Your feedback about last update

Everyone builds german MGs and AAA. They’re obviously placeholders.


hi, from the last update can’t receive the notification for on the radio when the point is being taken.

Oh no… No more flying gumbies…

Glad to see that bug about tank rounds doing comical things to ragdolls is fixed though.

I love the game in general, lots to unlock and lots of customizing. But my main issue is when I wanna play with friends it shows 3 player invites. But when inviting them it only allows myself and one other friend.

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you can have 4 players at max in 1 group

its impossible to rank soldiers to level 5 on premium planes like the

II./JG3 in normandy with the BF 109 G-6 plane

same for the american premium squad.

this was exacly the same error on engineers on premium bike squads in tunisia.

berlin plane premium squads works wonders.


in berlin, the less expencive (3750 gold) premium tank can have all the tanker perks.

but the more expensive 5300 gold premium squad cant.

as level 5 soldier, Loader perk needs 16 speed to be used :

and the more expensive tank squad only have 14 speed on every soldier.

shouldnt it atleast be able to have the tanker perks at level 5 soldier?

exacly the same on the soviet side:
more expensive with only 14 speed at level 5:

less expencive squad with 19 speed avaiable so we can have all the tanker perks…

shouldnt the more expencive squad have it too?

Time for some more feedback:

What I like:
Tunisia Grb39 finally a way to kill tankers, just please look at sights on that thing. (Maybe give us range change option, like PFaust etc)

Fiery November event got what I needed , was fun, some tasks lot harder than others! (4 planes, when using FW you are doomed as flying is too wobbly).

Artillery rotating option is great and works better but still hard to deploy on certain maps, not enough down deviation.

OVP is high fire rate, sights are terrible for an smg though, but good gun overall.

What I don’t like:
Tunisia JU87 is defenseless still without tail gunners.

Tunisa line up axis, the fact that I had 3 useless levels to upgrade made grind horrible (FW… Motorbike had in beta), Last level Beretta again really?
On the same subject the last 5 squads didn’t get used, just their weapons.

Grant seemed very difficult to pen with Grb39, hit about 10 times, one crew dead…

What I don’t understand:
Do squad formation reset with each update, I had soldiers in my squad miles behind me? I usually put all to standard.

Still no update on Engineer placeholders, we have the nation models c’mon guys, AA maybe not have models yet.

Of all the campaigns Tunisia was the least enjoyable, I don’t like destruction, a lot of zero base games, mind you it worked the same for allies being zero based too. (Not going to level up allied, unless some new juicy vehicles ie. Churchill, Tiger come in the scene.

I know @Keofox you said FW190 was being worked on, but any idea when this will be corrected please - wobbly flying, free look still controlling plane, mg autofiring at 110 rounds.

Love this game and played cough some other games and they don’t come close to atmosphere of EL!


Tunisia still feels really half-baked. Hopefully they listen to everyone and start making some common sense fixes. ESPECIALLY getting rid of as much USA and Germany as possible …

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indeed… campaign feels so dull right now…

i want more german stuff there.

vehicles atleast … so far nothing (imo) interesting besides the Fnab that its already present in normandy…

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Yeah because three full campaigns of Germany isn’t enough…


I hope that the game can display the task progress reminder when selecting a squad before birth, because sometimes it is necessary to decide which squad to choose based on the task progress. But currently, when selecting a squad, you cannot view the current task progress by pressing the M key.

i would like accurate uniforms, your team need to have specialists that make better and accurate uniform, accurate gear. About fiery november, we didn’t have enough time to unlock special units and tanks. Please make it longer. An other thing: you have to lower the price of special tanks and units: it they were for example 300/400 gold a lot more players would buy them and you will earn much money!

What i like


What i dont like

Why isn’t is possible to play with your friends in the same squad? For example in the same rifleman or sniper squad. (Just as it is in war thunder)

Why dont the snipers have binoculars in their inventory? This would be a great advance in long range sniping.


I feel like the new Rally Point mechanics really nerf the hell out of them. The distance change is fairly substantial and I find they aren’t too much closer than regular spawn points.


What is not too easy to understand:

why no germans on the login pictures like we currently have (tunisia moto squad as alies, D,day soldiers on a boat, soviets runing on the fields?)

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excellent to indicate the direction of where the attack comes from, that was missing .I have problems with the plane when bending, turn quickly there is a defazaje with the sight and the screen turns black apoco.tengo una radeon 580 8gb anda impeccable.fix avion problem. improve the way to report cheaters, I saw one that shoots through the walls.gracias.buen juego.

I really think they should revert the rally point change and encourage new players to build rally points. I think that is what is making this game fun. Good strategies and constant action. Instead of walking hew hundreds of meters to the objective. New players should start with the engineering squad.

Bugs I found:
+Hitting the tank in fuel or engine with tank shell sets enemy tank on fire but does not give kill or assist.
+Invisible ladder
+Stuck climbing

Features I would like:
+Destroy rally point should give points.
+Increase sandbag durability. They are still too weak.
+Shovel should be faster to be useful.

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Tanks catch fire and it takes a minute for crew to burn if they don’t escape or put out fire…

What you like

  • The whole game just about i have no complaints on anything but…

What you don’t like

1: the patch removing bronze orders from recruiting new guys in fact 95% of the player base HATE this its turned into a meme of “LACK OF SQUAD MEN!” Is starting to become an issue to the point everyone and their mother is thinking of quitting and thinking of leaving this game all together due to this…

2:the FACT sqauds are BUYABLE that should of NOT be a thing…i hate being in low tier match making and being BOMBED to the point of being deleted causing the map “Normandy” to be nothing but a spawn camp bomb runs it’s insane as i dont have money to BUY them but load and behold this can happen with people and credit cards…the fact consoles are the leading player base…there needs to be some kind of thing done to remove SQUAD BUYING and bringing back bronze recruiting as im getting tired of not being able to fill my squadrons yet everyone with a credit card can it’s annoying

3: TANKS NEED REDESIGNED! Warthunder did a WAY better job in this…BATTLEFIELD has done a way better job in this almost every tank game i can think of…where using a tank is EASY this is NOT infact the tanks are sooo bad that a tiny pot hole in the middle of the game is death for your tank as you cannot get out of it, tanks were designed to be able to drive OVER trenches but god forbid if you can in this even with the huge metal things is just begging you to get killed from another tank across the map

4:game is becoming too pay to win…yes you heard me theres no skill in this game…want to win matches and not die once? Use a credit card to buy a bomber and just spawn camp people over and over and over and over… i feel the matches are designed to give Axis a win advantage on spawn camping i understand this is somewhat based on history but good god man half my matches its…match starts…”Capture the first flag” we lose 95% of our tickets…ok “Capture next one” MISSION FAILED this has happened 98% of all my matches…allies just cannot win i feel the Stationary MGs are way too powerful…1shot death? Really? Even if its a foot shot? That doesn’t seem right…

theres a lot more but these are mainly NOT my opinion this is the community its SELF’s complains and yet nothing is being done…changes are happening that NO ONE WANTS such as the first person view as a sniper/trooper being like…ABOVE the screen the tanks getting stuck on everything, the first thing i said about thats almost everywhere…dont believe me? Google this…”Silver Order Recruitment lacking” you will see 100000s of posts about everyone HATING that patch and the fact silver order recruitments are non-existing for free to play this need changed back ASAP or this game is very likely to die as the player base is NOT having this

What is not too easy to understand

  • what classes are and can do, i have been trying to teach people this game as the TANKS are god awfully designed to drive as everyone i have heard cannot understand that they need to change to driver seat to SEE and drive better

It is recommended to provide the function of selecting the game map and game mode when matching, so that the player’s preferences can be counted.