Your feedback about last update

i belive you are still unable to read the " 4 assaulters " here.

have a premium assaulter squad:

have a free 2 play one:

i was talking about assaulter squad on that example. i m not sure if you are able to read…

a premium squad cant have the same number of soldiers as a free 2 play one.

what i would like to see insted of this:


Planting TNT on a tank is a great idea, rather than throwing it as it is now.

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The part I don’t get is you don’t understand which comment I was reffering to.
And I was the one who started with the mg squad. In my first reply to you. ¨

the benefit? 100% more xp when used the premium soldiers.

So it’s just a normal squad with a premium account. That’ll lower sales and make it boring. I feel like keeping unique squad composition for premiums would be better, even if it’s changed from how it is now.

i belive you are still unable to read the " 4 assaulters " here.

have a premium assaulter squad:

You also said ‘our premium squads’. Which would mean you were reffering to all of them and using an assaulter prem squad an an example.

how limiting the options one can use ingame , can make a premium squad better?

How is this :

better than this:

since the second one can remove the extra soldiers at any given time?

How the 4 man limited squad is better/unique?

how far you want to go to support an idea its clearly wrong?

tell me.
how is this:

better than :

please tell me where or how in having more option would limit the sale of an item? How?!

and by options. this:

@Conscript_Joe help me enlight this man…

I didn’t say ‘not changing it’, I said ‘unique squad comp’. I’d say you can add more soldiers to some prem squads and have them be different classes, I just don’t want it to be the copypaste you’re suggesting.
Maybe they could add an engineer squad with a machinegunner. Maybe an assaulter squad with a flametrooper. Just not copy paste a regular squad, give it gold guns and discount premium time.

And it would limit sals because you’d have to actually grind to get more soldiers. And if you’re buying a prem squad, it’s likely cause you don’t want to grind.

So far most of the updates are good.

Bunny Hopping like in arcadey games.

Movement Fix

Please implement one of these 2 options,

  1. Disable jump completely and add “Press Space to Jump Over Trench” option.
  2. Make the jump only available when the stamina is above 75% and the jump itself will reduce 75% of the stamina

Because jumping constantly is extremely unrealistic. A lot of players will agree that it ruins the theme of a WW2 based game and makes the in game movement look bad AND MOSTLY IT TAKES AWAY THE REAL WAR like feel from the game.

Also when jumping down from floor above, please add an animation with an option say “Press space to climb down the ledge”

AI Fix

AIs right now aren’t that effective. Please make the AI as strong and focused as a human player who aims correctly and shoots to kill instead of just being on the ground with their squad leader, then the Squad based gameplay which Enlisted was meant to be from the beginning will come to life and make the game more realistic in terms of battles between two squads over the domination of a strategic position in the map such as a street or alleyway or a corner of a road. And also please make the Ai always face the direction the enemy usually is, if an enemy flanks surprise attacks then that is a different matter and just like real life obviously the player should be in trouble.

Please also implement a “take cover” order where the AI would go to prone if on a plain without covers or if there are cover available they will choose the nearest one.



alow me to do a side question, how many premium squads do you own right now?
if any, could you tell me witch ones?




Personally i own the charlton squad and I’ve tried out mg13 drum and ba-11 on a friend’s account.

premium squads, not event squads.

so you own none.


on a side note, i will tell you the following, over the last year, alot of us are asking for this changes, even befor 5 man MG squad was introduced, alot of us have multiple premium squads and will buy more as the game goes without even thinking .

all of us share one thing in common, we all agree, that current premium squads are limited as fuck and we all would buy, EVEN MORE, if we had the option to add more soldiers as we please from diferent specifications.

i do own 35-40 premium squads, and i ill buy even more if they please my collection, but in no right mind, they will loose value or become less atractive if they let us have more in them. (in the exact amout a free squad do)

you dont own a single premium squad, yet, you argue they will sell less if the squads lost their uniqueness they current have. how can you argue others wont buy one, if you dont own a single one?

but i ill leave you with the following:

do you enjoy the charlton squad?


In game it’s the same thing.

Like who? The 4 active people on this forum?

You are the exception. Most people will buy 1 or 2 at most. You only buy 40 of them if you’re rich af and have no other place to put your money.

Becuase I know I absolutely wouldn’t buy it after those changes.

Yes. it’s a good squad. The gun is nice and the dudes are high quality with good perks. It also came fully decked out, no messing around or grinding needed.

i m sorry do you own extra XP with them? you have zero clue what the fk we are even talking about. ZERO

you are living under a rock then.

what changes? there are no changes yet, you joined the forums at december 21, operation sandstorm or what ever the name was, happen in october? if i recall correcly., you played for months, you didnt buy a single one, you probably wont buy one not now, not in the near future! how can you argue in something you have zero knowlage on?

by your way of thinking, you are enjoying a squad, with +1 MG a free player cant have that joined after you or the axis team against you can only have 3 mg’s on all the MG squads.
dont you feel your squad is op by your way of thinking? since every free to play squad (player that join after you) can only have 3 MGs?

shouldnt they remove 1 man from this squad to make it equal to :


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Oh come on, stop spammnig only thread they look at already.

  1. I’d rather have 4MG than 3MG+3specialists in some cases, now we have 5MG premium squad
  2. Just because someone doesn’t have a premium squad, doesn’t mean they can’t have opinion on them, we still fight against them
  3. Poor shaming is cringe, especially with squads being so overpriced, even on discount i can get whole game anthologies for cheaper. Many people still have premium/battlepass and support the game.
  4. Adding engineer to previous squads wouldn’t be end of the world, just please stop the “i just want equal squads” argument, it makes 0 sense. How is 4 assaulter PPSH41 squad equal to mortar team.
    Just say You want Your toys to be better, no shame in that

fully agreed . lets move on then


How many wanted this?
And do you have data on how many squads the avrage spender buys? Cause to me it would make no sense to buy that many prem squads. There’s no way you can even use all of those. And people rarely stick to this game. Most of players will quit within the first month.

The ones you suggest

Yeah, and I’ve been playing since before I joined. I’m simply not keen on impulsive purchases. I, unlike you also have more meaningful things to spend. And I don’t have enough to spend half a paycheck on a game I could quit tommorow, which enlisted sometimes fells like.

And those players can have lvl20+ eqipment I don’t have. Their squads can also be larger. My squad is good, but the other ones are very meh and my squad is small enough to die to 1 arty shell. Not op.

That’s by your way of thinking. Everything I said on these things have either been:

  1. 4mg is good squad comp. Notice the ‘good’ not op.
  2. 5mg is too much. This is 4, not 5. And its just basic mg gunners, no engineer hybrids.
  3. Thoretical scenarios with things with your pov taken into consideration.

No. I have my 4mg gunners, they have arty and an at gunner + 1 extra dude. I’d say It’s balanced (except for the guns of course).

That’s a hot take

That’s another hot take

Seething poor
They’re overpriced, but f2p players are literal cattle fit to be bullied as such

He wants our “toys” to be equal

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Sorry I’m late.

I think I see the problem here…
And I side with @Shiivex . I don’t own as many premium squads, but I do own around 20 of them, so I think I can formulate a knowing opinion about those.

Like @Shiivex said, what we want, and by WE, I mean those who will actually BUY and USE premium squads, is simply as follows:

  • Squads in cool unique uniforms
  • Squads using, again, cool unique weapons.
  • the +100% bonus (it’s called premium, and at that price, xp bonus is deserved)

What WE don’t want are:

  • pay to win squads with unfair advantages (such as 7 men all smg assaulters squads, or 5 men all lmg users WITH LMG ENGINEER squads)
  • pay to win vehicles squads (jumbo sandcastle, valentine, censored pz4)

The ONLY thing I would add is, that at the price those premium squads are, they should come with their tech tree fully leveled, exept for the specialist classes choices, where we would have upgrade points ourselves to choose what we want.

Now I respect everyone’s opinion. But why does someone who never bough anything premium is so adamant in wanting premiums to be a certain way if he’s not planning on buying any?


God bless joe.

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Havent played the new updates yet but do like the sound of them, what i would like you to do is fix the cheating that goes on in pretty much every game.
When some people are getting kills in the sum of 200 plus and are top in every category but the rest of their team are getting 40 to 50 kills always looks fishy but when you see youre self being shot through walls on kill cam there is no other explanation, plus there are many videos on youtube showing wire frame hacking wall hacking aimbotting scenery shooting take your pick it really makes you want to say stuff this for a game of soldiers im off to play COD, SORT IT PLEASE.

I forgot this points:

What I dislike:

  • The Suicide Bots don’t obey the orders.
  • The self-canceled orders and the Suicide Bots come back to die near me. They should understand to keep farther as possible.

And what I really hate:

  • I can’t refill ammo in my second gun
  • I can’t refill enemies guns in enemies ammo crates