Your feedback about last update

unfortunately you’re right, and the company prefers to listen to kids with special needs than those who really love the game, so Enlisted loses players over time and when it’s too late they’ll want to try to fix it but it’ll be almost dead if not dead , I already left after that.

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I don’t like your economy changes being unable to buy random soldiers with Bronze Orders or the complete sidelining of the Academy. It’s anti-newplayer and a step backwards.

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I hated the old way much more.

State of Tunisia post recent updates (Axis point of view)

Things I like: Italy. Love seeing this nation represented.

Things I don’t like:

  1. Too much Germany. Outside of one sniper squad and the 2nd MG squad there is zero reason you MUST have Germany thus far in the campaign. Every single weapon used by German troops has an Italian equivalent. Every vehicle, especially aircraft, has an Italian equivalent. Perhaps the Panzer III. Even then it is not essential. The bottom line is, this campaign needs more Italy and less Germany.

  2. The Semovente is in every way worse then the Grant I tank. There are several ways to buff the semovente. One, give it HE rounds. Two, give it roof MG. Three, give it a faster reload. All of these are realistic and would all help. I know the Panzer III is a nice upgrade, but the Allies get the Grant at the same time Italy gets the semovente. This unlock should be done fairly.

  3. No Italian mortar squad, Anti-tank Squad, or Flamethrower squad, or attack aircraft. If you are dead set on keeping this campaign half and half AT LEAST give one of each type of squad that is Italian. That way a player can choose to play Italian units or German units. The Italians have unique AT weapons (Solothurn AT-rifles in many variants, and the Lanciabombe Controcarro 60 mm HEAT grenade launcher). A light infantry mortar (Brixia Model 35) and several flamethrowers (Lanciafiamme Modello 35, Lanciafiamme Modello 41, and Lanciaflamme Modello 41 d’assalto). For Attack aircraft there are a ton of available models. Breda 88M would probably be most “historical” bet even some of the prototypes (the M. 202 EC was a protoype only plane after all) would fit chronologically. Please give us at least one Italian squad of each type.

  4. I’ve noticed the slow changes to the Italian uniforms. But they are still terrible. Minimal and riddled with inaccuracies. I really hope there is significant work planned for this effort.

  5. Needs more maps. But I am certain there are more planned, so this is more of just a pro forma comment.

Thanks for the time.

What I like
Love the game but for how much longer after all this…

What I dont like
Youre ruining it with premium packs and locking shit behind events.
Also the medal system is dumb. Make it like Battlefields with the ribbons for First Blood, All around Warrior, The Crusher, exc.

What you should do for events is make it a cool weapon skin or a tank/plane skin, portfolio pics. Not weapons that SHOULD be available to all players already.

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Battlepass Tiger for Berlin next patch please))))

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What I don’t Like:

I don’t like how you can’t tell what Formation or Behavior your squad is set to. I think this should be part of the squad UI in the lower left corner. Some symbol or word to represent Formation (Close wide standard) and a symbol or word to represent Behavior (Aggressive or Passive) .

It would also be nice to have an option to set default to whichever you prefer. I prefer Wide and Aggressive and would like this to be the default mode. But I think people have different preferences so an option for the default would be great.


Please @Keofox can you provide the weekly updates again? If you could also confirm that planes / tailgunners are on the list that would be amazing.

What I like:
The diversity in all campaigns, some highly dependent on actual players on your side to actually take objective. (Tunisia, Moscow axis)

What I don’t like:
Tanks and planes sounds very similar, would be great to hear real BF109, Tiger sounds

Engineers nation specific equipment

What I don’t understand:
Sometimes soldiers get stuck in floor, luckily only rarely

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As before - this topic is the most important! We are following your message closely. Thanks for putting in your time.

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will there be an option to use mouse and keyboard on consoles? I have Friends that want to play but is to difficult to compete against pc players using controller.

We do not plan. This will make other players playing on consoles not equal to you. You can separate from PC players in your console settings.

Can’t we jest sell as many guns as we want? It took me 2-3 sec to sell every single one of them, and I have thousands.

DEAR @Keofox were are the silver order obtainable for xp? this is… a prank? you forget that?

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dang thats a bummer for consoles and after playing on a console for one game i wouldn’t play this unless it was with keyboard and mouse the interface is hard to use with joystick and trying to fly shoot or move through a bush with controller is totally different other than that this is an awesome game keep up good work just wish my console friends could be competitive while playing with me thank you

What you like

  • Weapon upgrade

What you don’t like

  • The prices on grenades and other equipment, who thought this would be a good pricing? Already low on silver and you guys came up with this all by yourselves?

  • Nothing about player balance? Getting stomped with a team full of bots vs a full player team is getting old. Throwing console players into it trying to “balance” it out is not a fix, it almost makes it worse.

  • AI, a key aspect of the game and the AI level is something similar I would expect out of Half Life, wait, those AI actually adapted their gameplay depending on what the players did. No matter. AI is a core functionality and only reason that Enlisted stands aside from all the other available titles, how can a core functionality be so sub par? Get working on those pathing issues and making the AI useful, specially if you are going to keep running bots to “balance” out games where the low pop sides will keep getting stomped.

  • Vehicle balance?? IL2 vs paper planes is getting old. I have yet to see a vehicle balance addition to Enlisted and that makes me wonder. Do you guys have access to balancing vehicles? Or do you think it is as well balanced as the player balance on factions?

What is not too easy to understand

Yet another big patch with very little addition to the game. Yes we finally got weapon upgrades and silver orders (Now visible on patch notes after public outcry, but understandable to miss such a minor addition to the patch).

But where are all the important things? Game is losing players per the day and these new changes to equipment prices.

Imagine being a new player, Timmy, in this game and starting to level up. Build your squad, getting them equipment and so on. Then add to that if you happen to pick axis Tunisia as your main faction… You think Timmy player will stick around?

Maybe, he gets into his game, his AI squaddies keep running out in open roads when he is behind cover, standing there waiting to die and then replaced by the next AI in his squad also running into the road staring into nothingness. Think Timmy will stick around?

Timmy tries to talk to his team, he asks for backup and support. Nobody answers. Because Timmy did not know he was playing alone with bots vs a full team of players. You think Timmy will keep playing Enlisted?

I love Enlisted, play it daily, but the lack of focus on the core functionality of the game makes even the die hards of Enlisted starting to question what is going on. Now is the time for transparency, why is the focus on minor aspects of the game and it seems more like a blatant crash grab now with new prices. (If the tactic is to scare off any new players tho this tactic is spot on!)

Well, rant over!



Patch notes don’t mention anything about silver orders dropping with XP.

This is either a massive oversight, or a straight out scummy move.

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I cant connect to server after update :frowning: Yesterday all fine and today after update Iam unable to connect :frowning:

Can. We forgot to mention this in the patch notes)))

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Please. This topic is for your feedback.
We have a simple discussion at: Update ( - Xbox, Playstation) - #2

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I just updated the game and it won’t connect…