Your feedback about last update

Explain me that please.

I might not be explaining myself properly since English isn’t my first language.

For example, I own the German MG13 drum squad.

They have four squad perks:
35% more health.
150% changing pose speed.
12% Reloading speed.
75% Healing speed.

On average, a non-premium squad at level 26. For example. (Assaulter II) Have class perk of 35% stamina. That’s it. So… Yeah. Let’s not have 9-guy premium squad with four starting overpowered as hell perks.

For sure that has to be revised to match normal soldiers.

For. Sure!!

The only benefit I m asking in premium squads it’s 100% xp on 4 soldiers only (ex assaulters) the remaining added on shall be free"

And the perks shall match the same ones of normal gunners, assaulters troopers etc.

Sorry didn’t consider that.

Hell yeah. Perks feels unbalanced. Just give me that XP boost and fancy guns.

Smh where’s my MkB 42 (H) Sturmgewehr?! I NEED IT AT MOSCOW!

The reason it’s op is because premium guns tend to be very strong. Same with the perks. And some premium squads even have very good comps. So, fe you can have 5 mg gunners with the drum mag mg13 squad. A lot of premium squads are basically as good as normal maxed out squads when bought. Adding regular dudes on top of that would make it incredibly op.
Basicallly, it’d make regular squads strictly worse. Which is p2w and a step towards the wrong direction with this game’s constantly declining playerbase.

whats the part of squad rework you didnt understand yet? so no 5 man with mg ?

is this hard to understand or i m not expressing myself clearly?

this for example.

with this: (example:)

to have exacly this :

but only 4 soldiers have premium xp boost?

is this fking hard to understand?

by this
NO 5 man mg
no 4 man mg
no 10000 man what ever

simply equal squads

Because this:

isnt op comparing to this:

the soviet 5 man MG would be this:

3 mg’s and possible more soldiers from diferent types


how can a normal squad be " OP " lmao

only 3 man would be with the MG , and the remaining soldiers will be free 2 play soldiers every squad can have now.


imagine this squad:

instead of the current 4 man MG , will be exacly like the free 3 MG squad variant.:

Exacly like ;

how can one be OP and the other isnt?
is this hard to understand that what we want is EXACLY the same squad compositions as free ones?

ffs dude.

only the soldiers inside the red box will have 100% more xp:

the others are free 2 play soldiers obtainable with silver

premium soldiers cant change weapons exacly like now.

get it?!

what we want is to stop this bullshit of 4 man with mg’s., 5 man with mg’s or what ever, and make the squads equal, but, with the only gain, more xp when played with that soldiers.
is this hard to understand for you?

i currently own 35 premium squads, and not a single one performs better free 2 play variants.

one i own


He’s asking for normal soldiers with f2p weapons to be allowed to be put in premium squads to more or less make them identical to F2P squads
Just with the initial 3-4 premium soldiers in it depending on what type of squad it is ofc

There’s nothing out of line that he’s asking

Btw those new MG squads are OP as shit and all the premium MG squad should have the F2P composition of 3 MG and then 4 trooper/specialist

Th is squad rework? I don’t no-life this forum. All I have to go off of is this:

i m yet to understand why we cant have more soldiers on our premium squads and we are limited to 4 assaulters with no troopers/engineers/radiomans/etc.

And as far as I know, the 5 man mg squads still exist. So I have no clue what you’re raging about.

What I got from your comment is that you wanted to add 2 more soldiers to the existing 5-mg gunners. Kinda op if you ask me.

Yet, i don’t like these changes. Right now, the prem squads are unique. Getting rid of that seems counter-intuative. As most people buy prem squads for 3 reasons:

  1. To get a kickstart in a campaign.
    2)They really want the gun that’s in it.
    3)They have nothing better to spend their money on.

Turning them into a regular squad would likely discourage potential buyers.
And, I want to ask, exactly why do you want to turn premium squads into shiny regular ones? At that point, just get rid of prem squads entirely and sell the fricking guns.

read this part for fuck sake.


Am I the only one who completely hates bots?
I love the general idea of ​​bots under my command and maybe that’s why it bothers me so much how it works.
Also, most of the AI ​​updates did not improve the situation, sometimes even made it worse.

Bots as bots are not really advanced in terms of skills (which is understandable considering there are a lot of new players etc) and for that reason you cannot really rely on them to actually help you in the fight.
All you can do with them is to leave them in a safe position and take control of them when you die. And this is where the problems begin.

Long before most updates, AI was much simpler to obey commands. It just kept going and doing what was told ( still far from perfect with dozens of issues, so no it wasn’t perfect). Now they just stand / lie and try to be heroes instead of listening to what they are supposed to do. I understand what the developers have been trying to do but it doesn’t work well. Most of the time they lag behind or, on the contrary, get lost somewhere in front dying one by one a few seconds later. In my opinion, it would be so much better if they were always behind me, running when I run and fighting when I fight (especially when we are trying to change positions quickly).

Another thing is position holding. Before many AI updates, all bots stood close to each other in the indicated position. Now they are scattered, “holding” different positions. Again, I understand what the developers were trying to do, but it always ends up horribly because of how stupid these bots are. Rather than holding a designated, safe position and just doing whatever it takes to survive, they often seek a fight and tend to make silly, aggressive peeks, run around and get enemies’ attention in 100 different ways.

I also don’t understand why sometimes they just randomly cancel orders and run towards me when I’m a few meters away, so it’s not because of the distance. If this was made to help a player who is under fire, then sorry, but that’s just a terrible idea. Bots never help, they just die 95% of the time without any impact. They’re most useful when they’re surviving, and for me, it feels like the only thing they are good at is finding ways to die.

PS: I love this game so please don’t take it as hate. I try to be as constructive as possible with my criticism to help make Enlisted a better game.

He’s asking for premium to have same composition as f2p
Just more XP gain

Not for more men to OP squad comp of new MG squad

and where the fuck you saw me asking to add more soldiers to the 5 man squad? are you able to read:

are you? there is even a image as an example if you are unable to understand

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What I like

  • The Campaign, Maps, Amount of guns, Soldiers X Vehicles, Respawn as Regiments.

What you don’t like

  • Social: No Voice Chat to Team; No Chat with all team; Is very hard to add a new friend
  • Battle Pass: The Price is absurd; without the Battle Pass, we only can do 3 missions per day;
  • Gameplay: The flaps of the planes break by themselves in a Lagging match.

What is not too easy to understand

  • The training card in the Perk tab.

Oh, so you want to turn prem squads into a wallmart version of premium time? Why?
4 man mg squads are fine. The 5-man can be turned into a 4 man. And even if some might need balancing, I feel like keeping the non-grindiness and unique structure is better. And nerfs can be done to the weapon, or simply replacing one member’s gun with a BA slot.

This comment was done as a reply to my first comment to you.
Read this:

By ‘your comment’ I was reffering to your first one.

me : i would like to make premium squads have the same compositions as normal squads. exacly like normal squads but 4 soldiers as premium ones can gain extra xp. (this as an example)



do you even understand what the fuck we want here?

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and the fuck, MORE Slots to Equipp them!!! :man_facepalming:


4 assaulter



. you were the one bringing the MG and i pointed te following:

whats the part , you dont get here? i wasnt even talking about the mg squads, didnt even thinked about them. but the point is still here:
they will be 3 soldiers premium
with option to add more.

like , this:

get it?

exacly like a normal squad now:

the benefit? 100% more xp when used the premium soldiers.

What you think you said:

me : i would like to make premium squads have the same compositions as normal squads. exacly like normal squads but 4 soldiers as premium ones can gain extra xp. (this as an example)

What you actually said within the comment I was reffering to, which is the first one I replied to, not the 2nd one.:

  • i m yet to understand why we cant have more soldiers on our premium squads and we are limited to 4 assaulters with no troopers/engineers/radiomans/etc.