Your feedback about last update

There is a problem with them, fix will be asap

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new bug?

after the changes, elite players are more unchallengeable with their top tier maximum weapon. A matchmaking system is seriously required before losing all the poor new players.

WHAT I LIKE:- :+1:

Upgrading weapons and vehicles for bronze orders.

Silver orders can be obtained from XP.


Explosion packs, grenades, mines, grenade pouches being changed to silver orders.

Daily rewards only giving 1 bronze weapon/troop order most times.

Lot of XP needed to just get 1 silver order.

Mg nest and stationary ones does not have Zoom function now.


MG nest and stationary mg now does not support zoom functions.

Some guns on selling give very less bronze orders.

Panzerfausts, flamethrowers, mortars etc stuff not getting sold.


The parts we used to get had perks that increased numbers we would get, now they increase bronze we get, so i have to level up snipers to sell that 20 springfields for more bronze orders.

They just didn’t say it anywhere

Wow I liked about everything from the update. I tend to rush a lot and play with assaulter squads so the soldiers being able to catch up with me will really improve my gameplay. The new weapon order system is great and you did a very good job with the pistols being expensive, as they were rare and not generally issued for regular infantry soldiers. Also I’ve been wanting to use the .357 magnum revolver as the Americans ever since I saw it on practice, very nice. And to top it all off you I got a lot of bronze orders from weapon parts to try the new weapon upgrade system!

Flamethrower and Panzerfaust improvements were good too, as was the nerf to ppds/ppshs reload time.

Some things that urgently need to be fixed though, are the too distant spawns on the Quarry map and the bad reload animations and operation for the Gewehr 41 and Enfield rifles, among others. The G41 literally reloads the 2 5-round stripper clips as if they were magazines, if I have like 2 bullets inside the weapon but 3 spare ones, it removes the bullets I have inside and switches them for the 3 spare ones, instead of loading them in and giving me 5 bullets inside the weapon. These things could be easily fixed and would be a great way to start the year.

Hey @Keofox This seems like something that should be in the pipeline already. Meaning it seems like a straightforward UI update. I think it is pretty standard for games to be able to tell what formation and aggression your troops are set to. Any insight? Sorry, I’m compulsively spamming “Wide” and “Aggressive” because I want to make sure they are.

Yeah. I got more mortars than I could ever possibly use (another reason the old system was crap)

Also I think the MG nest change was for balance reasons.

Where are my weapon upgrade orders? I had a couple now they are gone.

On a side note what happened to the orders that were used for the academy to choose which soldier out the 3 sent to training. I know that the order doesn’t have a use anymore but was any compensation given for them?

I have one problem that nobody has discussed yet.

We spent silver orders to get 6-10 scrap for vehicles or 7-13 with the parts upgrade. On some vehicles, people had a lot of spare parts invested without a full star finished. Example: 100/120 spare parts for star level 5 or 6. Which means that cost around 10-12 silver weapon orders, but after this update we only got bronze orders back because we didn’t get enough silver orders in time. It feels unfair that we only got 10 bronze orders for these spare parts when it could have cost 12 silver orders to get 100 spare tank parts. This feels very severe and unfair. We should get silver weapon orders back or more bronze orders than 10 in this example. These parts were ALWAYS silver and the weapon changes should not negatively effect what we get for tank parts because when you bought a gun for a silver order, you got your worth because you had a gun. So now that you can deconstruct for bronze orders it is fair because you have been using the gun until now. It takes people MONTHS to get 10 silver orders and in my example they never got any advantage from it because they never got the star finished. It feels like silver orders were stolen with this patch in regards to vehicle parts left over.

Bombs,Rockets, 30mm plane cannons and tank rounds now completely ignore walls(multiple,solid,brick walls)

I assume this is a bug related to the flamethrower changes

arty too

i like it ,so far no issues with the update it was a good update regarding the fixes.

as for the silver order income, lets see how it goes for new/casual players.

My interim feedback:

What I like:
new uniforms for Italian fighter pilot and tankers
Upgrade weapons and vehicles, planes with Bronze, finally leveling up my equipment!
Not played new maps, but like they have been added

What I don’t like:
Not sure of map, in Moscow demolition, the first farm building point is really really dark, I was defending the bombs.
Mg nest no zoom, bit harsh, was it really abused?

What I don’t understand:
Why can we not dismantle other equipment or Mortars, flame throwers etc
The cannons on BF109 seem to be very hit and miss, I have 109E, 109F1. Sometimes they kill planes in seconds sometimes it takes several attacks.
The Premium BF110 in Tunisia, also needs looking at as the 37mm antitank cannon is very hit n miss in terms of attacking tanks. (Very difficult to see where shots have landed)

Look at plane flight models and tail gunners soon, IL2 seems far to agile and tanky, Soviet
Bomber takes a lot of damage, the 109F1 seems very heavy and hard to lift when going in for bombing run.

With tail gunners bombers could defend themselves, that would add another tactic to the game.

More feedback to come later, great job and keep up the good work! :+1:

Oh, one of the Moscow maps in Demolition, the first point when axis defending, was very dark, the other point had lights in the barn, could this be improved?

PPS Please add nation specific AA for allies, MG position.

[quote=“Keofox, post:1, topic:4291”]
What you like

The game was fun when I started a few days ago I was getting kills and was high on score board after games. I felt like I had a chance to be competitive.

What you don’t like

My last 5 games this week I barely get a shot off and I’m not getting any kills. People dont die when hit, PC players kill me everytime. I play on console and I dont have a chance. Really dissappointed with this game now. Let me know if there is a reason to not uninstall it? Are there skill based servers, or do I get to be cannon fodder for everyone? I don’t play warzon, but this was fun for a week or so then it turned to crap.

What is not too easy to understand

I have no clue about battle passes or making changes to my dudes I send out there. Most of the main page makes no sense to me. I just click on green dots when i see green stuff.

you have an option to play only against console players mate.

disable crossplay and enjoy the game against other console players only if you find you have no chance against PC users.

give it a try.


Updated models
Slightly improved AI
New missions
Don’t Like:
almost everything cost silver
Hard to understand:
Some things are crazy expensive like sidearms
I think that bolt-action rifles should cots bronze orders (some more than other depending on the level). Some starter rifles are absolutely terrible/not ideal, and being able to spend bronze orders on better bolt-actions would help.

I can enter the login screen of the game, but the game that enters will be blocked out

@ Keofox bug?