Your feedback about last update

Please brighten the icons/shields that denote which upgrades have been completed vs those that are not; right now it’s difficult to always easily tell which ones I’ve completed, what with sparks, haze and smoke going on. The previous flat colored background and the icon turning white was just fine.

Also, when i first open a squads upgrade, it does not instantly tell me if the entire tree is upgraded, it only gives the initial icon’s status. If I start to click through the tree it then tells me. I don’t want to have to click an icon every single time I open a squad upgrade section; I want to be able to tell if I have and move on to the next.


the research icons for squads, for me aren’t so easy to identify immediately, which are researched and which aren’t yet, they need to be differentiated easier faster. also make split lines in research tree more obvious, thicker brighter white line maybe

also change to “AVAILABLE upgrade points” or somehow make it easier to notice at a glance available points/cost, on the upgrade screen, if I’m having a little trouble to notice everything then I imagine that new players have more trouble with it all

very nice that picture is added for research weapon/vehicle, but it needs to be interactive, why wouldn’t it be??

a bit off topic but, i’ve been playing for about 2 months and whaled hard, i’d have about 12 german premium and reward squads all together, +2 for tunisia, ofc they would be different battle tears when the tech tree update hits but still, it’s ridiculously low the squad space available, i would suggest that there be 2 separate rows one for normal squads and one for premium / special squads, since there are events after events and if somene plays regularily he can rake up plenty of reward squads like flakpanzer, paratroopers etc.

and of course, the traditional rant about you having to click the bullshit button for each daily stage, that needs to be picked up automatically once requirements are met, it’s complete bullshit, i understand that you are trying to get people to play regularily but i don’t see what having to click on the “get reward” button daily helps anyone in any way. also maybe make it that you can complete a few more stages during the weekend since some people are too busy

overall i’d say it looks OK, in the future though weapon and vehicle tears must be very obvious to spot, maybe different colored squares around the weapons for each level or something, or stars or something

Thanks for making the anti-aircraft guns cool. I hope the changes are not just in my mind. I hope you will clean up the car next time. When I see a rusty car, I feel like I have lost the battle before I even started fighting.

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Pacific ladders not working on pier, can’t remember map name.

Wheels still show as down when jumping out of plane even though they were raised when flying.

Hispanos seem weak again? On Tempest and Spitfire

Like: AA is better, now just practice…

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@1942786 can you confirm that this is still a thread you go to?

I have three things that are apparent in the state of the game here before the major meta change, that will still need to get fixed.

1: The BA-11 premium tank still can’t go over 15km/hr. I saw a patch where a lot of tanks got realistic speed, but the BA-11 didn’t and needs it. It’s so light it is one of the few things going for it.

2: we need to be able to switch to tailgunner positions on planes that have them. Breda 88 or Pe-2 as examples. Right now the guns are useless. The AI gunners are useless.

3: Old premium squads that don’t have an engineer MUST be given an engineer. They are absolutely worthless without them. Furthermore, they will be even MORE worthless when their weapons are no longer unique as the game evolves and grows.

Thanks for the time.

  1. I like the AI improvement, anything improve the CORE gameplay is great(did the Devs forget this game promote SQUAD mode as core feature?)

  2. I don’t like all the bugs, glitches, hitbox issue, balance, matchmaking(inexistent), the rigged Booster pairing, the RNG of this game with event reward, the AI and its infamous pathfinding… there is a lot, but if I need to pick one, anything related to the AI, those things needs to improve ASAP, you can’t kill the CORE feature of the game with every update and expect people happy with it

  3. I don’t understand how you guys works as a devs team, is there playtesting before you guys launch an update? This is serious question, modder please, help the playerbase and stop muting everyone talking about it, is real concern


What you like

*I like this game less and less.

What you don’t like

*I don’t like the direction of the game. I don’t like that there are more and more bugs with each update.
Bullets flying through enemies, some RNG quietly introduced?

What is not too easy to understand

*I don’t understand why the invasion mode hasn’t introduced the time to open the next point yet.
Enemies run into the point with impunity because the defenders do not have time to prepare.

So either you will put the position of the next defense on the map, or you will introduce the mechanic that the next point will show up to the attackers after 1min.

The update is tragic. You can’t defend the point because the only thing that currently has no problem with dealing damage is the flamethrower.

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Update: -Ps5

Don’t like:

Darkened screen and changes so all players on team have blue icon, it was much easier to distinguish between people in group and public players before.

IL10 and 188 Tailgunners still broken

Gunsight on Berlin G14 Premium is misaligned and no longer in center.

Engineers for old premiums
Regular MEABP updates

Don’t understand:
Why not sharing BRs for Progression changes as yet? Or mentioning anything about customs?

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What you like

Doing the 5000k points whenever I want, without limits, thats awesome I feel like i actually have an incentive to play and i also have breather room to enjoy life!

What you don’t like

  • Deserter penalty, seriously is cringe and ruins my mental sanity.
    Normandy paratroopers

What is not too easy to understand

  • Realism in the game is very inconsistant

With inconsistant realism I mean

why the secondary weapons disapear on death?
why I can’t pick up ammo from the same gun?
even if I am using the right type of soldier, why I can’t pick up their corresponding special weapon even if they are on the floor?

And why I keep glitching into every fence?


What I like:

AI improvements are noticeable, now please ensure bots follow us (climb walls, go through same windows we do)

Last event and the ability to earn more than one level and do it in our own time .

What I don’t like:

Commander zoom needs to be reinstated please, this makes our commander work harder, pop out and use binocs,increases risk of getting shot.

Wheels still showing as down even though up in Pacific

Moscow Rocket tank zoom broken ( on CBR)

New map is great, not so keen on pure premium new additions

unless you balance the game it its almost impossible to advance its that simple what don’t you understand
? For example I’m lvl 4 v lvl who knows? They are all generals to marshalls who have everything per their squads I get a get a few kills but not 130 they managed cos they are not facing us with similar abilities were just canon fodder that’s all artillery n bombers v a rifle nah I’m done with your game back to moh or cod your no where near it -

also the tanks are also impossible to control they wont maneuver they don’t turn prop they get stuck in trenches lol they can pass thru a tram berlin their utterly useless
they are not at all like war thunder tanks they cant even kill infantry running at face on the mg

Literally a major component of the massive meta change coming very soon

another thing is demotion why is your team getting massacred cos is so unbalanced that u punish the players so from captain to sgt cos we lost utter stupidity I woa an award best radio but got demoted - then I get 2nd place as sgt n dotn even win anything

the change better come fast sgts versus major generals means ill delete it are u trying to get people to delete it or play it cos right now due to demotions due to the other team having so much higher lvls of equipment I’m not bothering with it until you fix it - cos one bomber & artilley and guys with lmgs wipe the team out in under 8 mins -pacific I gave it go 4 defeats reasons unbalced game 5 high ranking players v sgts nah
I’m done

I like it when you maintain the status quo
I am relatively satisfied with the current game game still has many serious imbalances but now these problems can be accepted and changed
I really don’t like you’re going merge
I don’t understand why you’re want to merge I think this is very bad you’d better not do this
If you’re plan to make huge changes to the game content no matter what then I probably won’t want to continue playing your game
Last but not least I’m not targeting anyone but I’m asking your the development team to think about whether you should make a huge game change like merging which is really not good.

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What I like:

Continued development being great.
Powerful bolt actions.

What I don’t like:

Not enough premium 9 riflemen bolt action squads. Need. Moar. Premmy. Bolties.

hey i thought the mod suppose to close this form already what going on here

like why close the bp one that i comment on but keep this one up a bit sus ngl

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sand bag glitch troops spawn and u have to climb out of a sand bag empaceemnt the troops get stuck u can get them out unless u can break the sand bags but it wont let you

demotion must be removed how can I get the 1 slot in a game lose the battle but get no rewards and get demoted at the same time if on the side of low-level team versus generals who have everything apart from an atomic bomb common man that is harsh coming firs tin your own team deserves a something but cos we loose over all due to the total imbalance of the two sides your penalised 2x that’s unfair and needs to be stopped