Your feedback about last update

Hey guys!

Love QOL update for engi, but noticed there was no mention of fixing the bug where when an engineer is commanded to build they run the opposite direction of the building plan. Can we expect a bugfix for this as well?


I like to have differents mods, cap points, defend or attack objectifs on a game, you put many experimentals guns but you are a little too shy (you can add more guns lol) AND, if i dont take count of premium squads, the regular squads for all campagns (for each lvl both team sides “allies axe”) are pretty ballanced.

What i dont like? hmmm let me think, OH YES! the game wants to be historical accurate hmm??? Why soviets in berlin campagn has panzerfaust 60? they took it in the bunkers lol? And why allies enginers can build mg42 station? i didnt know the mg42 was an allie weapon :o… really historical accurate hmm :smiley:

I like the “Operation” mode. Both my team and the enemy finally feel competent, it feels like there is a challenge. Please expand on this!
About engineers: The worst thing about being an engineer is that you have to sit still for ages just holding a button. I would appreciate if it was similar to radioman: The player is controlling his Assaulter but since he has an engineer in the squad he may lay down blueprints, and as soon as the blueprint is set an engineer runs over to build it automatically. I also think future campaigns should start off with an engineer instead of a sniper squad since sniping is optional, but not having access to spawn points makes maps extremely defender sided and boring for both teams.
I also like the AI aspect of the game but right now they’re only good for respawning, they need a serious buff in reaction time and positioning to compete with even mediocre players. I feel like the somewhat recent update that introduced individual commands is a waste of time because even a well positioned bot won’t have an impact.
Otherwise I’m happy. I’m really enjoying Enlisted whenever I get to fight competent enemies, if at all possible on the attacker side.


On any event like current sandstorm, a leave/disconnect shall count as a loose, to avoid exploitable win ratios or keep the overall points the same and only get more once a player gets a win.

Also, Tunisia maps when jumping on a window from the outside, most times the soldier will grab the window edge on top making him jump over the edge and be stuck for a few seconds on the wall above the window.

There are Alot of places in berlin and Tunisia where performing a jump, the soldier does the hand animation to jump a edge, even tho there is nothing in front of the player.

Gentle reminder… Hopefully, one day, we will see more soldiers on our premium squads.
Exacly like our non premium squads…

Btw, good job and keep this types of updates coming.
Much appreciated.

Can you fix the FW190 already? It is supposed to be the strongest fighter in Normandy and the best plane for the Germans. It has been bugged from release half a year ago.

In short:

  • Flightmodel is bugged, it wobbles all over the place with no stability, it turns less than it says on its stats same for speed.
  • Its guns empty themselves when they reach 112 bullets.

There have been 100+ bug reports about it and we had a wave of them closed because
Just a quick search on the forums gives this.


Can you quickly fix the bug of shooting with the left button, no bullets are fired, but the ammunition is consumed? It is too annoying. A German assault squad in Berlin brought 4 VG1-5s. This bug occurred in 3 of them when we received the enemy. :scream: Is this to allow players to experience the end of the Third Reich? Of course, this bug does not only appear on VG1-5. :sweat_smile:

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What you like

*Matches are usually fun, taking down tanks is always satisfactory, i have got a lot of fun in some desperate last stands with my team in wich we had barely defeated the enemy, the gameplay is fun, it really is, my problems, as i will explain next, its mostly about progression.

What you don’t like

*Personally my biggest issues are the slowlyness of progression in the game, the grind is really hard some times, and yeah, we have XP boosters granted by the daily rewards, those are fine, but they are wasted in a battle, and not a victory, so, most of mine have ended up being pointless in a particularly bad match in wich my team is demolished, so, their impact isnt as good as it should be from my perspective.
Another problem i have is the cosmetic aspect of the tunisia campaign, since honestly, seeing axis troops using exactly the same SS uniforms than in berlin, and the gray uniforms in literally a desert, really breaks my historical inmersion, normally i wouldnt mind as much, but the game advertises itself as an historically accuarate ww2 shooter, and seeing tons of troops in the africa teather using eastern field uniforms just makes it silly for me.

What is not too easy to understand

*The academy update is confusing me a lot, and i really dont know what to expect in the future, for one, its true that it makes progression of soldiers simpler, i can keep the ones with skins i like and upgrade them, the bronze orders for troops make it easier to upgrade soldiers, all okay, its fine if soldiers need silver orders now, but, weapons are a totally different thing, if you are going to remove the random weapon drops from bronze weapon orders, it will become way harder to equip my squads, and across different campaigns? i suffer just by imagining it, i would say, if you improve the weapon transfer system to send weapons from one campaing to other, like, allowing even more guns to be transferred, and making it relatively cheap in bronze orders, then okay by me, but i really feel you are giving us too little silver orders to really progress, and that leaves me doubting about my future as a player.

Don’t Like:
AI insta turning, dropping prone and one shotting in the head.
AI Insta turning and one shotting.
AI being too aware when you are behind them not even making noise.
Not being able to pick up guns quickly and easily.
That I cant equip back packs on Flamethrowers
How weak plane explosions are.

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Soviets mass captured them during their advance to the Reich.

What you like

Overall concept of having an AI team that fights alongside me makes this a unique game I’m enjoying trying out.

The landscapes are terrific.

The variety of weapons is fun.

What you don’t like

AI doesn’t seem smart enough in terms of engaging the enemy and moving tactically.

What is not too easy to understand

Weapon upgrades confuse me. I’m not clear on what kind of difference it makes.

The interface to order the squad around is too clunky. I like the game for the AI obviously, based on my comments here. So I would like a real system to order them around, emplace them, give them standing orders.

I like:

  • The game, it is massive and it feels like it is a battle
  • Ample use of bolt actions
  • Different campaigns

I dislike:

  • How the random soldiers were removed, I liked the ability to fill my squad and roll for the correct class. It wasn’t the most reliable, but it was a consistent way to progress in the game. I had enjoyed the progression enough to buy coins.
  • Revamp the Soldier Logistics, its hard for me and my friends to fill squads!
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Bring back retraining points
Having to repeatedly grind out the final level on a 5 star man just to not get the perk you want is a bad direction for the game
This isn’t a mobile game where you can fuck on your customers because they’re nothing but broken paypigs with no shame


l like the Tunisia campaign , could you please make some of the allies commonwealth forces eg 6th AIF division ( the rats of Tobruk ) maybe some of the indian an South African forces. It wasnt just the yanks and brits there. The SMLE sound is spot on.
Could you please bring back the academy and the random reinforcements please, pay to progress is alot of BS
I dont understand why you took it out, it worked well , if we have to pay to progress whats the point of buying premium time , or paying for the game ? Wargaming didnt buy you out did they?

I want to know when will fix the helmets and uniforms of the Italian squads?As the Axis forces, I’ve seen enough of the German army and their weapons!Please give more Italian weapons and squads in the battle of Tunisia!
At last I tell a joke:The Italian MAB38 and Beretta-M1918 only the Germans entitled to the use them :rofl:


I like:

  • The gameplay mechanics, the realism and the squad system
  • The historic accuracy that you developed until know, this is one of the most accurate games about WW2
  • The cooperation between players and team tactics to achieve victory

I dislike:

  • Sometimes when the soldiers are killed they have a ragdoll bug that makes them to move like epilectic patients
  • In the Moscow campaign the vegetation like TREES and BUSHES, as other surfaces present annoying ALIASING and FLICKERING, one of the levels that suffers most from this is Beloe Lake, also with ultra graphics and temporal antialiasing on. This things in other campaigns such as like Normandy and Berlin are less common. Need an optimization in this graphical element

There will be new campaigns in the future. :thinking:
I’m waiting for the Pacific War and the Vietnam War. :grinning:

I can’t agree more.
BTW you might like these threads:

Hey @Keofox Does the Official Battle of Tunisia campaign discussion count as an “important thread?” I feel like I am talking to crickets in there.

About latest custom match:
I like:
Finally, able to play what I want, and to play against certain friends. Also to play with creativity.
I dislike:
Still lack many functions to similar FPS games. Like room’s names, password. Also ability to restrict squads and vehicles or not. Also more controls over AI. And perhaps ability to change vehicle limit and ticket limit by player. Or even able to join more than restriction’s player counts.
Also the room lists’ refreshing interval is too small. Now it refresh too quick.

Also, please show up who has just joined/left in match via chat UI.

Why is lone fighter mode disabled?


Yeah, Bump, why the heck ? I loved this mode, and i cant just play in squads mode, i hate it… Ehh I guess i have to say goodbye to this game : (