Your feedback about last update

Ruins of Vaux, when BF110 firecannons and rockets nearby, FPS drops significantly again, I remember this issue previously, it got fixed, please don’t ignore really spoiling the game now.

Ps5 btw

Yeah i was just in Normandy, Axis JU 188 A-2, and had same issue, just started going down, no damage after i reloaded and was on way back to bomb stuff.
May its just not showing its damaged? idk

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I don’t think there were any aircraft at the time with me, or incoming fire though?

Like the new 3d view, ammo and ammo but also rotation on planes, so now I can admire them in my garage.

Dislike: MG Placement don’t work either.
It might be server side, as some DDay maps they did work???

I don’t really like how you can only use silver orders to get troops considering it take time to get them. You can probably add a way to trade in a curtain amount of bronze orders for silver orders. This will make it a little easier to get silver orders since there aren’t much uses for bronze orders


Hi mate you can edit posts btw
I’m on mobile here… see

Like: Saint Lo new Normandy map, nice intense fights there, but map rotation is very low played all day on Normandy and did not get it?

Hello my feedback on the last fall is such that the changes that occurred made me angry and so from the scriptures this comment, please remove the stupid fog or sand dust or what is on the maps in Tunisia and remove those stupid craters that remain after the bombs from the planes, tanks are incredibly annoying and become more and more unplayable …

zırhlı tren guncellemesi yapınca hesabım sıfırlandı

Good gun models

Premium squads
Cant get random troops

Parachuting is good, but the other players still chooses to commit suicide. Other rewards and punishment mechanisms may be needed to save the lives of pilots.

Maybe using the score obtained in the game as spawn points. Just as the use of skills in CRSED requires soul points, the deployment of aircraft and tanks can be also required. In this way, the parachuting pilot and the emergency landing will be able to refound some soul points as a reward.

Emergency Landing does not teleported to the battlefield. Its maybe a bug.

Maybe dev should let the pilot chooses the rally point instead of resurrecting the default rally point farthest from the battlefield.

Like: Love the parachute behind your lines and automatically appear in battle

Dislike: FPS Drops when flying, not just bombs dropping, but cannons firing on enemy plane flying by (BF110) - on ps5 and seems to affect PC too.

Like: Only just noticed we can 3d rotate soldiers and all planes and vehicles now, like PC brilliant work, now I don’t play I just rotate and stare at my sexy premiums… ok not really but I could!

Latest update seems to have improved fps when bombs dropping. Mind you if have not seen many cas on my rounds, I shoot em down before they can attack.

Don’t understand:
Why Stuka has no airbrakes, I’m sure it used to, it also used to be 2 crew, I’m sure…

Train mode:
The map is great, I get confused should I be escorting the train or strafing the troops, what exactly makes the train go / stop? (Very nice addition to the game though), needs a few improvements I think. I’ll leave that to others.

When can we meet the new economic system?2022 or 2042?

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What I like ? the game

What I don’t like ? the bugs :
Since the update, I got a lot of bugs that prevent me to play correctly.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the game but still have the same bugs…
I play for the moment on Tunisia and Moscow maps

  1. Aim/sight bug :
    After dying from explosive, in vehicule, plane, AA or machine gun, 90% of the time I respawn without correct sight also the character are uncontrollable and it persist during all the game, all I can do is to respawn as tank or plane to have a correct aim but if I exit the tank I still have this (btw suicide doesnt fix it) :

—> Please fix that or give us a way to reset the aim.

  1. Infinite loading :
    When I want to play again, I get stuck on loading screen, It happens after the first or second game :

→ u can notice that the image doesn’t match the game (Tunisia)

Also, if I don’t get stuck there, I get stuck after the game when the score should appear but I have infinite cloud instead…

These are not the only bugs but they are the most annoying for me.


Padding out the BP with multiple levels giving only 1x silver order is pretty shitty of you
Same with the booster changes

I really like that the VG 1-5 is useable again, I really missed using that gun but now it feels pretty fine again :slight_smile: .

Oh also I never been vocal in this thread about it, I really like that the semi-automatics firerate got nerfed, ever since I use them more than before!

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