Your feedback about last update

When you jump out of a plane it says «press space to open parachute» or something like that

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DOH! hadn’t played a game, in plane yet, who gets in a plane, and then bails, and doesn’t ask what’s the parachute button lol
Although, was getting much better at bailing from plane, was surviving about 4-10 attempts :stuck_out_tongue:
thank you btw

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Thank you, looking forward to trying all the new features in game.

made a terrible mistake and lied to you. The parachute can be opened by the spacebar


So everyone in game try’s and kills me, and now the developer, wants me dead, its auto, hahaha
bails from plane, rolls a smoke, smoke it, and still no parachute, splat.

u lied to us again no silver orders no counter to fg42 or panther what the hell are you doing with your time oh wait catering to the Germans i forgot

The appearance has been reset again!!!!

We’ll fix it. Thank you.


What i like:

  1. The new train, works very nicely, interesting new gamemode.

  2. The new Maps

  3. Some of the new levels

What i dont like:

1 There is still no STG added into Berlin

2 the new weapon upgrading system is not here

  1. The new premium squads - expensive, not unique/good

What is difficult to understand

Why isnt there a normal Seelow heights map?

Again where is the STG

Why only 2 levels for our 3 older campaigns

You know that the 51d couldn’t carry 4 of any bomb so it’s either 100 pound x 2, 500 pound x2, 1000 pounds x 2 or it was 6 hvars

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Nice, but i cant find any info about fixed lights in the game? At least that nuclear sun glare?

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The update was released right now,
Thank you for your patience


I hope this applies to that new map in Berlin campaign.

Thank you.
It was fixed

I wasn’t sure what to expect with the armored train mission but it turned to be pretty cool. The AI is able to get inside the train easily and actually stay inside so that’s another great point.
There’s also no bumps or rollback while riding it. Good.

Terraforming with bombs is nice. Let’s hope that in some maps bombing spam won’t be used to deliberatly make the way impossible for tanks.

Smoke arty big big +1

Nice touch with the christmass tree and fireworks for the end of year.

I like the waaaaaah when falling.

Edit: +1 for not making the parachute some rambo bs, my bad

@QA_meerosch as for the engineer tutorial:

First of all, nice try. However, it is missing some important aspects that are currently not even known widely enough but are important to engineer play nonetheless.

  1. Both tutorial soldiers should be engineer class, not trooper equipped with a hammer (icon is misleading to new players)
  2. Tutorial should include training on using your AI to build things for you while you can guard or build something else/speeding up the building process while building together.

These two aspects needs to be added (class included in tutorial changed to actual engineer) and it would be good enough.


Why you deleted RMN-50 from unique Gold Weapons in Battle for Moscow?

Hi! First thing i noticed view angle and Brrr sound of MG42 has changed. I don’t know if it’s better or worse, probably not used to it, but the main question is does any weapon charasterics of MG42 have changed or it’s only change in weapon sound?

has anyone else noticed the plane controls being worse
now planes try to level out much more aggresively, making maneuvering much harder