Your feedback about last update

Bronze orders for dismissing soldiers feedback:
Seems bugged to me!

  • Dismissing a 1 star soldier gives 2 bronze orders.
  • Dismissing a 2 star soldier gives 2 bronze orders
  • Dismissing a 3 star soldier gives 2 bronze orders
  • Dismissing a 4 star soldier gives 5 bronze orders.

It has to be a bug. What was the benefit for me, to upgrade my 1 star troops into 2 and 3 star troops which I was doing until the upgrade hit, even retraining several tens of troops in the final week? With this system it was just a waste of time and money (premium account) and maybe even wasting the level up tokens. Now, I have lost 5 bronze orders per level 2 soldier, and 16 orders per level 3 soldier.

Also, barracks upgrade is still present in upgrade tree and premium account even if it does nothing useful.

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To answer to myself about what would be sensible system:
Level 1 - Bronze 1
Level 2 - Bronze 3
Level 3 - Bronze 9
Level 4 - Bronze 24 (to equalize with current cost of training and prevent gaming of the system)
Level 5 - Bronze 42 (as above)

Sure, with the above system it would’ve made sense for the players to spend all bronzes just prior to the update, but this is also the case with the calcs that were used in what we have on live. And yes, I am actually suggesting there would be less tickets handed out for 1 star soldiers.

In my opinion makes no real sense to separate between different types of soldier (e.g. Trooper I, II, III) because they all used to come from the same bronze random ticket - and the feature was intended to be used by those who have amassed a lot of troops with the random tickets, it makes almost zero sense to use dismissing with the silver order based troops.

As it stands, the dismiss soldiers functionality just punishes players who made an effort before the patch went live.


AHAHHAHAHAHA Is this some kind of joke?
If you compare it to the old system, there you “traded” (lost) two fighters to improve one another.
Now you get 5 cards when a tier 3 soldier from level 4 to 5 wastes 54 cards?
What’s the shame? The prices should vary depending on the soldier’s tier and be at least a third (or better half) of the price of the cards invested in him.
It costs 114 bronze cards to improve a tier 3 soldier from level 1 to 5, therefore you should get at least 30-40 for his dismissal.


But we get 2 bronze orders for a 1 star soldier with no experience on it. Remember, we got even 2 or 3 soldiers with a single bronze order when we had that. So the rate of change does not seem bad. I have a large amount of 1 or 2 stars soldiers, never played, and very few soldiers with more than 1 star fully developed.

You do not have the ability to get a level 1 soldier. Any soldier costs silver and starts at level 2.

  • What I like
  1. AI improvements
  2. Replacing placeholder models (but there is still very long way to go… including placeholder engineer structures)
  3. We can finally dismiss soldiers for bronze orders (but the exchange rate is kind of meagre)
  4. More variation on Invasion (but assault feels like it is kind of being left behind?)
  • What I don´t like
  1. T-50 is still unable to use out of the cupola view.

  2. Bayonets shouldn´t be exclusive to a few campaigns, every weapon that could use one should have option to mount it.

  3. There is still no information about planned squad behaviour stances (defensive/agressive/neutral) that was planned MONTHS AGO. @Keofox, was this scrapped, postponed, or is it being still worked on? Yes, I will keep asking until I get the answer (this is attempt #3). Link here: Development report №1

  4. As mentioned above, bronze orders for dismissal are just awfully low and should be raised. Also,
    you can create a whole new economy based on this if you also include the level of the soldier in reward for dismissal which would incentivize players to voluntarily train more soldiers than necessary.

  5. Shotguns are still useless in comparison even to: pistols (including most revolvers), pretty much any other weapons, pretty much ANY backpack. Please, restore shotguns to their former glory so they will be actually a real alternative to the backpack slot.


Please fix gunsight visibility
Its completely invisible when you’re firing at anything that isn’t silhouetted by the ground

In fact, I wrote “when we had that”. It was just 3 or 4 weeks ago, when one could accumulate a large number of reserve soldiers.
Today, nobody in his mind would buy a soldier using a silver order just to send him to the rear.

But this is the economy that is now in play. I have campaigns where I have no soldiers. I want adequate compensation for the disposal of soldiers

Is cross platform squads only for xbox players to create?

What I like ~

trade in reserve soldiers for bronze orders ...
different variations on missions

What I dont like ~

  Not enough bronze to compensate for a soldier that cost 1 silver now
  exchange rate for bronze to silver should be 6:1 up to 10:1

We need to see definate trade off between hand grenades and det packs. Det packs should be for tanks and less effect on INF. Hand Grenades should be more effective against INF

There should be a more substantial trade off between the two. Right now Det packs are the best in all situations . This change will also make AT gunners more usable / necessary

We’ll hand it over to the developers and discuss.

But we want to note that this is not a store where you sell fighters.

You give up on them. You’re firing. Bronze applications are a nice little bonus, not a way to earn them this way.

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Going forward no one should treat it as a store… It’s only because the economy has changed now. But it costs 6 bronze just to increase a rank 1 soldier by 1 level now. Rank 2 and 3 soldiers cost much more.

2 bronze is just not enough please consider a larger number at least 6 to 10 bronze per soldier

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What I don’t like -

  • Still no news about fixing or even addressing the order economy for soldiers. Bronzes rain from the sky, and silvers are in very short supply for anybody new or that didn’t stock up beforehand. If we’re to expect the same treatment for weapons, then new players can forget about even trying to get any reasonable progression. I know there’s the dollar sign sitting behind these gates, and even though it may not be true and may not even be the developments intentions, it just feels like these changes were/are intended to choke the players into dumping even more cash into the game, and that just feels scummy.

  • Custom matches were introduced as a potentially complete singleplayer experience; if the players so desire, yet we’ve only seen the removals of a few things, the additions of some small menu navigations and map rotations, and still no option to make the lobbies private (passwords, invite-only, etc.). Not just that, but there’s literally no reason why there shouldn’t be a higher cap to the amount of bot squads currently allowed.

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@Keofox , again the same unanswered question… an answer will do…

will we ever be able to add more soldier to 4 man premium squads? exacly the same upgrades a free squad variant have?

is this in consideration/in the works? or will never happen?

for example:

this premium squad (again, an example) :


with this option:

to have something like a free squad

with ONLY the extra xp bonus? we dont need nothing more…

is this into consideration? will this be done? …

i cant care less about the prices… just give us something trully worth the money we pay for and not a limited squad…

have the squads with the premium soldiers as we have right now, but we can add more soldiers into them…

is this too much to ask? …


Please add private matches for custom games. Many of us want to do historical battles that arent possible with randoms since we can’t pre-define what weapons are allowed and allow only certain players to join


Yeah, this is pretty much all that premium squads needs.
Also, this needs to be applied to event reward squads as well.

I get it, it’s not a store. However please consider your old claims and promises when you talk about the players now receiving a “nice little bonus”:

People were concerned when you announced changes and how to prepare the best. How should we play the game because you will modify the things we have earned? It is a valid concern, because we spend our time and money on the game in order to have fun!

Instead, as developers, you didn’t tell which way is best. You made many big promises on these forums about “things we change will be compensated so just keep playing normally”. So we played on normally.

Right now the situation is such, that I kept playing normally, and by putting three level 1 soldiers into academy and getting one level 2 soldier back, I lost 4 bronze orders. I lost even more by putting two star soldiers into academy to get three star soldiers. The promise is not fulfilled. Neither is the promise for compensation for gold and squad-based improvements - academy time halving thru premium has been deleted, and double barracks is obsolete as well as barracks enlargements in squad improvements. Will you keep your promises or are news items just empty words?

Besides, for the “selling soldiers” - there is no point, even if anyone started to buy and sell soldiers in large amounts, they would just be burning a stack of silver orders to get a few bronze ones.



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