Your feedback about last update

Are You just showing off at this point? dude who cares

i dont need to show off nothing. i gain nothing with it.
im just answering your answers with actual facts.

You showed exactly what i said You would, inferior weapons.
Just missed few that are not in same league, like 1 extra bar in squad, or mg with no recoil.
Also pls stay civil or mods will come, i don’t care about it but there are children here.


asking the same question myself.

and also, where this conversation wasnt civil. lol

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Ok then, thinking kids won’t lie about their age on internet is delusional

But it’s clearly a game for 17+. If there’s a kid here, it shouldn’t be our problem. It’s there choice to be here.
It’s not like people in p*rnhub stop being hrny in the comment because some kid lie about their age.

but of course, all discussion have to be within the forum rules

all in all, it’s kinda going off the rail, especially in this forum dedicated for feedback. calling mod @DieJagdente


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My feedback on the latest update Update

  • The horizontal recoil of the Thompson submachine gun has been slightly increased.

It it not specified which Thompson to be exact. All of them? Is it M1? Or maybe M1A1? Or perhaps Tunisia’s M21/28? Please be clear about it.

On top of that, M1 and M1A1 were already very difficult to use unless you are close range and hip fire. Did they need another recoil nerf?

The nerf is H O R I Z O N T A L recoil, that you cannot compensate/control no matter how good you are at the game. RNG factor that we did not need.

  • The horizontal recoil of Axis submachine guns has been reduced.

Axis SMGs already had very little recoil, why buff them even further?(apart from OVP on Tunisia)

  • Rate of fire of semi-automatic rifles and carbines reduced to 200-250 rpm.

I believe this change was made to make people pick bolt action rifles more(alongside it’s buff) but this is in fact a buff to automatic weapons even more. A huge nerf to close quarters fights for semi autos, that was uncalled for.

  • Visual recoil (animation) of submachine guns has been increased by 50% to better match the spread.

This visual change along the recoil nerf, basically destroyed M1 Thompson use at medium range with Aim Down Sight. The entire screen is blocked like you are in a tank.

You should try to improve visibility in general on all iron sights, not make it annoying to use. It’s a game after all, you could thin out the iron sights a bit and make things more visible and less blocking. Just not fun. It is correct in theory, but not fun in practice, not fun gameplay. You have to make a balance between real life accuracy and gameplay.

You should take the approach other games too with Thompson and use the little cut at the top of the circle as Aim Down Sight.

Example :

All in all, the update suggests that it tries to address some problematic weapons. But instead of individually address the specific weapons, things were done in bulk without thinking of the effect it would have on other weapons (like the M1 Thompson animation change or VG1-5 semiauto changed even tho it’s an SMG). I want to stay positive and give constructive criticism but cannot help feel disappointing when I see things are done like we are buying potatoes from the market.


not really related to the last update, but I have noticed the AI behavior in dealing with artillery strikes has changed, now the bots no longer 1st priority evade the red-circle pre-warning area. This has made artillery a lot more viable again and did a lot to quell the only significant issue I had with the game, which was how innefective artillery became after it was restricted to 1 strike per moment but still giving a 25-sec pre-warning.

I would still argue for artillery to be more deadlier (as it was historically) but I must say I’m very happy with the game and its current status!

The removal of medals and exp cards from custom battles was something I suggested and which made a lot of sense, so I’m happy to see it implemented too.

-Rate of fire of semi-automatic rifles and carbines reduced to 200-250 rpm.

Just tried playing with the M1 Carbine on Tunisia. Now not only damage, recoil and sights suck but the only redeeming feature, its rate of fire in CQC, is mostly gone.
It’s not, that one can’t get kills with semi-autos any more, but they were at least something of a counter to hordes of SMGs, trigger-happy bots and Rambo-LMGs…
Please at least rethink that unnecessary nerf, if only for some of the weaker semi-autos.


Please fix the background of the “vehiclegarage”.It looks kinda weird only black. And please fix that that you not get stuck when you leave the MG at the Normandie’s campagen.

“-Rate of fire of semi-automatic rifles and carbines reduced to 200-250 rpm.”
Imagine “fixing” an issue which was never a real issue in game and making guns like the VG 1-5 and M1 carbine even more useless. You either try to make semi-autos worse than SMGs in close ranges which already was the case before this change or try to make bolt-action rifle relevant which is never going to happen. Another focking success story :clap:


You forgot to increase the accuracy of FG 42, it still is so inaccurate that it feels like a cheap deteriorated SMG rather than a sniper rifle. Here are 40 shots on the shooting range (to the farthest target) from the 5/6 stars FG 42 II (shooting prone with a bipod) - a lot of 6’s, a5, a 4 and even a 3 (in battle I waste a lot of ammo even trying to shoot a standing soldier because the bullets seem to avoid him:

and here are 30 shots from 4 star Gewehr 43 from the same distance (it was as bad as FG 42 before the update, but now it is how it should be)

Also, reducing the semi-auto fire rate was unnecessary. Now they feel sluggish and I feel like a soldier would easily shoot much faster, especially when facing several enemies or fighting for his life in close combat. And when it comes to technical capabilities of a semi auto rifle itself, here’s a M1 Garand with a fire rate probably higher than before your update: M1 Garand Bump fire - YouTube

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What you like

  • Improving individual classes, flam trooper update is fantastic, rotating builds for engineers is very useful.
  • Bot rework is decent, but being 180 killed is still common.
  • Troop upgrade/level up system is pretty good, though a bit pricy when it comes to troop orders, upgrade points mechanic would be nice to keep.
  • Weapons transfer system is great, but pricy
  • SMG recoil rework is ok

What you don’t like

  • Semi-auto fire rate rework, the nerf was way too large, the FNAB now outguns semi-auto rifles
    Allied will now be absolutely trashed on by the MP 43/1, Germans cannot compete against the PPDs and the PPSHs. The nerf absolutely kills the Italians, where the early introduction of the Armaguerra is the only thing thats making it playable. Take it up to 300 rpm makes a bit more sense.

  • Customs nerf completely eliminates the need or want to play customs.
    Having a squad of 4 playing together is already a struggle, most matches wont have more then 6 ppl
    Eliminates the incentive for friends to play together if they are all playing different campaigns, and forces people to play a unified campaign with squads.
    Completely kills lone fighters mode

  • Customs is now only good for map exploration and completing battle pass missions that are difficult to do in squads mode.

  • MG dispersion nerf is ridiculous, MG 34 and 42 is unusable at long ranges, which was what it was designed to do. Breda Mod 30. is now even worse. Axis already have it tough unlocking the same weapons, but making it unusable makes it worse. Eliminating run and gun meta is great, keep the dispersion bloom for firing when standing, but bring back the old dispersion when prone and mounted.

  • Selling premiums as a solution to fix broken game balance, especially in Normandy is stupid. Severely mitigates the incentive to grind to the endgame when only the last level (Lv 32 MP 43/1) is something to look forward to.

  • Introducing classic weapons such as the Lewis Gun as premium is such a shame, it better be in the Pacific campaigns if and when it comes.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Whats taking so long for the weapon upgrade mechanics to drop, why was it not released in conjunction with Academy rework?
  • Why are vehicles like the Churchill being sold for Normandy before being introduced in Tunesia,
    and the Stug not being a campaign unlock but another premium?

Do you want everyone to quit this game?

semi-automatic rifle nerf is the worst.

Why are you making the game user angry?

A lot of people already deleted this game.

I recommended this game to someone, but I only got cursed at.

I hope this game lasts long. Because this game is so fun for me. But not now.


I didn’t like the RPM reduction of the semi-auto, the M1 Garand is much faster than that.

But fix the points I made clear in my topic you do not want, right?! Gaijin being gaijin


What I don’t like:

  1. Lone fighters should give more XP than squads, not less. Because fighting against real humans is more difficult than against bots.
  2. If for some reason you really hate people leveling up in custom games vs bots (your fault, not the players’, the game’s progression is incredibly, painfully, unreasonably slow and lackluster for F2P players), make it so bot kills give less XP per kill in custom games, but humans can still get full (actually, must be higher) XP amounts even if for some reason one player drops off and it’s 4v5 (they shouldn’t be punished by XP cap).
  3. Why on earth is StuG III introduced as a premium? Germany’s most mass-produced vehicle of WW2 behind a paywall? Churchill as well must be added to Tunisia campaign first and foremost, not as Normandy premium. What was the point of me purchasing BA-11 for uniqueness value if it has to fight Pz IV now?
  4. Premiums, premiums, premiums. Too many of them with each update, too overpriced, too overpowered. If anything, they should be fun historical homages, not P2W shortcuts.

The firing rate of the semi-automatic rifle is too slow. It is difficult to defeat the enemy with the M1 carbine, which has a low power of one shot.


I like:

  • Flamethrower buff. Now it’s actually usefull but not OP.
  • Standardized SMG ammo.
  • New maps / missions in the nearest future.

I don’t like:

  • Semi auto rifles nerf seems to be too much. Idea is good, just change the numbers a bit.

  • Trooper III squad in Normandy. In case of germany, we get exactly the same weapon we alredy have but with different bullet. Why would I grind to lvl 33, then grind squad upgrades, then grind parts to upgrade a weapon if I already have identical one!!!
    How new grenade launcher should have been implemented (imo)

  • You are lost in your own lies. You decreased rof of semi auto rifles and carbines, but:

    • FG42 - according to you it’s a rifle so why it wasn’t affected? Almost like it was an assault rifle or MG, interesting.
    • VG1-5 and M2 carbine - 1st one was nerfed so… it’s a carbine, not SMG as you label it. Second one wasn’t nerfed yet it is a carbine.
      Also if both of them are carbines, why one is assaulter only and the other one is avalable to everybody?
    • AVS - rifle but wasn’t nerfed.

    You can see the lack of consequence. Revisit those weapons, label them correctly and assign to appropriate clases.

  • New US fighter will have two 500 lbs bombs. ARE YOU INSANE???
    Not long ago we had problem with planes dominating Normandy and you decided to give half a ton of bombs to A FIGHTER?!
    Stop smoking guys.

Hard to understand:

  • why you nerfed semi autos? Now some people will switch to FG42, that’s what you want? Full auto weapons spam?