Your feedback about last update

good update
finally silver orders for xp, weapon changes are good, though some prices are kinda high, balance changes are good

make a bug report, dont post it here

It’s really time to consider to add vertan soldier and modification tuning. Players like me have over 10000 orders. 6 Star weapons are too easy now. no idea how to spend so many

Yeah. Barrier to entry is already high enough. They don’t need to add anything else. Just, you know, maybe play other factions/campaigns, and/or another game from time to time.

In every MMOG there is a gap between players who play for 1000 hours and for 100 hours. We can just wait.

Sure, but, having played this a bit, that level of orders AND having a bunch of stuff maxed out is beyond the “1000” hour mark. You would be in the top tenth of a percent and basing game decisions on that small of a minority, is that wise?

i donno . i m having everything maxed and i play all campaigns and with a bronze/silver income/stock beyond what i would ever need or use.

acording to game stats i have 20 days of play time thats 480 hours.

On topic:


Love this part on the stats! ty! :smiley:


What you like

Nothing in this update I appreciate other then additions and updates to add more realism.

What you don’t like

[1] The New Economy Update
I’m very upset about losing the ability to spend my stockpile of bronze weapon orders I’ve been saving to be replaced now with having to use silver orders.
I can no longer use a random weapon order seeing as it has just gone and disappeared.
It now takes longer to grind to fill up your squadron with better loadouts.

[2] Weapon Update
I’ve saved a stockpile for all my weapons to upgrade them for this new update to take them away without compensation for the time I spent grinding for them.

What is not too easy to understand


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Additionally and most importantly what I do not like::::::

Explosion packs, grenades, mines, grenade pouches being changed to silver orders.

Additionally, seems that hitboxes were changed, I can no longer hit targets seemingly, what the hell is going on???

What I like:
The new upgrade system makes upgrading weapong easier and simpler
What i don’t like:
The weapons only for silver is too hard on new players. Same with the soldiers.
I’d say there needs to be a way to trade in bronze for silver (at a rate of around 5:1). Or at least put in a limited amount of silver orders that you can trade bronze for, to help out the new players, if you don’t want to implement it fully.

I have 17 days and have only completed Axis Tunisia and mostly completed Russia Moscow. Granted I went crazy, maxing out soldiers and equipment to include pistols, mines, large cargo items, TNT packs, etc. on every different type of Italian squad, but I still need plenty of bronze troop and weapon orders to be “done” Perhaps there needs to be a proper definition of what “done” is. What is a maxed out campaign? To me it is each DIFFERENT type of squad fully equipped so you don’t have to swap troops and gear all the time to play different squads. And that would include top of the line weapons, large size packs (backpack/grenade/ammo) with TNT and mines of your choice for each soldier. In THIS (granted arguable) definition you would need thousands of hours to do that for each campaign.

The flip side is, let’s say it’s four of whatever infantry squads, and two vehicles completed with fully upgraded weapons, small packs for each, all tnt and mines, then the time would be much shorter for each campaign. Arguably much less than completing each campaign. Under that definition 1000 hours would have you done for the current state of the game.

There your argument makes sense.

But, two things. 1) Barrier of entry for free to play players (fairness/time to get good) is pretty freaking high already. 2) That is the min/max answer and I think it’s bad to decide games on min/max answers only.

Enjoying this philosophical discussion to be sure.


now they are unplayable in maps like D-day :sob:

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Balancing factor would be my guess

cough cough infinite ammo and no reload cough

Yeah. That’s why they got rid of the zoom.

Could they have added reload? Changed Ammo? Sure, but then they would be more closely aligned with the LMG squad. shrug I like getting rid of the zoom personally.

This slowdown on damage mechanic isn’t fun at all
Please remove it or dial it way back

-Nothing. (Asides from bugfixes, this update only torpedoed your economy to shit.)
-Making grenades/pouches cost SILVERS.
-The sheer avarice and gall of the devs who supported this change
-Not being able to recommend my friends picking up this game because you just fucked all new players who don’t have enough equipment or weapons to arm their troops (specialists or riflemen) with weapons other than the bottom-tier bolt action rifles.
-Your useless xp boosters replacing the battlepass top-tier silver’s.
What’s not easy to understand
-Why do you hate us.
-Why do you want such a drastically stratified player base? Every game that does this to it’s players fucking DIES.


What I like:
-bug fixes
-it’s easier to upgrade weapons now
-you can buy pistols now
What I don’t like:
-new system of getting silver orders: 25k xp for a silver order for a weapon and 50k xp for a silver order for a soldier is too much (especially for new players). I suggest reducing it.
-some pistols cost 3 silver orders, that’s 75k xp for 1 pistol(!).
-anti-tank mine and anti-personnel mine cost 2 silver orders: I rarely see someone using anti-tank mine or anti-personnel mine. It would be better if we got 2-3 anti-tank mines for 2 silver orders (same goes for anti-personnel).
-if I use vsync my game sometimes caps to 44.0 fps(just an example, it can cap to a different fps also) without a reason AFTER a match in main menu
-engineers should get more score points for building
-why don’t we get score points for destroying enemy’s rally point? It would be nice if we got some score points for it.
-fps drops when there are explosions, effects, fire (it is the same on high or low settings)

It’s reasonable considering how those run with 3 grenades ruling the battlefield, espicially those who run 3x 9 men with M2 carbine each with 3 grenades