Your feedback about last update

Dear Devs,
Thank you for making enlisted better place.

I Wanted to kindly ask you in matter of option to lock custom battle room only for invited player.
We are band of player who arrange time to time our Czech community custom battles.
And we struggle with problem of joining of random players instead of ours ones.
It would be really helpful to have option to make a room private.

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[quote=“Keofox, post:1, topic:4291”]
What you like

What you don’t like

What is not too easy to understand

when u will do something with bots terrible behavior ?

What I like

plane fighting and gun modeling

What I don’t like

plane crash on purpose after one run
literally zero damage to enemy plane with bf109 g-6 until I hit pilot
using whole ammo on enemy plane and someone get score by shooting a single rifle shot


I would very much ask for password options in custom games, we play custom games every saturday in our czech community and sometimes there is no room for our friends to join us, becouse random guys take it.

Also more then 20 people in game would be nice, but password is priority for us.

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Wheres the voice chat?

What you like

*improved AI



What you don’t like

*That I can’t scrap or get rid of extra mortars or even the flamethrowers when I got the random weapon in logistics.

*Airfield is always hard for allies trying to capture the first hanger

*AI can see where I am shooting from at a distance when sniping and getting one shot by them

*dying from arty strike when I am prone in some buildings no where near the doors or windows

What is not too easy to understand

*if there a button to use the back gunner on airplanes or if that isn’t a feature on there?

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Please view this feedback.

Give back the Random Weapon Chest, or you might aswell, get rid of bronze medals…

why you get silver orders for free now. And you use bronze orders to upgrade your equipment now

You have to do challenges to unlock silver orders or by playing matches and get the points to get them.

As for your spare bronze orders,
you seem not to understand what to do with it, but prefers to waste them on a random chance loot box, now you can upgrade the guns with your hard earned bronze orders.


You seem to have the illusion that you can buy silver orders effortless, which is strange since you could always unlock it without paying.

And never any had gifted out for free, you always have to work for it by playing matches or putting effort into the challenges. The only thing to get more faster is by buying the season/elite pass.
and even than you have to get challenges to unlock silver orders.

Hello, may I recommend to add some mechanics like while we are parachuting from our plane we can control our parachute like going left right forward and many more since during the game I see that pilots that successfully bail out from their planes that is destroyed they are siting ducks from enemy fires since they can’t control their parachute. Thank you

Not regarding current update, but all of them since Berlin Alpha test in april 2020.

this is something that actually makes me sad to see in my favorite campaign in the game.


its a last ditch weapon made for Volksturm soldiers, Semi auto only, placed on a Submachine gun class only… makes absolutly no sence to have it only as an assaulter weapon…

why vg1-5 ( a semi auto rifle) is limited to assaulters only? and doesnt work like the m1 carbine in Invasion of normandy, where most soldier types can equip it?

Topic with some Explanation around it:

-why would a player choose a vg1-5 on a assaulter over: mp3008, mk36/III , erma EMP 1944, baretta m38 40 rounds, mp40 , mp35/I ?

-this last ditch weapon made for volkssturm soldiers avaiable only on assaulters makes no sence on Batle of Berlin, where this kind of weapons should apear more…

-Can we have the option to equip it on diferent Soldier types:

-Troopers, Radio man, bombers, flametrowers , mortar soldiers, can Already equip G43’s, Fg42, Fg42/II, g43 Kurz… why cant , they equip a less powerfull rifle

-why is VG1-5. semi auto weapon , limited to a class that can have SMG’s equiped in them?

Please, let us equip VG1-5 on other soldier types besides Assaulters.

Sem título
^ This is not a Submachine Gun. ITS A SEMI AUTO WEAPON! like m1 Carbine, like g43, like SVT, like m1 Garand.



Make it a Semi auto avaiable to other classes and not a Submachine gun - Assaulter Weapon only

exacly like the Gewehr 43, SInce, its a semi auto weapon only.
Sem título

again: more about it here :


Since when do soldiers throw grenades by themself? THEY SHOULD NEVER EVER DO THAT!!!
Grenades are vital weapons in tricky situations and should be only used by the player. Its terrible when you have only a few few seconds to throw one, swith to another soldier and find out that he has dumped his one anywhere! Stop AI use grenades!!!

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I knew you could get them through challenges but I’ve no respect for that method or the people who think it’s a good method. Playing the game and being useful to your team should be good enough and your focus should be on that in the first place.


I feel a voice chat would have the potential to turn this game toxic. It is in my opinion a very good move leaving that out

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FPS are generally toxic wastelands. I agree

As long as i can find 20 different sites that publish hacks, there is nothing worth to improve with this useless anticheat.
At least all 3 matches at least 2 cheaters. Really? Do not develop anything until you can provide a CLEAN GAME without cheaters. If you cant do this, all cosmetic changes make absolut no sense, because nobody who like good games is WASTING his gaming time in a cheater sandbox.

Hey @1942786 I know I’ve been saying stuff like this a lot, but I still think it isn’t too late.

Some of us players were talking over on this thread Carcano M1891 with Tromboncino M43 grenade launcher

We were discussing using this weapon to REPLACE the Kar 98 with the grenade launcher instead of being an unlock. A lot of us would love to see this, in general. We KNOW Germany has to be part of the campaign for Tanks and light machine guns, but anything at all that can be done to get rid of other German stuff is great. Give Italy a REAL campaign, not a half-way one. IDK how to do this straight replacement might anger people and there is swapping of weapons between campaigns. Heck, just be super nice, add the new stuff and allow the German stuff to be swappable to other German campaigns or turned into really good orders. Just bite the bullet, IDK what your cashflow looks like, but this could be an opportunity. Or make an event, something. But there is waaaaay too much Germany in the Italian Campaign and that needs to get fixed.


That reminds me of something I would like to see them add the ability to use the grenade sights on the grenade throwers.

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and dont forget the Premium Squad Places, they need their own Placeholders. I did pay for them and cant take them with me into Battle.

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