Your feedback about last update

the game servers may be unavailable at this time due to maintenance work.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

That’s understandable, not a problem! Thank you for replying :slight_smile:

Was just about to ask about that. Good to know.

I like it so far. The only gripe i got in the beginning is that i couldnt sell all the weapons in one go but had to click sell on every one. But i realize its not needed as much later on if i understood it right so will not be needed. And yes as mentioned some hvy weapons to not sellable but guess since they are not upgradable or bindable to bonuses it make sense

Why I cannot sell PIAT and Panzerfaust whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Changed the size of the block with descriptions of the falling out trophies types to increase the space for the list of items.

Can you clarify what exactly does it mean?

Just interface window size

It is a good thing that we are finaly going to have silver orders for exp. However, isn´t 50k way too much for a single soldier? Since you are forced to put minimum amount of soldiers in each squad, this will continue making new players rather miserable.
I think that 30k per soldier silver ticket would be a bit better.

This issue could be partially resolved by not forcing us to put minimum amount of soldiers in inactive squads, where new players will simply have to wait for their specialists, but at least will have troopers at their disposal…

Let me remind you. You can discuss the update here: Update ( - Xbox, Playstation) - #2

In this thread, I carefully collect your FEEDBACKS

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What you like

Bugfixes, soviet drum SMG nerf.

What you don’t like

NO advance mention of equipments moving to silver orders in any of the articles. Large Backpacks/Ammo/Mine/TNT is critical to any soldier, and now I have to micro-manage my inventory of them in the god-awful soldier management interface cause you better believe I’m not gonna buy any more than the soldiers I field into battle are going to need. And what’s very funny: A certain line from the more silver orders post

The figures may seem high, but unlike the bronze orders, which you spend on firearms, first-aid kits, grenades, mines and other equipment, silver orders require very little to assemble a combat-ready army.

And that figure 25k/1 silver sure stayed the same even though specifically frag grenades, TNT and mines are now for silver orders only.


What I like
Map diversity is great, keep it up with the different variations

What I don’t like
Team balance is a problem - a single “elite” player with 7-9 unit squads and (semi-)automatic weapons can basically obliterate half the enemy team. There is no downside to taking these powerful squads and weapons. The game feels better when there are more bolt-action grunts and only a few specialists.
Maybe think about limiting the loadout value of a squad or have a specialized and less common automatic rifleman class.


What I like:
New Maps
Italian Tanker Uniforms are LEGIT. FANTASTIC. I love it and I am so looking forward to the continued refinement of Italian uniforms.
New Unique Italian (I presume) mines are great too.
And OF course teh economy changes for weapons. Great to have this finally in place.

What I don’t like:
Still need a way to sell old equipment you don’t want anymore.


It’s great to see beautifully crafted reviews. I’ll take every line.


Grenades and mines costing silver is a big nope. :-1:t4:
Silver still not earned in battle as of 13:00 GMT+1. :-1:t4:

  • Now the stream of a flamethrower can penetrate into much narrower crevices, for example, between the bars and planks of some fences.
  • Removed increase in stationary machine gun sight.
  • Base ammunition size of PzB 39 has been reduced to a value typical to other anti-tank rifles and is 20 rounds instead of 50.

Good changes for flamethrowers and MGs, and much needed fix for PzB 39 (how did it have 50 ammo to begin with?). :+1:t4:

  • Corrected erroneous rate of fire of PTRS-41 from 240 to 75 rounds per minute.
  • Increased reload time of PPD, PPSh and PP Dolganov with massive drum magazines from 2.6 to 2.8 seconds to 3.8 to 4.0 seconds.
  • Decreased reload time of Beretta M38 from 2.6 to 2.4 seconds.
  • Panzerfaust 60 shell velocity increased from 25 to 45 m/s.
  • Panzerfaust 100 shell velocity increased from 40 to 62 m/s.

This is all fixing incorrect description tags, not actually changing performance, right? :+1:t4:

  • Added new mission Werbig station (Invasion) on Seelow Heights location in Battle of Berlin campaign.
  • Added new mission Al Har East (Invasion) to the Battle of Tunisia campaign.
  • Added new mission The Maisky Forestry North (Invasion) to the Battle for Moscow campaign.
  • Added new mission Omer South (Invasion) to Invasion of Normandy campaign.

Must try them, good to have new maps. Please, those who play them, report map issues if they exist.

  • Added shelters near respawn points in the Gare de Saint-Lo (Invasion) mission in the Invasion of Normandy campaign.
  • Improved respawn point locations in Lehrter Bahnhof (Destruction) mission in Battle of Berlin campaign.
  • Improved respawn point locations and resized combat zones in Hermann Goering strasse (Invasion), Ministry Garden (Invasion), and Ministry Garden (Assault) missions of the Battle of Berlin campaign.

Thanks god, spawnkilling sucks. :+1:t4:
Resized combat zones in Berlin? Made smaller?

  • Updated some models of strategic objects in Destruction mode missions in Battle of Tunisia and Battle of Berlin campaigns.

Made smaller?

  • Now when leaving vehicles on the move soldiers will take damage, up to complete death on high speed.

Good, battle taxis are not too cool. :+1:t4:

  • Added ability to sort room list by creator, mode and number of players in session.

Good? There’s not that many sessions lol

  • AI-soldiers are now less likely to be behind the commander on long marches.

I dont like this… Suddendly your soldiers are able to catch up with you regardless of how heavy their equipment is?
Unnecessary and probably unbalanced change. :-1:t4:

  • Fixed the ability to build a machine gun point very close to the walls, which led to soldiers getting stuck in bags and in the walls.

It was not just that, also stationary MG of the maps caused the issue at times when close to walls. :+1:t4:

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What i like
The new weapon upgrade system. Thank you its honestly fantastic <3

What i don’t like
Costs of the equipment with silver orders for example.

  • Two silvers order for the equipment is just too expensive as it is twice as expensive in terms of XP gained compared to the old XP gain. It was 24XP to gain 4 bronze orders to obtain say a large ammo pouch whereas now it is 50xp to gain 2 silver orders.

*3 silver order for a single pistol seriously ? come on that’s just again far too expensive for what it is the sidearms are not really that great.

People didn’t mind all of the equipment costing bronze orders and its rather frustrating that the community of the people that play the game have not been listened too and just completely disregarded.

This update will now just make obtaining new equipment a lot more grindy with the higher costs of equipment. It seems like the game is being made intentionally more grindy and becoming less fun to play.

No offense but are you guys trying to drive away your player base away ? because you wont only end up scaring off new players but perhaps even old players alike.

Thanks for reading


I’d still say silver should be every 10k and 15k xp because at 25 and 50 its pretty unobtainable for the average player

You should also look into removing the ability to scrap battle pass weapons just to pre-empt the headache from people doing it accidentally and chimping out about it


Also I think you forgot to double the rate of bronze weapon orders like you did with bronze troop orders


Apparently they didnt mean they would double the rate, but that the rate of one would be double of the other.

From 3k both (alternating) it became two parallel progress bars, one troop bronze every 3k, weapon bronze every 6k.

They should have left both at 3k in parallel or made them 1.5k-3k in parallel.


where is silver order?