Your feedback about last update

I love the heavy machine guns, but we think it can be improved, many players think the engineer building system can be adapted to other squads, if you look at the suggestions section, many players request more options to build bunkers to improve the defense, what I suggest is also to add shields for the machine gun squads and for the infantry and sniper squads

Latest patch feedback:

Don’t like:
Ps5 LoD distance in Tunisia, buildings look black at far distance in a plane, there is more pop-in than before

When on fire in plane, I don’t see any flames when bailing, this is post .92 update

Bullets and Hispanos actually make a difference, this is best change

New regular events, Stalingrad and now Heavy Weapons, getting free stuff is good for f2p which can’t be disregarded.

Less pistols being used by my AI

Don’t understand:
Wood penetration in Moscow, picket fences stop bullets, please rethink penetration as I think it got over nerfed.

Tunisia AI pathing seems a little messed up?

Still waiting for older premium squads to get an engineer. They are useless without them. Also waiting for Italian uniforms to get fixed. Their inaccuracies are insulting.

Also, I really think the 2nd Amphibian Tractor Battalion premium squad needs more crew members as the Japanese 6th Armored Regiment premium squad gets a much larger crew.

The new Axis premium plane for Tunisia being Italian is wonderful. Wrong bomb shown in the 3d model though. The 250 kg bomb definitely doesn’t look like that.

So happy to see as much Italy in Tunisia as possible . Probably will buy when it goes on sale.

Hey @1942786 The engineer with the 35th Infantry Regiment “Pistoia” premium squad does not have the option for Engineer Perks (+40% resources available for buildings and +50% building speed).

I believe this engineer should have the option of selecting those perks. Is it a bug or is he intended to NOT have those perks available?

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Ps5 - feedback for

What I like:
Bullet pen back again. Thank You
Hispano cannon buffs
Flames back on planes
Lots of events to keep us busy, just please don’t force us to play every day, for the good stuff, allow 1-2d

What I don’t like:
Stuka Tailgunners not firing (logged)
Servers seem more laggy
Some bomber formations in Moscow do not defend themselves (logged)

What I don’t understand:
Radio operators in tanks can fire artillery, does this mean if we group up with other people they can jump in and use artillery or if the tank crew itself has radio man position it works, never really tried either!

Lack of people flying in Pacific, such a shame, is it because planes are carrier based, is it because people can’t land and rearm? Or is it just planes are so slow? (Engines too quiet too)

Stuka Cannonvogel added, Tiger to Tunisia
All bombers animated pilots controls please
Bullet holes in planes

Polite Request
Progression soft matchmaking rule doesn’t mean I will see moroccan premiums in Normandy, or people in shorts for allied / axis

Dislike Latest patch:Stuke tailgunners still not fixed on Moscow, Tunisia, makes planes defenseless

Like: Event is really fun, good squad compositions overall, love the gold order weapons in there too.

Latest update:

Paras, both sides on Normandy
Nation specific AA thanks!
New sounds, please keep adding more
New map, still getting used to
Stabilizers nice
Presets, save time
New vehicles and levels on Pacific
You fixed my Mosquito Thank You!

Wheels on Boomerang and other aircraft are down, when you bail, even though I raised them.
Stuka tailgunners not fixed on Moscow and Tunisia

More feedback to come, but love the new update if you could fix these bugs I would be so happy

regarding the paratrooper update:

What i like:

  • paratroopers with airplanes being very well polished and the loadout on ammo cache feature.
  • new faction specific AA
  • new Paratrooper Uniforms in normandy and berlin
  • new presets
  • the slightest adjustment of the fov
  • new japanese tank
  • new event
  • gun stabilizers
  • Ai changes and adjustments
  • new location

what i did not like:

  • the main focus on the update is paratroopers. yet, the only obtainable paratroopers squads are either behind premium squads, or you will have to grind the event. which i’m not particularly against it, it’s beyond my understanding. yes, i get, marketing reasons, but feels a bit… scummy. and yes, i am aware more paratrooper units will come for others nations and campaigns as well, but it’s not very great locking the focus of the update either behind premium or events. mainly for those who do not have time nor money. it would have been cooler to get UK and IT paratroopers for tunisia, or russian paratrooper and germans in any other campaign. which leads to my next dislike:

  • no new levels for other campaigns after months.

  • not much new actual content beside paratroopers and the newer AT as well as the tank for the pacific.

then, we get to my nitpicks.

  • no divisonal patches for the american premium paratroopers squad despite being in the promotional material. or any patches on uniforms for that matter.

  • still no stars, roundels nor crosses in the decals selection for vehicles and aircrafts since the customization has been released.

  • no enhancement nor additions to the customization at all. and tunisia still hasn’t got one to this day

  • no new editor updates nor changes to custom matches

  • no new guides for the editor nor regarding the custom hangar either despite being promoted.

  • mod limits for the portal still are missleading. often causing mods heavier than 3 mb to not fully load or cause issues in the flow of a game. let alone the fact that 10 mbs are not enough for people that makes map from scratch.

-entities.blk still does not work for multiplayer mods.

  • the replay system still does not allow for vertical shots.

In conclusion

for how much i somewhat like this update…
it’s thin and doesn’t have alot of content for all factions nor new levels or campaigns in general.
nor most awaited features or cosmetics
which it’s somewhat understandable, given the merge importance.
but not ideal for those who are not interested in paratroopers in general.

and the editor is still pretty much the same.

so yeah, a 5/10.
not in a negative way.

but very happy for the rest such as bug fixes and what not.
i just wished there was somewhat more.


The servers are markedly worse to the point it feels like 200ms CBT gameplay when I’m sub 60ms
Please do your best to fix this!

Type 4 is now just a marginally worse M1 in every way, which is historically accurate. This doesn’t really justify the M2 Carbine as the peer weapon, but ignoring that, this is a fantastic change, a viable 10-round semiauto for Japan.

EDIT: Fix doesn’t appear to be fully formed; the damage dropoff is severe compared to even lower hitpower rifles.

I don’t know very well how the reward ‘For contribution for the victory’ works, but thanks very much :smiley: I try my best for the victory, even not getting much points, when I got this reward I understood that in someway the gameplay can understand the effort.

The game’s maps often have unnaturally raised terrain around the play area, and so do the new map. I would like you to use Google Earth and realize you need to fix the maps. Furthermore, I would like you to correct the placement of unnatural objects. For example, barbed wire fences wrapped around flak guns in front of the Reichstag and chairs with broken legs in intact rooms of the mansion. Please fix these. I love this game, but I can’t accept these incongruities.

Please give us more news in regards to what will happen to Premium, official news on extra squad slots, and for those that were already maxed in campaigns. what will happen?

Bots still get stuck very easily in many places and needs to be fixed (get stuck in rally because of sandbags for example)

so many answers still left unanswered

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Downloaded new mini update, but still Stuka Tailgunners not fixed in Moscow, Tunisia, they work in Berlin and Stalingrad!?!

After the last update:

I like:
-new units
-More barrels doing daka daka daka

what i don’t like:
-The flight time of the airborne aircraft is too short
-No marker on airborne aircraft

What I like

  • Progression length
  • (Berlin) On the mid game, berlin feels quite enjoyable to play and level up. I feel like i have proper time to explore my options.
  • Comunity is quite friendly.
  • Individual Squad XP is quite fine
  • I love the key binding system / Customization. It’s amazing :green_heart:
  • Mantle Parkour is something I didn’t know I liked until now. you can climb the entire map! and get crazy spots.
  • With so much ambient noise, I can relax back and tune my favourite songs without being concerned of footsteps.

What I don’t like

  • Progression feels really slow on early levels (berlin)
  • The power play between levels is a little too big, Specially with vehicles at the point that engaging feels like a last ditch effort to take the enemy. Maybe it would be cool if the game had a Level Matchmaking. or a Team level balancing as sometimes it feels too hard or too easy.
  • I am Personally not too keen on losing rank on deserting, specially for such unbalanced games. This leads me to frustration sometimes. And me wanting to search ways to AFK the game without getting kicked.
  • Sometimes Ping is broken.
  • ( Lighting ) When looking at a dark envrioment while on the light, you just see darkness. even tho Light actually bounces into the building. maybe the outside is overexposed.
  • Sometimes the game likes to have low contrast, sometimes the game likes to have high contrast.
  • Can’t Buffer an Artillery Attack when an ally has already one and I am already on the map screen (leading me to then go back to repeatedly spam the button to send another one)
  • It would be cool if I could choose what squads I want to use before the start of a match, after knowing what map and mode I am gonna play.
  • There’s no Button priority, so when using 2 bindings at the same time, the game glitches and performs the two at the same time. for example Mounting and Healing will mount and instantly cancel mount to heal.
  • Movement is glitchy and sluggish. glitchy in a way that hurts the player, specially while manteling, Id rather clip trough objects than getting stuck while manteling.
  • Sometimes I might have someone right infront of me on a somewhat dull envrioment but I can’t see them due to lighting issues.
  • Your personal Score feed is quite glitchy and doesn’t display Points/Kills correctly when received on large amounts, Mostly from bombers or Artillery.
  • Picking up guns is really finicky and I usually look like I am searching for my own glasses :eyeglasses:
    They could really benefit from a bigger hitbox, but that doesn’t really fix it because when there are multiple guns in the ground I grab the wrong one half of the time.
  • I REALLY hate that secondary / primary guns dissapear when someone dies.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Block Feature
  • Gun Impact Power isn’t as straight forward to understand, how much is it a kill? 100?
  • Not sure how the Challenge Degrade works. I’ve seen some challenges degrade overtime and I am not sure how to prevent that.
  • Inconsistant Realism. Some stuff
  • Engeneer Materials are no apparent, I usually just build until the game just happen to tell me I cant.
  • XP system is quite hard to understand. The math behind the base XP is not really shown after the end of a match.
  • Some of the keybindings aside from the base, strafe a bit too much from similar games of the genre
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The game encourages you to commit suicide quite often.

To play with the squad you want

What you like:

• New map modes
• Effects visual
• Correction in vehicles

What you don’t like:

• Don’t give xp when protecting the team while taking down bombing planes
• Didn’t fix the bug that you can only move the tank commander’s machine gun when opening the hatch
• Having previously lowered the damage and now timed the Phosphorus Grenade
• Events will only be squad mode

What is not too easy to understand:

• When a soldier is in water, he is soaked, which protects him from fire for 30 seconds
• The fact that they still haven’t corrected the error of the Normandy axis engineer to build the MG34 instead of the MG42 as it was before, after adding the best weapon of the Americans to browning for their engineer you decide to change the best weapon of the axis for a bad one
• Have they changed the anti-aircraft weapons, before everyone used the axis weapon because it was good and now that they have added new ones they decided to remove the axis weapon
• The fact of the difference in level to get the “Jumbo” tank from the allies in Normandy and the “Tiger” from the axis in Normandy, both of which are heavy tanks and face difficulties face to face, because with the “Panzer IV” assigned at the equivalent level it is impossible to destroy or block damage against the “Jumbo”, and even the posterior of the “Jumbo” being the “M4A2” is less efficient than the previous one

Feedback on


  • already feedback, but people having to re- ready up, squad page cannot start game, but looks same, always gets me.

Team choice, gameplay type is too small I think.

Most vehicles and planes new background looks nice

New Paras are awesome on Normandy, but should have stens and piat as M1 bazooka is unable to pen and medium end game tanks (please give Red Devils 1st Airbourne at some point)

Hispanos cannons seem bugged again, tempest and spitfires on Tunisia.

Premium Hurricaine with 40mm cannons don’t pen tanks on Tunisia.

Soldiers feet on squad screen look a little strange? (Restart did not resolve)

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