Your feedback about last update

Fun fact: The grind is still really bad even with premium, its just slightly less bad

Also, other than faster grind the premium squads dont really give you an advantage over regular squads, they are even quite a bit worse than maxed free squads (except for maybe the mg 13 and maxim squads)

I like each update on game mechanics, these last few big updates made me come back and play again!

I don’t like the fact you removed random weapon cache and now the only way to buy weapons or some items is through silver…for 8 teams its really hard to gear up them.

Why I have to grind 100-200 hours to acquire the real gameplay, I’m getting bored on the road!? Not funny to fight FG42s, PPSHs…etc… with stones and sticks and fot the love of god WHAT SHOULD I BUY FROM BRONZE NOW???

Fix this bs please! You are giving us a masterpiece game and holding it back until we work hard to finally get bored of it? Why is it a great business plan??? Someone help me understand this bs please, thanks!

Anyone else been having graphical issues sense last patch?

I disagree with this statement the Stug III is pretty good everything else as far as premium units go is pretty trash.

Also, Firefly is pretty good it bodies my Stug III pretty hard if I don’t get a disabling hit on the first shot.

thats fair, i didnt really consider vehicles when i wrote that

The main thing with both is the skill ceiling which I think is appropriate we don’t need a newb buying a premium and being a top tier player with one swipe of mama’s credit card.

Another deceivingly good premium tank with practice and skill.


Okay time to pit in a couple of my own thoughts as to where we are currently in game.


Reload Animation of guns loading from 2 chargers. I know this is already in this thread a lot but I figure it never hurts to ask as well to know its important to us.

StuG III G Premium - This needs its MGs. Historical TD after 1942 had a shield protected MG on its roof that the loader used, and the late production ones had a co axial mount as well.

Premium Squads - I can’t add more to this than what @Shiivex has suggested but I wanted to say that I would like this as well, to have us able to customize and add regular soldiers with regular weapons to these squads.

Seelow Heights - The train has a huge amount of stuttering right now when its moving, and I have even fallen through its floors when it has started moving.

M2 Carbine - The sights need a QoL pass to make them not as crowded. Its a decent gun ruined by the sight picture.

Det Packs - Remove the Grenade Throw perk from effecting this weapon and limit it to 1 per solider.

Mortar Squads - Add the ability to include the squad level Mortar to regular 9 person infantry squads, retool the Mortar only squads to the larger support mortars. I.e. the 50mm German mortar goes to any 9 person squad that wants to add one as a specialist, and the 80mm Mortar becomes the new dedicated squad. Further to that, smoke rounds please. One of the most common rounds to be carried in tandem to HE rounds was smoke and then illumination (star shells).

Tunisian TD - Please add HE if possible.

Tunisia - M1918 SMG and Mannlicher 1895 would be a much better addition to this campaign. Gives it something more Italian and unique than the regular Wehrmacht weapons we already grinder 3 times over.

Moscow - Beretta M38 30RD magazine would be welcome , or the addition of the ZK 383.

AT guns - you already fixed Rally Points and made it so they are less subject to deviation in the ground terrain, we need the same pass done on AT guns to make them more viable. These were usually used IRL as ambush weapons, so variety of placement will be paramount to their success.


StuG III in all campaigns available. This iconic TD/Assault gun was present since 1940. Its inclusion would be a welcome change from the multitude of similar vehicles we already have to unlock.

Better engineer deployable AA (37mm, Bofors 40mm etc). I would like for players that have to choose on only 1 vehicle slot have the option if they choose tank to still get a hard counter to planes via their engineer squads.
Limit the depression so its really only effective against infantry on the second story and up on a building.

Halftacks/APCs - Add , with a 7 or 9 man basic infantry squad. Make them their own separate Mecanized Squad with a hard limit of 1 per side (like how motorcycle squads are their own unique class).
This would give us some excellent flanking troops and to be used to rapidly respond to situations on the battlefield.

Better AT guns. Have Engineer I squads build one class of AT gun, and Engineer II squads be able to build better ones, either via ammo type like the Tungsten Cored rounds, or through Caliber.

(Controversial Suggestion) - Add new Automatic Rifleman class as a specialist trooper with a hard cap on how many per squad. Limit them to the Battle Rifles as their primary weapon, and see if this helps cut down on the FG42/AvS etc threads.

New Squad Type - Recon Squad, with Binoculars that put a circle on the map for a set period of time that then marks all enemies that come through that circle (think Artillery Circle) , add a cooldown and limit to one circle per side active at a time. Limit squad size to 5 troops.

New Weapon (this is just a personal one now, so I know it won’t be added but I love the BA play in this game so).
Swiss K31 weapon for a 9 person Infantry Squad as Premium.

Tanks - Hull MG usable by the crew via manual control. This would be a very welcome addition IMO.

At weaponry- Dedicated AT Mines (Magnetic) , Thrown (panzerwurfenmine). Etc.

That is all for now that I have compiled and can think to list. Thank you for reading, and hopefully you can take some of these suggestions to heart.

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Was just gonna drop in to add some stuff now that I have digested the new content for a bit and lo and behold I see this:

Couldn’t agree more. The Semovente is good in game. I enjoy it and it is definitely an improvement over earlier vehicles. But it sucks compared to the Grant I, which is the equivalent in the Allied campaign. It needs all the reasonable buffs it can get. HE for sure. But I think it could also use a small buff to the reload rate and a roof MG. Bring this thing in line with the Grant as much as possible. We all know it is going to be German tanks from here on out… so make the Italian “top tank” as good as possible please.

For the infantry weapons, as discussed many many times, there is a long list of weapons that are purely Italian that can and, in my opinion, MUST be added. These are just a couple, I strongly encourage you to engage with @50063938 as he works at an Italian War Museum and has access to a lot of less heard of weapons that are purely Italian.

On a related note, now that shotguns are a thing again perhaps Italy has a WW1 or WW2 shotgun?

Finally, now that you added the super cool Italian Tanker Leather Jackets. Perhaps the premium tanks squad “XIV Tank Battalion “M”” could use them. They would still look unique with the feathers in the helmet and blue coveralls underneath.

Oh I see lots of cool stuff too here for rare firearms. I’ll take a look and see.
I only picked those two firearms because they are modeled and in game, so to switch the asset around from other campaigns to Tunisia would be a very quick thing to do.

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Italian Army didn’t use Shotguns so that is out.

Italy did make two main flamethrowers. And the Modello 41 came in an ASSAULT version (Lighter also just sounds better.)

Mortars they only have one that would work Brixia Model 35. A 45mm man portable mortar that would be perfect.

The Beretta Model 1918 in game is incorrect, that was only semi-auto. A few fully auto ones were built, generally referred to as the Bigrillo. However there is a Mod 30 to the 1918 that puts the magazine underneath that would make a cool semi-auto weapon.

There is also, of course the Model 38 that is in other campaigns that should come.

Light Machine Guns, there are no other man portable ones, BUT they did use the French FM24/29 which would be nice.

There are many many versions of the Carcano that could come in various calibers and such.

There is also a ton of modifications to the M1918, and many prototype weapons.

Italy made several armed motorcycles and tricycles.

And countless things for aircraft.

I just bring it up. we have too much German stuff already and for LMG and Tanks we MUST get more German stuff. WOuld love to see as much Italian stuff as possible otherwise.

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I ill keep asking for ways to add more soldiers on our premium squads every time I see fit

Exacly like normal squads but only 4 soldiers gain extra xp and exacly the same compositions like normal squads or, Atleast add an engineer… Atleast an engineer…

untill either they do it or they state why not.

This is trully the only thing I trully hate in enlisted.

Discusting. We pay, to have something inferior overall gameplay wise. Extra xp is nice sure. But ffs any free 2 play squad with more soldiers is superior.

I don’t want p2w squads like the MG in Moscow, 5 MGs in the same. Squad is beyond broken. And who ever think about that should be fired.

Balance the squads ffs, we pay the cost of a game for them, and I couldn’t care less about the price if I did got something more worth in return.

4 assaulters, at 50 euros, just for 100% xp, is inferior to a 7 man squad with 4 smgs 1 engineer, 1 bomber and 1 MG.

Ayy day of the week the second (max free 2 play squad) will give you more options to get the same, if not more xp.

Sad Shiivex is sad.

Remind me to ask for this after next update. Coz I ill.


As I said in my post Shiivex, I am behind you 100% on this request.
There is no logical reason to not have it.


Thank you very much for taking the time to read my feedback,
I’ll really appreciate it if this gets picked up and gets to realization some day.
Would your team please update me on this topic, thank you in advance for the effort.

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Sorry i forgot to add you, yust in case you miss out on it, if more reply’s get posted here.
@Keofox Your feedback about last update - #1656 by 114550298

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my feedback,
I’ll really appreciate it

Love the new pistol changes.

it feels a little weird to me.

I don’t shoot guns Irl so I couldn’t tell you that grouping is.

with the revolver I landed 2 of 6 on the bullseye I’ve never used the revolver too