Your feedback about last update

Why zoom? Why not change the ammo, that was an obvious choise if you wanted to nerf MG nest? There were 100s of posts about it in the past.

Well, LMG is a light MG. It’s obvious they will be simmilar.
And forcefully differing them is idiotic.

I guess good for you then. Personally I hate such illogical decisions. All weapons can zoom (maybe I forgot about some) but MGs can’t because reasons. Meanwhile we have infinite ammo and no need to reload.

It’s like fixing a car, that is slow by making it more aerodynamic instead of fixing the engine.

You may not like it, but it is not illogical.

So tell me what makes a soldier unable to zoom while he can zoom any other weapon.
Imo it’s impossilbe to explain this logically.

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I like the economic improvements of this patch, which should make leveling up weapons much less of a tiresome process.

I don’t like the removal of zoom from fixed MG nests, though. It seems very strange that a motorcycle sidecar MG or hand carried MG would be able to aim more precisely than a fixed MG installation. If these stationary MGs are too powerful, I would prefer to see them have to reload (as in Red Orchestra 2, for instance) rather than getting their zoomt aken away. It feels weird and inconsistent with the rest of the game.

Also, one bug I think I found – it seems like the SMLE Mk III with grenade launcher has too much spare rifle ammo relative to the standard versions of this weapon. Without any ammo pouches this weapon looks to have 10/40 bullets as opposed to the 10/20 of the standard SMLE Mk III.

What you like

  • As a premium player with battlepass, the new economy feels good. I’m getting a steady stream of silver to unlock new weapons.
  • Being able to upgrade weapons with bronze orders.
  • I can climb ladders again!
  • They’re not worth it right now, but if I really wanted to I could buy a pistol instead of playing roulette.

What you don’t like

  • Mines cost 2 silver orders each. Unless they’re going to be massively buffed, that’s simply not worth it. I have all my squads fully equipped with a mix of AP and AT mines and deploy them every chance I get; I almost never get a kill with them according to the end of game statistics. At least make an AP mine activation an instant kill, which I don’t think they are currently.
  • Large pouches costing silver seems a bit harsh, at least with the current gain rate of silver orders. With so many other weapons and grenades to unlock there’s clearly still not enough silver to go around to buy pouches with silver too.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Honestly for me right now, mostly just the mine thing. In what world are they worth 2 silver orders?

I was on the attacking side of the invasion mode and was watching the game because I ran out of tickets. After a while, my allies took over the base and I was able to spawn again. However, the screen still showed that I was watching the battle, and I couldn’t move the perspective of the soldier I was controlling. And instead of showing my squad member’s information on the screen, it showed the squad information of a friendly player. I was able to attack, change weapons, etc. without any problems, just because I couldn’t move the perspective of the soldier I was controlling.

Hi, I know this isn’t feedback about the update itself. I’m just hoping this is one of the best places to get feedback through to the devs.

Number 1 issue in the game right now is with players deserting matches. I suppose they do this when it’s a game mode they don’t want to play, or when they don’t want to attack/defend.

Whatever the reason, it needs to stop. Players need a minimum 30min lock out from the game for deserting which could then double for every time they do it in the same day.

I’m fed up of playing matches where you can see 4+ players have left the match, and you can clearly see they are replaced by bots by their braindead behaviour and the subsequent collapse and defeat within 5-10 mins.

игра становится все хуже зачем убрали одиночный режим боты очень тупые и что типерь за все надо платить хрен вам а не мои деньги

DONT LIKE!! The fact you took out RANDOM CHESTS and, you change the “PRICE” of EQUIPMENT!!

DONT UNDERSTAND!! Why you would “FIX” something that isnt broken or bugged!

For me , I only instaleave matches in the normandy campaign, when I get Le Bre as map. The map isn’t that bad, but I just can’t see it anymore. Oddly the devs did not react to the suggestion to be able to ban a map as player in each campaign, that would solve it for me.

I already mentioned in the Update thread that the grenade cost “fix” is utter bull****.

What i m not enjoying:

-On the train map, when the train is stopping , it lags alot. making the experience there kinda dull/boring.

  • i m yet to understand why we cant have more soldiers on our premium squads and we are limited to 4 assaulters with no troopers/engineers/radiomans/etc.

  • there is no reason to use grenades over a tnt pack, Either make them class restricted (for bomber squad and eng soldiers) or make them only usable when planted on the tank armor:

“Photo of Sergeant Carl Hardy, of Shelby, North Carolina, goes through the motions of a training simulation with a 29 lb satchel of TNT to be planted on the light tank with the intention of neutralizing it and killing the four operators within”

I really like the game…have been playing it pretty much every day for the last couple of weeks. What I find extremely frustrating is when playing in a squad and I die it appears that if any of my AI squad is still alive I pretty much immediately respawn in the same spot and I get killed continually until I exhaust all my remaining squad members. This make is very hard to level up some of the squad members. Most annoying aspect of the game for me so far. I noticed in the last update it said there is a small time of invulnerability after respawn but it sure doesn’t seem like it since the player waits a few seconds to see if I respawn and continues to wipe out my squad. Perhaps a bit longer invulnerability would be better or maybe a perk that can extend that period after you die. Thanks for the game.

Can you guys add raw mouse input like most FPS games have?
This is a must in any serious FPS game.
Mouse movement feels very floaty with VSync on, and yes I know there is Reflex Low Latency.
The issue with turning that on is that it turns off VSync which means there’s massive amount of screen tearing.

Probably to not make the squads too op or p2w. Most premium squads are already very good, giving them the option of adding more soldiers would be too much. Some squads could have these, but imo they’d have to be preset and no more than 5 members.

Or simply decrease effectivenes of detpacks on infantry and increase the effects of frags (to, you know, actually fragment). This makes sense, as a bunch of TNT sticks would be a lot less effective against infantry than a dedicated frag nade.

since the last update i cannot zoom in on fixed MG’s you need to fix that asap please…

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i totally dont care about tanks cause i dont use them. but u last time you just complicated the way to get some equipment instead of solving imho more important issues with retarded behavior of squadmates and handling MGs like wooden stick. I think that every product deserves to be paid and i plan to spend some euros but i thing that in this state u get enough money from pay-to-win players

and i forgot parody when i kill a MG rusher and he comes immediately from behind the corner and sprays me out by his MG or FG

How it’s op if was exactly like a non premium squad?!
And by exactly… Exactly.

4 guys come with premium weapons and what not. Then as the player progresses with it, it opens slots exacly like a normal squad. An exact copy on the progression.

The only difference, 100 % more xp when we play with that 4 soldiers.

How is that op.

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Love the new update.
Dislike the T-50. As per usual.

God I hate how that thing take J’s shells like it’s a literal turtle and only two shot to knock out half of my crews!

Also, Premium squad is hit or miss. I prefer my 9-men rifle squad with Pre-war Kar spam.

Actually. They have squad-based trait that’s a stupidly overpowered… So yeah.