Your feedback about last update

Ok time for some pacific feedback:

The new campaign and weapons overall, it takes getting used to axis.
The Zero is pretty much my favourite plane, along with Corsair.
Hellcat is nice addition too.

The bombers are invulnerable, I can shoot down Stalingrad bomber easy enough, maybe get 2, but on Pacific the guns don’t seem to do enough damage.

The engine sound on planes is too muffled for me, please turn it up, I went to airshow recently and know how noisy planes are…

The Zero and Hellcat fly so slowly, it feels like you are floating in the air (also coz of engine noise, there doesn’t feel like you go at speed)

Carriers maybe bit far away, for rearm I mean, or rearm point should be brought closer than 5k

Don’t understand:
Allied Planes 20mm cannons already mentioned previously (Tempest and Spitfire VC)


specially in Normandy … WTF !

Don’t understand:

Ps5 graphical bugs, ammo and tanks turning neon green, have to restart Enlisted

AI is much more powerful than before.
My only wish: They dont try to fight with players over who calling artillery first. ATM, lots of players fighting over to call artillery.

Hope you can add AI ability to mark enemies. And call for help with quick messages.

Also, what about AI tanks and planes? :upside_down_face:

Like what AI’s ultimate goal: pass Turing test. Making players unable to tell whether he is a human or not.

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Rally points can only be destroyed by dismantling them. Shooting them, grenades and bombs cannot destroy them.

AI with rifle grenades are devastating. They shoot those things with pinpoint accuracy.

Soldier selection menu wheel does not stay on if it assigned to a mouse button. Despite keeping the button pressed, the wheel does not stay on screen for more than a fraction of a second. It is impossible to use.

The wheel only stays on if it is assigned to a keyboard button, which is very annoying because the game already needs quite a few keys for various things.


Meh / don’t know:

  • not sure about new pie menu but maybe it’s due to me being used to the old one


  • no bipod fix, no LMG rework
  • no fix of engineers’ weapons bug

The new pie menu rework made the quick chat NOT quick.

Also cant find setting for squad formation or to change to a specific soldier, is this option not available anymore?

Streamlining any aspect is a good concept, as long as it actually streamlines, not sure if this accomplished that, it was working well the way it was. Maybe you should have just removed the conformation part and left everything else intact. I had to remap buttons AGAIN because of this so called Streamlining, some functions wont work no matter what button i bind to it since this Streamlining of the pie menu.

Everything probably works for pc’s though, right? I think you grasp where im going wth this. How many times must it be said? You need to repair EXISTING bugs before creating NEW ones, ESPECIALLY on something that WASN’T broken and WAS functioning PROPERLY to begin with, you know as well as i do, the list of existing bugs is EXSTENSIVE, some are over a year old.

It is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING when you create more bugs and ignore existing ones, if it works already, don’t fix it, especially don’t break it for hecks sake. This is not rocket science, if you want to streamline, try repairing existing bugs and in essence the gameplay OVERALL will be streamlied.

I know i am blunt, but sugar coating just gets ignored completely.

That being said, you all do great things and continue to strive to make enlisted better and it is MUCH appreciated, but PLEASE stop ignoring old bugs before creating new ones.

Event was fun, never encountered a dev though, played all day.
Ai changes, although not seen many rallies deployed, had a medic heal me once on Stalingrad, but once in 10 games. Ai Flamer has occasionally used cannot be relied on though.

Hispano 10mm cannons do little or no damage
Stalingrad texture glitch (bright green) hats appear sometimes.
Smoke effect, although better, there is still black smoke on occasion.

Don’t understand:
Quick chat - follow me or cover me not possible on ps5, attack ABC defend ABC doesn’t seem possible either?

Latest news article said bombers all campaigns, is this part of major update?

More to come over time

just return old quick chat. this one is shit. why do we need to use keyboard if we are in pie menu?


The G43 and especially the G41 is still buggy af. the rifle doesn’t seem to hit an enemy even in close range. compared to all of the allied rifles, the M1 Garand and SVT’s seems to be working flawlessly

How about some incentive to play on the losing side…? They already endure so much abuse.

  • Gray zone tank camping
  • Teamers
  • 0 rally points, excluding the one created by you.
  • Fighting players with higher campaign levels.
  • Lose x0.5 bonus
  • Lose rank points

Why would anyone want to be on the losing side…?

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I think formation and agression options should be moved back to where they were. The Squad selection screen is way too unwieldly

Smoke on tanks, got limited range when not firing from barrel, but is a great addition
and provides covers for attacking team.

Air raids in general yes, thanks we now have a role as pilots, the only thing is maybe bombers should reduce numbers permanently in round if shot down, otherwise there isn’t much point shooting them down really.

Music little intro, headshot sounds very nice.

New campaign levels to grind, it won’t take too long for me as end game, but new content is always welcomed.

Love HMG, maybe buff direction with engineer mg next to make them kinda of worthwhile too?

Stalingrad map is totally awesome thank you, please do give us older map in rotation too, there was nothing wrong with that.

Mortar shell bugfix thank you!

Events, have been fun keep them up. Need lots of customization orders.

A20 missing tail gunner ( logged already)on Tunisia?
Hispano canons on spitfire VC Trop something is really up with these the damage is ridiulous
M8 / M18 both open top, commander very exposed and if we could get a more easy way for the mg’ gunner to survive.
Commo rose has lost a bunch of orders now, the old one allowed us on ps5 to say Follow Me, Cover Me, Yes, No, Attack or Defend ABC

Don’t understand:
Matchmaking sometimes all gold’s vs whites,

Why cant we target bombers with Aa earlier, the aiming reticles appears so late they are almost above you.

Why no customization on Tunisia yet?

That will do for now.

I agree with this point of view. It is unfair for some players who only have primary bolt rifles to match the enemy with multiple gold ranks and carry advanced weapons

Well they have certainly made the tiger a bitch for just about every thing bigger than a 9mm.
Then again it could be the fact that there are so many hacks used in every game that it doesnt matter what you drive a nasty little aimbot will deliver a killer blow from any angle or distance.
Ive said it before and ill say it again SORT OUT THE CHEATING SADBOT WALL HACKERS, ESP’S FRAME HACKS AND AIMBOTS then this game might be worth playing again untill then ill be down loading hell let loose

Ever since the update there’s something wrong with matchmaking, gives really unbalanced teams.

Dislike: Please fix Moscow, you cannot even pen crates, never mind logs, log cabins, I really think it should be rethought a bit, as now you are invulnerable behind a crate!

Maybe different pen values for different weapons please?

Feedback on

Engineers can build with ai less likely to block building, but sometimes they still get in the way
Fixed A20 on Tunisia thank you
Starter music adds something to the scene

Sometimes you spawn in a tank and view messed up
I have a love hate relationship with white phosphorus, sometimes enemy throw more than bullets!
Hispano cannons on Spitfires in Tunisia, Beaughfighter, Tempest - will cause oil and fuel leaks, but structural damage or fires too rare.
Moscow or other campaigns penetration through trees, crates, has this been nerfed on all campaigns?

WP has to be one of the worst additions to the game I’ve seen so far
Its just a molotov but even more cancerous
›Massive AOE smoke cloud
›Goes through walls with the AOE by a very large margin
And like all explosives it can be spammed to the point that you don’t need to use your firearm once
Yet another point of contrition with game balance I have.

Ju-188 gunners are overtuned to absolute hell again

I enjoy the lack of mortar tasks in the battlepass though, that’s a welcome change.

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Oh I forgot to mention
I think the M4A1 76mm HE isn’t functional
M10 is fine
M18 is fine
M4A2 76 in Berlin is fine

But the same exact shots with the M4A1 76 do no damage or any form of AOE unless I hit the person in the chest