Your feedback about last update

What I like:
New uniforms for italien tank crew!!!
New map variations
What I suggest:
More uniform variation
“Knochensack”-Uniform for German Fallschirmjäger Premium squad
Add more quick chat commands:

  • Need smoke
  • Smoke is coming on this position

What I don’t like:
No more MG zoom at stationary MGs.
Add zoom back and instead add ammunition limit (3 belts a 250 rounds) and overheating barrel.

is the MG bug a bug? or is that intentional with the zoom?

Yeah, I can see your point now. A lot easier when someone can explain their view without screaming at me and insulting everyone who doesn’t fully agree.
My original point was mostly just a light suggestion. (And was mostly started by a misunderstanding, as Shiivex’s original comment was half-assed and poorly written.) I only got so ‘adamant’ after Shiivex started trowing around an entire mine’s worth of salt.

As long as everything is ok now, I’m all good :slight_smile: I truly hope they will review premiums to make them more useful without making them pay to win, as they are fun to use.

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I m Portuguese, maybe it’s the way we speak that’s somehow direct.
Wasn’t even the intention to insult if I even did that.

Maybe. But you certainly did. Your comments felt like a bag of salt sprinkled with insults and baked with a burning hatred against me.
And I tend to get very defensive and personal against people who speak like that.
So let’s just put this behind us and move on. No reason to continue.

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The New mine suggestion is good ,but dont make the AT mines more noticable

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That is what i was about to say. Making them more noticeable will be an unnecessary nerf

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What I like:
AI is better, sounds are great in the game
What I… propose:
Plane wrecks should remain on the map after crash like tanks
Similarly bodies… they still dissapear after a while
Killing 7 with a granade in the point should give more score (its an example, I mean there should be revision of some "tactical important" actions. I know its not easy, but sometime heroism is not the biggest kill rate)

What I like:

The tank changes are great, it always seemed weird to me that on Moscow you could only resupply on the Mansion conquest map.

What I noticed:

This is a fairly minor thing, but in one of the last patches the clipping on sandbag walls became very strict. I don’t know if this was done to defeat a particular exploit, but it’s made it impossible to create a seamless fighting position. I liked how it was before because you didn’t leave any holes in your defenses, now it just looks weird. This also goes for the Engineer II machine-gun nest, you can’t properly cover the flank.

I would also suggest removing the ability to knock the MG off the sandbags. It takes so much time and so many points to build and soldiers are already incredibly vulnerable to just about everything while standing in a static position. What ends up happening against any half-decent opponent is that after spending ~30 seconds building it you use it for ~10 seconds and then the gun is sniped off. I think it’s enough that the soldier manning the MG can be sniped. The sandbag wall the gun sits on is also pretty straightforward to destroy, which is fine.

A third piece of feedback is that it’s currently too easy to strip all the defences off of a capture point. I’m specifically thinking about barbed wire, but it goes for just about everything else including mines. In the absence of reliable markers players tend to dump all their artillery strikes and plane bombing runs right on the objective, and generally this destroys any defenses that were built up there. While I definitely think that attackers should be able to reliably tear down defenses, I think it would be better if this was mostly done through tanks and explosive packs, i.e. direct player action instead of indirect. I can counter tanks and engineers rushing the point, and to a certain extent planes, but I can’t counter artillery strikes.

Just making things like barbed wire survive 2-3 artillery hits instead of 1 (while remaining vulnerable to tank cannons and explosive packs) would make it a lot more practical to fortify positions.

I realize this is a delicate matter of balance, but currently it’s a lot more effective to just rush all the way to the edge of the grey zone with SMG squads in defense than fortifying.


As far as I know, 2-crew planes are still pointless. You can’t switch to the gunner seat, your AI gunner does not fire and your AI gunner does not bail out with you when your pilot continues the fight on the ground. Please add these features in, or take the gunner position out completely. It’s like having a limb you cannot use.

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Apparently the extra crew member gives you more xp (or so I’ve heard, haven’t done any research on it myself). But yeah, actual gunners would be nice.


Was a skill based matchmaking introduced in one of the most recent updates?

Until recently, I used to win more than 80% of my matches in Tunisia on Allied side.
However for the last few days, I keep losing every single match, not by playing badly or ineffectively, but by having only 1 or 2 other players making some difference, while the rest is totally ineffective.

Since I never had this before in such an amount of matches, it would be good to learn whether Skill based matchmaking has been introduced to Enlisted.

The last two matches I took screenshots to underscore my point:

My feedback is really from about 2 months ago. My husband and I both play in our own Xbox s but for the past 2 month it hasnt been letting us squad up. A message pops up saying failed to join. We can join other people but we cant join each other. Please help we really enjoy this game.

why if i shoot 1 bullet on g41, johnson rifle, wz.39 etc and i reload, the game reloads 10 bullets and not just 1…

Please consider the shotguns to be equiped on plane soldiers.

Please consider vg1-5 (batle of berlin) to be equiped on other types of soldiers rather only on assaulters since its a semi auto inferior to any smg in the game right now.


it’s that time where i can finally give my general feedbacks about the last 10 updates.
( i’m sorry, had much to do in real life, and didn’t had much time. plus, wanted to take my time to discuss it without missing something, and put more words to my thoughts ).

to begin with, it’s going to be a somewhat positive feedback. does not lack of adressing controversy and things that i don’t like though. without further do, let’s start:

What I like:

  • shotgun buff
    finally. after many, many months, shotguns are finally usable now

  • battle start timer
    finally, in 20 seconds we can gather many more players and somewhat spare pre entively quitters.

  • new silver order system for weapon and soldiers

  • cross platform squads:
    finally, pc and console players can play together in a squad
    took long enough, but hey it’s now here :slight_smile:

  • bayonetts event for all factions

  • new downing sound pain of the soldiers
    in my opinion, a great addition. too bad that the voices aren’t related to the faction voices. would have been much cooler if the russians had their own downed noises, same for the germans, and all the others.

  • smoke artillery for all campaigns

  • the ability to replenish anti tank ammo and mg gun nest with engys for construction points

  • final adress for silver orders
    took long enough, but finally has come.

    fixed and much smoother weapons dropped on the floor from enemies/friendlys, and now it’s much easier than it used to. ( also, no more mg42 by simply drop the mg 34 and take it back like it used to in the alpha :joy: )

  • new voice lines for majority of the characters ( as war cry, spotting enemies, and self over callouts )

  • bp changes

  • Fiery november update

  • radious changes of rally points
    no more rush from 3 meters from the objective. this one made mathes abit longer and interestring.

  • enemy spawns arrow on the map which helps new players to understand where the enemies come from

  • new engineer tutorial

  • new smooth camera free visual reset
    so it’s not that hars switch camera no more :smiley: !

  • flametroopers buff
    those guys, really need it. love to see it.

  • new passive behavior model
    can’t really say much about it in terms of gameplay, but those have been very usefull for one of my upcoming cinematic serie. even usefull if you have to cross and sneak behind enemy positions.

  • vehicle armor analysis.
    it’s to the bare bones, but it kinda helps alittle to understand opponents armor.
    just wished for a angled armor analysis as well.

  • parachute mechanic
    i was skeptical at the beginning, but i quite like it.

  • new weekly challenges
    i was skeptical about those as well, glad that i turned out to be wrong. it’s breath of frash air. easy to make them, not too much invasive and can be completed within a few matches and continued the next day.

  • all the new missions and invasions added to the game.
    ( there are many of them which i’d have to include, but to not make it longer than needed for those who read, i just wanted to let you know that i loved all of them )

  • new gold order vehicles and maps

  • new train mode
    new gamemodes in general are always awelcomed

  • trees and fireworks for the christmas and new year.

and lasts but not least,

  • all the fixes
    as before like the missions, i can’t name them all. but those aren’t unoticed either. at least, not for me.

  • love and dedication from the devs team
    i often like many others, tends to not say this more than we should,
    thank all of you for the amazing work and dedication that you each day putted behind enlisted.
    from now one, it has a bright futures. it just need a bit more of tuning, and polishing.

now, it’s time to pass at the:

Things that i don’t like:

unfortunately, i’ll start by saying that this section is also larger like the above. i’ll start by major issues that i find the most annoying/serious one, for than escalate with the smaller ones that are based mainly on preferences rather than… as a whole.

  • semi auto nerf
    i’ll start by saying that, nerfing semi auto guns perhaps was necessary. and it would have been fine if it wasn’t that both the nerf it self, and the explanation behind made no sense what so ever.
    so, in the team, you had to nerf the semi autos. perhaps i’m a bit biased as i mostly use them, but that’s not the point. it would have been much better to increase the recoil, reload speed, or to the very least, make them innacurate after 100 meters.
    but instead, we got a rate of fire nerf. making it very impossible to use it in close quarters ( berlin, or even moscow ) where you have 6 to 10 guys in front of you, but you will inevitable die because you shot much less faster than a turtle in a rabbit race. and what i found really frustrating and somewhat, outrage, were the explanations behind. " it’s not realistic " yet, i remember so many people linking videos of people that were able to fire a semi auto gun that faster.

and all of this, for the next point:

  • fgs, fgs II, m2s, and any unconventional weapon given for " free " at all soldiers despite their rarity.
    so, despite the " uncalled " nerf for the smi auto, you state that it’s not " realistic " to have semi auto being able to fire that faster, yet, in your own game, it’s all " fine and normal " to fill your soldiers with weapons that normal branches didn’t almost even know the existance of such weapon. as the example, the number one that i’m more familiar with as i play germany the most, the fgs.
    how in the world you can define this " realistic " if almost anyone can equip fgs. it hasn’t been restricted since it camed out. i’m not even engry. i’m just disappointed, by the next part which it’s the last to complete this whole mess of argument:

  • clear favor towards automatic weapons.
    despite the g43 nerf, and the untouched rifle " wonder weapons " it is clear to me, and many others that enlisted favors the most the automatic weapons. you defend the nerf by saying that it’s not realistic, yet in this game there are more full automatic weapons than anything else.
    so, is also this realistic in your own book?

but i’m done “ranting” about the automatic matter which developed and i highly despise.

now, it’s time for my second biggest grip to " choke " and adress.

  • the rise and death of custom matches
    this one, was a reborn for me. it was like, enlisted took a second life.
    and shortly after, it has been killed and left untouched from november.
    the rise, it’s because it was one of the most awaited gamemode out there where people could had fun with it in many possible way. using any army on any map facing different oponents and gain somewhat of a few xps.

but shortly after, you killed it because of xp farmers.
seriously? in less than two days you decided to kill it by nerfing the ammount of xps you can get. which, i won’t lie, i have been part of the issue, and i admit my actions, where i did around 200 kills per match by just sitting on a machinegun. but it was fun. and the reason why i’m bringing this up, it’s because of one thread in particular that was send in response of the nerf.

" play enlisted fairly ".
and one line that i quote:

we are trying to follow the principle of equal opportunity for all players

and no, we all know where this one comes from, but i ain’t here to attack any person or a man in particular. it wouldn’t be fair. but quite the opposite, i’m here to just attack the idea, and the ( in my personal opinion ) dumb idea and response that we got.

why do i find it dumb? because you claim that you are trying to follow the principle of equal opportunities for all players by playing fairly, yet i almost on a daily see new players getting shred by veteran players like my self. seeing new players facing full fgs/thompsons/heavy tanks squads when all they have, is merely unapgraded bolt action rifles, and 2 explosive packs out of 5 guys.
weather i already tried to limit my self by using the equipment with the less " op " and best equipment as possible while trying to remain historical accurate, this is not a proper way to " give " opportunities. because as i do it, it’s not so certain that also the others in the same position as mine, does it.
and once again, tell me how it’s that fair for newer players to go in normal matchmaker and find it " fair " for them when facing full enemies equipped with fgs and panthers.
you know, it would have been ok if the players consented to that. like, they are aware and take full responsability to face stronger foes. but from the exact moment that they can’t, i call that a big and fat lie.

so, don’t use the excuse of " play enlisted fairly " when the rules by the game it self are rigged from the start as no matchmaker based on skill, campaign levels, or at least something is even in sight from a whole year.

someone might say: " oh you silly goose erika. they can play custom matches and gain regular xp already ".
yeah, about that. i know for a fact that many people do not play custom matches either because the only played sessions, are the one made on certain maps with all armies. meaning that they will and are getting stomped by berlin soviet and berlin germany constantly because their equipment is much superior. which, i don’t particularly mind, as it’s also cool to watch and play, but it’s not a fun experience for those who started and seek new experiences for a " fair " game.

my personal view is that, custom matches had great potential, but ended up with both legs being cutted in half and left to bleed. i personally still and somewhat regular play custom matches, but those are not like it were introduced once. and mainly to not ruin or stomp newer players. yeah, someone people would say: " you shouldn’t care of who you stomp " but i’m not like that. i do care about the people that are here for the same reason as i. enjoy a game for it’s realistic settings ( although, we have passed that part by far but that’s another topic for another time ) so i do evalu time of other people. and it’s no fun getting stomped as i used to back when i was a level 1. the problem for me has mitigate. but it’s not fair for those who started and are potential customers for the title, and potential teammates for me. so yeah, the death of custom matches has mainly to do with xps. but in order to make them a bit better, and somewhat solve the problem, i’d like to propose my solution that would have solved the issue from the start.

put an xp cap for match ( example, you can’t earn more than 20k per match ) or daily ( example, you can’t earn more than 400k xps per day ) based on the player score and NOT BY PLAYERS number available in the lobby.
if you state that enlisted should have a place for everyone, and must be fair for everyone, why a new player or averange player that wants to have fun while gain a few ( not bare minimum hard capped xps like now ) xp cannot have fun in custom matches against bots and gain a few honest xps?

so, in my opinion, custom matches should be revamped as a whole. because otherwise sounds good in theory, but doesn’t work in practice.

heck, even a pve gamemode where one team is full of players, and the other team is full of bots that would be actually fun to experience and fair for everyone as even if you are the best player there, everyone has chances to kill and do their part.
again, if not, a limit on earnable xps per day/match would benefict everyone. just like crossout.
and to conclude this chapter, it’s also dead because there are no working kick system, no password available, no description or change name option available.

i really hope to see further improvements.

  • Premium squads
    i don’t particularly hate them, because the cosmetic it’s one of the best part of them, and i hope for a standalone cosmetic shop, but what i don’t like about them is that, despite the one squads are still the same bland 4/9 men class with the same weapon, i’m kinda glad that they got the ability to accomodate an enginner. but the problem is, only those last squads have acess to enginners. all the others, can’t. i hope it’s just going to be a matter of time.

and last but not least, my last issue currently that has been formed within each updates, it’s the sense behind campaings unlock.
don’t get me wrong, i do not think that evertything should be made for free. but on the other hand, there are many fill gap levels missplaced just for the sake of increase the grind. which again, i can understand as this game it’s a free to play, and such, but in my personal opinion the grind should be longer and shorter at the same time.

i reprhase it to make more sense,

some levels don’t make much sense. and it’s just a waste of time to unlock them.

so, in my personal opinion it would make much more sense to tied a few unlock under the same level.
so you unlock one level with multiple stuff inside. but this does not have to reduce the grind. otherwise i kinda get that you wouldn’t need premium stuff and all the boosters.

otherwise what next… a motorbike for normandy at level? 35/36/37?
what’s the reason behind? doesn’t make much sense…

so yeah, there should be more sidgrades and options within one unlock instead of being stucked with something that someone wouldn’t probably use or being stucked with just one unlock for the rest whole level. but that’s just me i suppose.

  • competitive event rewards
    i’m not really against the rewards, but the idea to put them that are expires. andd… yeah, outside the silver and bronze orders, a bunch of icons and insignas it’s a bit low… perhaps i was expecting some gold order and / or an unique soldier / skin whatever.

but those are just my two cents.

What i don’t understand:

nothing. all clear.

In conclusion:

as i said at the beginning, i’m mostly happy. about the current game. i see passion and love which it’s always nice to see, and i hope to see more.

( especially for pve stuff. i’m a huge fan of it, and expect a big thread from me :upside_down_face: sorry for the spam ).

so yeah, bright future, but i hope to see the major problems that i and many others adressed being actually adressed.

that’s all from me. cheers.


Please, put enable the frontal machine gun on the tanks for the radio operator.


Please add Raw Mouse Input. Every FPS has this as an option or is part of the game by default. This is needed for people who use Vsync to eliminate screen tearing as the mouse feels very floaty.

What I like:

The camera improvements are something small that makes a big impact when respawning on a beacon. Fantastic change.

My only suggestion would be adding it to the initial start-of-round spawn too, I’m finding it still takes a second of looking around on some maps before figuring out which way the objective is.

What you like

*I Enjoy the historical accuracy
*Armored Train Concept
*The new shotguns
What you don’t like

*The Armored Train is very weird when fighting on, I find that when I board it my camera goes crazy and I’m moving around and my screens shaking and sometimes i clip into the floor and die
*The “jiggle” maneuver, I see players almost having a secure and no scoping with a kar98k and double gunning it, almost like they are playing CSGO. Their stamina is very “Elastic” if you will and seem to just not get tired.
*Stuka Jericho Trumpets do not seem to activate(I can hear it, I’m on the USSR side) and I just die.
*Battle Pass; The battle pass challenge system where I can only progress once a day with daily challenges unless I buy an elite pass. I want to have challenges but I don’t want to have to wait a day to get new ones.

What is not too easy to understand

*Pay to win; I understand you are a free-to-play game but the microtransactions are way too much. I can pay $30 and have the ability to drop a 200 kill game and not have to grind at all. War thunder worked with this because it put you in lobbies with other planes and vehicles on the same level as yours. However, if keeping microtransactions means no skill-based matchmaking I’m fine with that.

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