with very few exceptions, cannot even hit targets at 100m accurately, which is an unbelievably close distance IRL), they should give us a way to increase accuracy even more.

The whole dispersion system was designed for the time when BAs have 14 damage, not for now, it needs an complete overhaul.


While I agree on the rebalance of automatic weapons it will not solve the problem for me.

I stopped playing Stalingrad as there were way to many BA campers, like everywhere. Did I still win the games? Yes! But I raged so hard because it is in my eyes just so annoying.
Every campaign I play now has the same cancer. And it just makes me rage because it takes no “skill” to sit with the BA on your spawning point and snipe the enemy from a kilometer away.


The bots in the latest overhaul need to have their accuracy dialed back a bit
Bots with OHK = okay
Bots with good accuracy and fantastic responsiveness = good
Bots with all of the above = Game is lone fighters since your squad is dead on spawn

Otherwise absolutely fantastic update

Bots are much better than before but nothing vompared to an average player.
It its not broken, don’t fix it.

Fw189 Uhu Attacker 7 squad had 2 upgrades to allow for 2 gunners to be added, latest updated remove one upgrade node

Stalingrad customization lost on Soviet Assaulters, despite me paying gold, game shows my selection but when playing they are defaulted to white again (logged bug as asked)

Game pace and rifle damage, definitely slowed game down to right pace.

i have yet to noticed an increase of campers on NA outside of really stalingrad where the map allows that and i could agrue that the increase of damages the game more fun for infantry


The amount of times I’d spawn and move 10m forward only to be the last guy in my squad because of how quickly the enemy bots pick them off without mine so much as firing back is insane
I can’t get over that
I’d love to attribute it to enemy players, but we all know the majority aren’t that good and can’t rapidly pick off a 9 man squad in under 30 seconds unless they all line up.
Bot accuracy with bolts needs to 100% be addressed or bot damage should be dialed back to pre BA buff so they down instead, but when you switch to them you’re obviously able to use the bolt action at full damage

Hard to belief to me, I am sure I often get on NA servers when I am waiting 1+ minute to find a match (cause I recognize some of the player names). I encounter it in every match! If I still cared I would make a video compilation, but I don’t.

Really? I kill bots just as easily as before, you always had to be quick but you can still kill a full squad of bots with an automatic weapon. It is the old game, kill → break LOS → kill and so on. If you position yourself so that the bots are in a line in front of you, you can just full auto all of them.
I get killed by people sitting in a window across the map and I know the bots well enough to know that they don’t do that.

But hey what do I know, I am a total noob and just started playing :roll_eyes:

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the BA buff is perfect, they used to be some pretty bad guns to be changed ASAP now, they still have rather low dps if compared to other guns, but are way more reliable because of their high damage.

the semi auto buff was also a good deal, making them much more viable to deal with groups, but it made the m1 carbine too weak (at least in normandy) since it’s only good thing was the fast firing and the vg.1-5 is now not worth at all since assaulter has way better smgs

the new smg balance is also a amazing job, the soviet smgs used to be a pain since they had almost the same damage accuracy and were faster to fire, but now the germans got their smgs with some more damage and more accurate than the soviets, wich made them better for the long range

(and i don’t even need to talk abou animations)

[quote=“Keofox, post:1, topic:4291”]
What you like

  • … I like the all in one combat, infatry, planes and vehicles.

I like the amount of free squads given in campaign as well as tanks and Planes.

I like supporting the game by buying well thought out squads.

What you don’t like

  • … the prices of premium squads are too high.

Premium squads get more historical detail than free squads. Some premiums squads are minor factions, I think all campaigns should have one minor faction free squad.

I don’t like that infantry Carrie’s all objectives. Tanks and Planes need separate objectives that can change the outcome of battle as well.

What is not too easy to understand

What not easy to understand is the upgrade process for all squads. Tiers need better, and informative descriptions and explanation.

  • [/quote]ff
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alright, we know the drill.

my two cents about the last update ( ):
( took me a while cuz didn’t had much time, and wanted to fully try everything new )

things I LOVE:

  • new BA buff to all campaigns
  • new AI behaviors and reaction time
  • reverted nerf of semi auto rifles ( took you long enough, but very glad it’s now here )
  • adjustments to automatic weapons
  • inertia & disperion on jumps.

things i like:

  • free view ( c ) on tanks and aa guns.
  • Added the ability to change the selected ammo type in the tank during the reload process without the loader ability, but the reload progress will be reset.
  • Tank guns reload faster if there’s a loader in the vehicle. ( especially when it doesn’t )
  • new customization missing pieces
  • new " animations " ( ehhh… we’re still far, but first good steps into the right direction )
  • all the fixes ( which, there were quite many. and always glad to see those. )
  • editor improvements and new feature

things hate and/or Don’t like.

( Hate )

  • private custom matches through premium
    it would have been fine if it was only one of the few methods of monetization. but it is not.
    so i find it kinda lame. and doesn’t really make sense since you guys killed customs almost as soon they were introduced. ( let alone not being able to have 20 bots anymore but only 16 since then… or xps.)

  • customization prices / inability to universally use the piece that i have bought on multiple soldiers
    ( i don’t really hate them, but despite many threads they are still the same. )
    5 euro for one soldier across potentially 5 campaigns and at least roughly 150 soldiers to customize. it’s damn pricey. IF, at least we were able to reuse multiple times on at least only in one campaign, or squad, then the price would have been justified. for example, spend 4 tickets for normal helmets ( THAT SHOULD BE NORMALLY AVAILABLE ) for all my squads. then, upgrade them with the others that has camo and stuff. but since that is not the case, this system is kinda bad on it’s own and still expensive.

( don’t like )

  • still missing alot of cosmetics and not really being able to customize my soldiers as entitled
    ( i’ll start by saying that as i said previously, i’m greatfull that you guys took in consideration my suggestion: Soldier's Cosmetic Concept Idea ( Enhance it by expanding it ) and actually added all the missing pouches and other pieces ) problem is… originally, it has been said that:

This huge customization system will appear first in Enlisted exclusively for the “Battle for Stalingrad”

yet… all you can select, is torso, legs, hands, helmet and head ( which i’m greatefull for what we have, don’t get me wrong, and i managed to make stuff that i personally like, and tried to recreate historical squads ) problem is as i was saying, is that we don’t… really have options to customize our characters in details. for example, remove the bags on my soldiers that i don’t like, and trench coats do not have smgs and assault pouches… not even mgs ones… and yada yada yada. (/ maybe i am nitpicking as i’m a huge sucker for customization… but still. alot is missing also in terms of options. for example, the germans fighting in stalingrad with camo ( which were rare, but that’s fine ) yet, no normal gray uniforms outside the coat like the normandy assaulter squad.

My customization

in conclusion:

so i’m a bit disappointed that the customization is still kinda the same.
but for the rest, quite a good update with many positive things. can’t wait for the newest hinted news:

Replays and a Cinematic Mode

and other workins ( like the bipods :slight_smile: )