Your feedback about last update

Hi! Is it in one mission or in all? What platform do you play on?

All Soldier Appearances Reset After Update
I just wanted to report that all of my soldiers appearances for all factions were randomized after the update was released.

Nerf Soviet submachine guns and increase rate of fire for all semi-auto rifles.

It is the new map on tunisia. I got desperate when i got 8 matches straight on that map. I play on pc.

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I like this game’s builder(Engineer),and i can build AT or AA everywhere

I don’t like this game’s Soldier geting way , it only can use silver buy , i have over 100 copper and every of my old soldier is level 5 , but 0 silver , and one day only can do 3 mission, and not all reward is silver personnel , so i play all month only can buy 8 soldier? i need play 3 Battle , and all need over 30 new soldier , YAYAYAYA , GOOD :slight_smile:

Question to the DEVs:

Great we can define AI behavior as aggressive or passive!
What is the default mode being active without us changing it in battle?

I was going to buy all premium vehicles, not squads, but having a bugged BF110 has put me off til fixed, ah well.

Tried train mode, wow awesome but not sure of tactics or balance as yet, only played once.
No deployables on trains like sandbags ammo boxes seems a bit off.

Thank you for bayonet event will play tonight :+1:

Please tell me the name of the mission and what platform are you playing from? PC? PS? Xbox?


Tunisia - Premium BF110 C6, try out squad on logistics, no particular mission, I wanted to see it in action before buying…

Unfortunately it is bugged, I am on Ps5 btw

Sorry Keo, not sure you asked me for info or another person mate.

Dislike - not historical correct San Marco, Lewis without drum animations (DP and DT still have no animations), downgraded DAK visual.

Like - Bayonets, new lightening, some new sounds, updated maps, little bit more accurate LMGs.

Train mode did not test yet.

New premium MG squads are OP as shit

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Same could be said about the Lewis gun one.

This squads compositions make no sence

I m still yet, to understand the reason why they can’t sell us what we are asking for.

Premium squads exacly with the same number of soldiers as normal premium squads.

And they take this route with p2w aspects like 5 MGs in a single squad.

I m strongly against this.

How many of us need to request exacly the same squad compositions as free squads instead of this overpowered designs?!..

I would pay, for a 3 man MG squad, with an engineer and 2 troopers with a bolt action rifle.
But I won’t pay for a 5 MG squad in no right mind.


Completely serious here
I was alt tabbing back to revise my post to say both of them were just now lol

I agree 100%

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What I like:

The new train map and mode is amazing, fun, and I enjoy it alot.
Sadly I can’t queue only for it…
I enjoy the stug Alot, but can’t understand why no MG in it…

What I don’t like,
Bugs in my chaffee tank commander and driver port, making my payed squad useless to use…
No way to queue only on the train batle.
No bayonets for berlin rifles on this event

What I trully hate, it’s disgusting to even think about it:

Many of us, proposed, asked, wanted and would trully support this game way more with premium squads with the same compositions and number of soldiers like a normal squad, and darkflow decided to go on a pay to win direction.

What I hate the most:

Having 5 MGs on a premium squad it’s broken as fuck. This shouldn’t be in the game.!

What it’s hard to understand :

Why can’t premium squads be like normal squads regarding number of soldiers


None of the devs even answer us, players that are supporting the game buying them.

I can’t care less about the prices, but this isn’t fair.
5 MG squads shouldn’t be in the game, neither only 4 soldiers with 4 guns that can’t have more soldiers, and can’t have secondary weapons, and can’t change the guns or what ever.

I m trying to understand, how can you present us with a premium squad with 4 MP 28s for example without an engineer or more soldiers and have a premium squad with 5 MG guns in them.

What the hell.

If our feedback is so important, why, after all this time your playerbase requesting not to do this types of squads, but do them exacly like normal squads, you present them either way!?


The new map on tunisia. I got 7-8 matches straight on that same map and i was getting pretty damn desperate :smiley: I play on pc. Missons were the same and that felt also pretty damn weird. Pictures show the mission. Conquer/conquest? Oh and only defence, maybe 1 attacking scenario match, cant remember.

Realistic weapons models
More competent A.I compared to previous versions
weapons upgrades and soldier upgrades don’t affect gameplay to an exreme
improved soldier upgrade allows rapid upgrades

Don’t Like
Weapons upgrades steep prices with the older upgrades system
The lack of transferability for mines and pistols
Inability to buy pistols(although not practical,mainly for collecting all weapons for each campaign)

Sorry it’s piecemeal feedback this time:

Armour inspection is kinda helpful, also weapon inspection on console too!
Armoured train, because I also want to get my Tiger but bayonet event Normandy to do.

No tracer fire on BF110 Premium in Tunisia
New bug in A20 in Normandy dropped bombs and framerate drops significantly? (Logged as bug too)

Likes again:
New sounds (please do same for planes)
Smoke in All campaign finally thank you
Christmas trees / Fireworks great idea!
Parachutes yes!!

Don’t understand:
Economy and weapon upgrade system not released yet?
Still no allied AA :slightly_frowning_face:
Tail Gunner maybe fixed at same time as planes?
Premiums lacking components making them subpar what we have already, I posted I already have Firefly, Chaffee why do I need Churchill, Stug missing MG too!

Pretty solid update, but significant frame drop when bombing in A20 (church invasion forgot name) is not good, kinda spoiling my fun in Normandy. (Figured out it’s just bombs not A20 specially and FPS in general was fine previous update?)

Ps5 here btw

Time for another round of feedback.

What I like:

  1. Introduction of new maps. They all look very interesting.
  2. New Game Mode. The train game mode seems pretty cool from when I tried it and I think I will do some more Berlin due to it.
  3. Bot Behaviour changes.
  4. Sound changes. Guns now sound more meaty
  5. Bayonets.
  6. Christmas mode.
  7. Smoke for all radio operator squads. This is realy awesome and makes radio operator squads more interesting. Sadly I have not found it in me to bother with them even then unless there is a new radio operator squad to level.
  8. Bugfixes!
  9. Terrain deformation via bombs. Pretty fun.

What I do not like.

  1. New XP Booster types in the Battlepass. This simply fucks over the players from everything that I can see as before the old XP Boosters gave campaign progression which was the most important, especially for people that got the Elite Battlepass but no premium. Soldier XP boost is a joke and does not fix your extremely grindy Perk rerolling system. Just change it back to the old one where you could get 1 reroll per every 3200 XP you got when the soldier was maxed out. That was a far better system and the reason you removed it was to annoy players.
  1. New Premium MG Squad in Moscow. 5 Man with 5 MGs and one of those is a Pioneer. That’s a bad thing and you should stop that bad move right now. A 4 Man with 1 Pioneer and 3 MGs should be just fine and actually gives some difference to other prem squads.
  2. The New axis airplane on the Normandy campaign looks like a bad unlock and should be changed for a 410 version more suited for ground attack. Will also need to keep an eye on how the T28E and Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. F1 will be working out in Moscow.

What I don’t understand.
You weird premium Vehicle decisions.

There are also a lot of things I have not commented on (like Trooper III with another nade launcher rifle) but I guess I am mostly ambivalent about that or thinking on how to improve those.


Another bug A20 without damage starts dropping altitude for no reason, throttle was mid range so not overheat, again since last update.