Your feedback about last update

More feedback:

Tankers repairing not showing an icon repairing, when noisy or under fire difficult to tell.

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What you like

Hello :slight_smile:
I’m sure that if you do a cavalry class in enlisted, it would be SOOOOO great !
I think that i’m not the one who think that, and it will be very original mecanic for a FPS,
that will improve the originality of the game !
I also think that will be fun if you add a squad mod, were your friend can be part of your squad like in tank, it will be very funny !

What you don’t like
If you could bring back the crouch, that will be good, in many situation, when you are behind

Thank you a lot !

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not much flame trooper trooper buff is good

dont like
seems like your not listening to the allies no counter for panther of fg42 and unlimited respawns for defenders

the buff is great cant wait to see more flamethrowers being used

I love that there is so many factions and how much there is to do. also i have fun doing the invasion style game modes those are done really well. only thing i can say is to keep up the awesome work on the game cant wait to see what its like in a couple months because its came so far since i started playing.

What you like

  1. Feeling of the real battle, realistic of gun and vehicle damage.
  2. FREE, people who like this game will buy in game item to support continue developing. NOT buy it one time, and there will be no more update in the future.
  3. All the weapons and vehicle level matters, but it’s not super big difference. Fair to everyone, friendly to new gamer.
  4. IT’S A WAR GAME, TEAMWORK WINS. Other than the personal shooting skill, it needs more team efforts. I LIKE IT>
  5. The latest modern conflict event. LOVE it, imagine combine the war thunder with enlisted. WILL BE AMAZING.

What you don’t like
I am playing it daily with my BATTLEFIELD 2 COMRADES, we like the game, Can’t say what i don’t like. But a few suggestions.

  1. Tank canon can’t shot down the trees and short walls. Like in War Thunder. Hope in the future, the building could be tore down.
  2. AI seems to be weird, turning 360 degree and shot, auto aim and kill in one shot. Most of the time, they are not smart.
  3. Air unit should be more realistic, like war thunder.
  4. When playing in the battle, feel the speed is too fast, I mean if there is commander that could share command to teammate, so they will get more information and know where to go , or help each other to win. Now, I have seen many maybe new gamer, they only know to rush, forget the anti air gun and anti tank gun, even build the spawn point.
  5. When your tank teammate only have one guy in the tank, he should be able to ask someone to jump in, also the others in the tank should be able to share some kill experience.
  6. The bomber plane should have more seat like real bomber, you could switch seat like tank and use the defense gun to shoot.
  7. SET gun doesn’t work very nice.

What is not too easy to understand

  1. I like the game, played a lot. figured out lots of thing.
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M2 carbine or Johnson perfect counter… at least for me

Johnson riffle would fit better cause it had a scope but the m2 recoil is crazy

This is not specific on this update, but i want to tell some things about the game what would i add and hat not…
ADD: 1) for the Berlin reichstag map i would add a swastika(not politican!!! just an idea to make the game more realistic)
2) for a next camagne would be pearlhabor vrey interresting! with more planes and boats.
3)it would be fun to have more planes in a game not just 2… i think it’s funnier to have some airfights than just hunting a plane.

The game is awsome i dont think there is something to delete out of the game!
in my opinion!
don’t forget, Enlisted is now in the beta and it’s already so good! it has a big potential to be a very nice game like battlefield 5 :slight_smile:

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Been quiet for a bit. Just want to say that things are steadily improving. The game is getting better and better.

Things I would like to see: Warning before you drop the next economy changes for weapons so people can get their stuff sorted ahead of time.

Everything Italy: The uniforms are still wrong, the gear is still wrong, their faces on some models seem a bit … off. They need MORE gear on them if able. Fix the Breda Model 1918 as it the semi-auto model in game. Get rid of German stuff and Add more Italian stuff to Tunisia. (Same goes for the Brits. Too much America) Buff the Semovente (much worse than the Grant).

Still, loving Tunisia. And I see the little improvements here and there, just keep it up.

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what i dont like, i dont enjoy, i feel isnt right:
premium squads are still inferior.

i dont want them to be superior, i want the same options in them as normal squads have! :
atleast add an engineer to current 4 man premium squads ! …

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Isn’t that P2W, when they are superior?
We already got dude 4 posts up complaining of p2w bombers

how are they superior if you can have more options for free, if you trade your time to get them on a free 2 play squad? care to elaborate?!

You said You want them to be superior.
They made them inderior for a reason. You know what You paid for. Xp and unique guns.

Now i want more gold to be added to my account because buying gold in 10$ is inferior to buying 100$, that gives +30%.

I misread, didn’t even notic ‘don’t’ there, my bad.
If they have better weapons (some, yes some are worse, but it’s no argument), maxed out soldiers, and get same squad size, why wouldn’t they be superior?

I’d take 4MG over 3MG and 3 rifles, i don’t need engineers in every squad. If they add 4MG and support engineer, it’s straight up 33% better squad comp.

Only thing balancing them right now is reduced squad size, but they already added engineers to new squads, so p2w is coming anyway

my dude. i get your point.

but how its pay to win, when you can, and will have an engineer on your 7 man/9 man squad too?
how is that pay to win?!

would be absolutly pay to win, if i could get an eng on my premium squad and you couldnt!!!

I said it’s coming, in baby step they will milk You with every new premium squad being a bit better.

I’m okay witrh adding one specialist to Your premium squads.
If they have all the same banefits of normal squads (what you ask for), with no downgrades, and better weapons, explain how is it not p2w?
At that point it would be fair to give that weapons to everybody else too, but i guess You wouldn’t want that

cool, glad i have the money and will to invest. will i buy them as they come? maybe yes maybe no. its all on my mood when i first see them.

If i, as a pay user can have the same number of specialist soldiers you as a free user can. how is that pay to win? i m still trying to understand you.

witch means, i would too own them on diferent soldiers, wanna go to that route?

btw. how many premium squads do you have? if you dont mind me asking.

It’s right there in quote, “and better weapons”
Inb4 not all are better

sure thing :

here . have a premium ppd :

have a normal ppd:

have a weapon that its free on another squad will you?

oh no, this weapon is far superior to any other ANY other assaulter weapon in the game?

jokes asside, you are delusional. but i had fun reading you.

on the meantime. enjoy this op premium weapon :

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