Your feedback about last update

Only tested FW-190, didn’t noticed changes. Actually a tons of new things are added so a couple of days will be needed to digest everything :smiley:

i have noticed it mainly on attackers(il2 and stuka)

pls begging you

Hopefully we’ll see these maps get invasion mode as well.

About the extreme wrong uniform of the new premium squad (moscow soviet, Lewis)

The entire uniform is hurting my eyes…
Why there is the red collar tab for navy?
And so much more is wrong!
Please, I have been waiting this for a long time. And this squad cost 35USD. Please spend some time on creating a correct model for it!

Hello, the gamemode is TOP but the train textures are bad sometimes ( corpses and their weapons are falling away, onetime I bugged out of train by wall xd) if this will be fixed then this mode will be probably best


  • new gamemode. It seems quite interesting.
  • bayonets implemented in all campaigns
  • smoke arty in all campaigns
  • AI stances
  • parachutes
  • engi tutorial
  • armor “analyzer”
  • AI changes. They seem to work fine, although they miss a lot.
  • bayonet buff. It was needed as knife was better in almost every way (!I haven’t tested it yet!)


  • 250 kg bomb on a FIGHTER!!! WTF?!

  • new premium MG13 and Lewis gun squads have 5 LMGs!!! Literally no one would complain if you gave bolt action rifle to the engi.
    Are we going back to 7 LMGs squads from CBT? I guess you don’t learn from past mistakes.

    Also, why engi in those squads can build MG nest? They are not an engineer squad! WTF are you doing?

  • Kar98 with AT grenade is a separate weapon. It makes NO sense. It’s 1:1 the same weapon we already have but more expensive in every way.
    How new grenade launcher should have been implemented (imo)

    Garand is also questionable at such lvl.

  • prices of premium squads. I don’t have GDP of a small country at my disposal you know.

Not clear:

  • why it’s so hard for you to make premium squads composition 1:1 to regular ones? Instead you do weird shit like engineer with LMG.

i m asking the same since… forever…

  • Firing sounds now better match real shot counts for all tank machine guns, as well as for the following weapons: DP 27, DPM, AVS 36, FG 42, MG 42, M2.

DP-27 sounds better, please continue to improve weapon sounds


Hello :metal: PLAYSTATION.5

I think the Console has advantages from the Update in the first place. :nazar_amulet:
so here is my Report:

:point_right:Friends and I have noticed that as soon as a plane flies over us. The game is about to crash. so laggd it :point_left:

Fixed machine guns on the map cannot be controlled.

+Showcase Mode in Main Menu finally for the Konsole
+Destruction Engine even if they are still extremely buggd.

  • :evergreen_tree:TANNENBAUM

-and now it comes thick, :eggplant:
-dress warmly. :candle:

Why can’t a Premium Squad cost normal money, but really has to go to extremes. :pensive:

Why is it still not possible to edit your Premium Squads? :face_vomiting:
It doesn’t make sense to have 4x MG guys with you and it’s not authentic either.
Do you want it to be used to play Rambo for 5 minutes?
:point_right:Take away a gunner and give a pioneer, is that that hard? :point_left:

Everything that is right, but 57 euros for a tank without a MG, is a cheek. (STUG3) :dizzy_face:

How is that justified? :bomb:

For someone who has almost everything MAX level, what is now achievable is not enough.
2-3 levels per campaign? Sunday I would be ready. So what? :confused:

Priceless, unplayable, a real Shame. :wave:
Yo I will recommend this game to others but with caution. :poop:
I wish you the best of luck :four_leaf_clover: but whoever spends the money on this content has too much of it. :moneybag: :heavy_dollar_sign: :moneybag:

Could Tell you so much more but, i dont think you read my Words
and Englisch is not my Native Language, a German Forum would work good too. :de:


What I don’t like:
Me410 at Attacker II squad, which makes no sense, should be at least the same squad as Bf110

Ok smth needs to be done with this new train game mode. This is not right. Russians can build rps while Germans can only hope that opposite team is full of low levels, newbie noobs who don’t have any idea how to play this game to be able to win.
As you can see I was able to build rps while Germans, nothing. Played this map today like 15 times both factions and I can surely say that this map is in big favour for Russians. Germans can’t build because it’s just too close to either spawn point (default one) or too close to the train. While opposite side just needs to wait for the train to get closer build it between 80 and 100 and GG. Enemy team did they best but not enough. If they could have built rps this would be a defeat for sure.

Edited: another one now there were 3x rps for defenders.
One player on enemy team tried but basically it wasn’t anywhere near to the train. While 3 of ours were ~80.

This stuff makes playing enlisted after the big update completedly impossible.
Please help.
Planes, Tanks, Infantry -All do the same about 90% of time on the battlefield.
Please help.
Never had this problem before.
Please help.
New update ruined this game for me.
Please help.
I’m sorry for crybabying.


Great update overall, but I don’t like the changes to the boosters, here is my opinion:
I noticed that the battle pass now includes boosters for solely soldier XP as well as solely squad XP, this really is not necessary. It has already confused many players and makes the game more frustrating. These rewards (primarily soldier XP boosters) are completely useless to many players with maxed squads (including premium squads), and yes, many players play with maxed squads, not just endgame players. Some of us just want to grind the campaign. These changes were not helpful, I would 100% rather have rarer boosters that boost all XP, than limited boosters that are more common.

I am also a little disappointed that player statistics and silver order changes haven’t been implemented yet. The silver order changes have been promised for a long time, and in my head it seems like it would be easier to implement than an armored train.

Lastly, I hope we get to see more explosive weapons in future battle pass seasons, similar to the RMN-50.

Armored train escort is freaking fun as hell!!!

what a lovely mode ! loved every single second of it!

well done devs! well done!


Hi, I logged on late and still cannot see bf110 c6 premium, cannon rounds, was the hotfix for this or rally points please?

Very cool update, very fun, unexpected, very enjoyable. I like it a lot. Unexpected as I didn’t expect something like this to be added to the game. Very nice update, very good game.

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One flaw i noticed about armored train map - bots don’t hold possition when marked on train,marked position stays at the same place while train is moving, technically it marks the ground. In the result as i keep fighting, bots just jump out of train and stay far away back.

The train map is very interesting, the concept is fun and creates great gameplay but I believe it is unbalanced heavily in the defenders’ favor.

The movement of the train organically creates waves of attackers and makes the map very dynamic and has a good push-pull feel to it, even though the train only moves in one direction. Since the train is just barely slower than sprinting infantry, the attackers will naturally fall behind the train and have their rallies and spawn outpaced, giving the defenders a chance to overwhelm the train and build up defenses.

However, the lack of ticket replenishment for the attackers makes it very difficult for them to win on this map. Since the train is always moving towards the defenders, this allows them to build rallies while the attackers effectively cannot; defenders can then form defensive strongpoint that will cost the attackers significant resources to defeat; if the defenders take control of the train, the attackers lose their primary advantage in this map and it becomes even more difficult to dislodge the defenders.

More maps should have as large a play area as this map as well, having lots of room to flank is very fun and lets players take in the astounding graphics.


this is exactly the problem that the new map poses. the attacking team either needs more reinforcement points per cap, closer spawns (and more protected- the allies literally get those mounds on either side of the bridge, completely concealing them while the axis is out in the open) or both.