Your feedback about last update

Ok, now for a few requests:

I think Japanese AT rifle is placeholder, so will leave that there.

Japanese need their own AA gun please, AT gun too, I think the 6pounder is used by both factions…

Please give Japanese A5M4 fighter a couple of bombs, why does US get some not axis?

Looking forwards to more stuff, please don’t forget Stalingrad maps wise…

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What I don’t like:

D3A1 gunsight on ps5 not useable, all black so hard to shoot and or bomb.

SBD tail gunner not possible to equip? Crew says 1 person, even though it should be two.

Type Hei vs Garand, I think the ROF is a huge disadvantage.

Mortar shell firing out of side of barrel still, been logged several times now

What I like:
More customization although somewhat simplified compared to Stalingrad.

Most sounds are improvement

What I don’t understand:

Fw189 removed node

Why A5M4 has no bombs and allies do

Why firing machine guns on planes, sometimes has amazing light effects, sometimes nothing?

Latest update initial Ps5 feedback:

What I like:
D3A1 gunsight now fixed
SBD has crew of 2 now
New ranking rewards, more upgrade and customization orders. (Rommel, Yamamoto cough?)

What I don’t like:
New sound of Allied Fighter (Buffalo) plane is too quiet, although I love the new sound (from what I can hear of it)
What plane is FP3, isn’t this a Wildcat

What I don’t understand:

Still unable to equip Moscow Axis FW189 with two tail gunners

Why is there spaa and engineer based AA, surely one stops us using other?

Doesnt Harmonization option stop people seeing things they don’t want to, so if I have this off I should not be censored?

Thanks for pacific plane fixes anyway :+1:

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What I like

  • new graphics

  • new campaign

  • new battle pass weapons

  • new mechanic to attack with melee weapons

  • beeing able to destroy pacific SPAAs with rifles

  • pacific preorder pack

what I don´t like

  • censorship of Rommel even though he died because he opposed the german leadership and was no war criminal

  • removal of the Yamamoto profile picture

  • tab shows the ranks of your team mates and encourages good players with bad teammates to leave their team


More feedback:

New charge attack
Carriers repairing you when landing
Tailgunner following order to fire, sometimes not working on D13 though.

Tanker customization bugged pacific
Planes too quiet now, not sure who complained?
When sending your troops forwards to cap a point they group together with no concept of cover

What I really don’t like:
AA spam again faster to build and use than mg nest

Planes in general seem to be much harder to maneuver across majority of campaign, even maxed out.

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what i like ,to be able to play a fair game where no one is cheating because of your ineffectual anti cheat programme.

what i dont like,people cheating, but ill also add that by the look of things you have weakened the tiger tank to such an extent its almost not worth the slog to earn it.

Oh i also dont like passive aggressive developers

What I like:
Fuel leak, can actually see yellow fuel leaking from plane.

What I don’t like:

D3A1 Tail gunner not working at all, he says Hei and then doesn’t shoot at all? (Please fix asap)

The Bayonet Type 100 when reloading doubles, so it shows 2 bayonets

What I don’t understand:
Some planes flight models are very sluggisg, the A5M4 was known to be a turn fighter and in game it’s a brick literally!

Why does the Axis fighter not get bombs?


just so you know, (before) if axis put out 2 tigers the whole other team would just leave. since they are almost impossible to defeat axis would simply just stand those in an area wich would be not possible to conquer

This still stands.
But let me reiterate the most important point:

Latest patch:

D3A1 gunner still not firing, makes that attacker plane useless as no defence

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I like it, nice update.
And you fix the stupid AI and it’s not running around like idiots now.
Now you have to also stop reseting their commands when someone is capturing a control. This is also extremely stupid. If we want to move them, we know how to do it. STOP RESETING.

tried the game after the update… tried 3 diffrent games. all 3 was overrun completely with cheaters… spawnkilling entire team… nice update

and the tank glitch(s) are not fixed (thumbs up)

Hmmm cheaters huh …

im not talking about… AI shooting trough bushes and stuff. im talking about. real cheaters.
flopp flopp flopp flopp flopp entire team dead. 5 HS in a row under a second just after the spawn protection. time after time. i encounter this on 4 of 6 maps.
and the tank hack. im not sure if its a glitch or cheat. but sd.kfz has some sort of speed glitch where they just from nowhere speeds away in 200% over normal speed. but the player dont seems to be able to control it so they often just end up in water or against a wall. at first it looks like lagg but the rest of the game just floats on like nothing happend.
and the ability to hs a player inside a tank. imagine respawning in a tank and when spawnprotections stops… entire team dies from headshots from a kar98

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a bit better on the europe server, but eastern europe its horrible to play…

This is great to see. In the same way can we get a refresh on older premium squads. they all need an engineer. A premium squad without an engineer is pointless.

Fw189 now fixed
D3A1 Tailgunner fixed
New Pacific premiums both allied and axis
Think you fixed cannon on bf110c6 premium, now I can see where shells going


New ps5 multicoloured smoke, eventual crashes, something is wrong after extended play, now happens on Tunisia, Moscow, Normandy - it isn’t just smoke effect either.
Spitfire VC Tropical Hispano cannons are useless, no damage with full clip (same applies to tempest)
Don’t understand:
Old premi squads missing engineers

More feedback to come, keep it up :+1:

Gib us second slot for premium soldiers back

Textures changing on ps5, ammo boxes, tank armour turning bright green

Don’t understand:
The planes on the Pacific allies seem to have their wheels deployed, even when the players tell me they have put them up.