Your feedback about last update

This change was done without a proper transition plan. Many orphan mechanics are left. It’s ugly. Other than that I have a few points to make too.

The good
There is no longer a need to keep grinding one star recruits. It’s also a shame because it equalled things a bit between experienced and novice players. Also it is possible (if grindy) to reset perks for free. As the result I will have less soldiers with weapon change bonus perks.

The bad
I believe the economics of leveling up and obtaining soldiers is far from balanced. I will let others calculate and focus on the ugly.

The ugly, or things left behind which sorely need attention

  • The obvious surplus of soldiers. I have 30 attacker pilots in Axis Normandy and only need one.
  • Minimum troop requirement for units is still there. This is a big deal. Basically it is necessary to have a “skeleton crew” of 5 soldiers for a rifleman unit, even if you are not using them. It should be a priority change to reduce this number to zero.
  • Squad upgrade trees have useless barracks increase now.
  • Retraining points for squad members are somehow very bugged.
  • Level up points (from battlepass) are suddenly very important because soldiers I-II-III use different amounts to get to the next level. It seems impossible to find out how many I have left. Really? Honestly I am also confused which button to use, probably the one which asks for only one amount of “Training” with the image of a bronze order next to it.

Finally there is the issue that there are things the players paid for, either by battlepass purchase or premium purchase, but which have been taken away. This is close to being a commercial issue too. As consumers, we pay for Gold with our money, and use gold to buy the premium account. So this is only nasty, despite disclaimers of “this is in beta, things may change”. Yeah, it’s understandable, but you can’t take our money and then say sorry we deleted the content.

The nasty

  • Academy return select order is obsolete and not compensated in any way.
  • Premium benefit for the academy training time is obsolete and not compensated in any way.
  • Barracks upgrade on premium account is obsolete and not compensated in any way.

It’s really necessary to focus on the nasty, and also on letting people empty the unused units of troops. What happened now is not pretty.


Great that you changed that Academy meatgrinder. But why for worse???! How we suppose to fill the squads? What is the logic behind this, if any? I’m taking a break.


Yeah, a refund would be nice

What you like

  • Solider training is great.

What you don’t like

  • Russia in Berlin still so powerful.
  • I updated a lot money on my BF-109 F-2 for her bombs and speed, now Gaijin banned the bombs…
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I don’t see this “new mechanism” for improving your soldiers. Has it not been implemented yet?

That bad military school system was deleted, which is good.But at the same time, the copper card drawing soldiers and retraining points function were deleted, which is very bad.First of all, because I can’t get soldiers through bronze cards, the Tunisian Allied forces that I have not yet started playing are extremely lacking in soldiers. At the same time, I don’t want to obtain first-level soldiers through silver cards, because first-level soldiers are obviously weaker for second-level soldiers.There is no way to upgrade soldiers from level one to level two, so my army is very short of people now.Then, it’s more difficult to re-select skills for soldiers now than in the past, because no retraining points means that you have to use a soldier to fight without skills, and you may not have the skills you want randomly, and then cycle. This process is until I get the skills I want. In the past, using the retraining points I can use the existing skills to fight until I want to change the skills.In addition, it’s worth mentioning that the number of Bronze Cards required to train five-star soldiers is much more than before. It cost me hundreds of Bronze Cards just to upgrade all the members of the two assault squads to Five Stars. , This kind of consumption is too exaggerated.
I suddenly thought of a problem. It is said that the soldiers born in a team of 3 and 9 soldiers on the attacking side of the invasion mode consume the same manpower. If this is the case, the severely lacking troops will waste a lot of manpower. .

For the above suggestions:

  1. Increase the income of the silver card.By the way, I found that the cycle of the battle pass after level 60 becomes an experience bonus card at level 2.The rewards of the two silver cards occupy the other 2 levels. Compared with the past, the silver card revenue is lower.Increase silver card income, otherwise new players will inevitably lack soldiers.

2.Return the retraining points, or allow players to directly choose the skills they want

3.Increase the income of copper cards, or reduce the number of copper cards that need to be spent on rising stars.

4.Soldiers are allowed to upgrade, otherwise low-level soldiers will inevitably be eliminated. Not only do low-level soldiers have fewer attribute points than high-level ones, but their built-in skills are often worse.

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I like the concept of the new leveling system for the troops, but it was poorly executed, the spacing for the amount of bronze orders per level is crazy and also people are now left with an excess of troops in the barracks that we where working on leveling up/ raising the star level, maybe add in where you get a certain amount of many bronze orders for sending unused/ now unneeded troops to the rear.
and please give the U.S. an actual MG such as the M1919(any of the models)
thanks yall.

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Latest update has changed the Soldier system by removing the old academy and making it so you can only get new Soldiers via Silver orders.

So let’s get in to my feedback.

What I realy like:

  • Being able to get individual Perk Points by buying them with Bronze Soldier Orders

It has always been unbelievably frustrating to get random stats on your soldiers and missing maybe 1 Perk Point at a certain level to get the skill you wanted for your soldier.

  • Being able to get said perk points before you have to level up the Solider.

+35% Vitality for level 4 Assaulters :+1:

What I like:

  • The flashing Boundaries to show how the map will change and develop.
  • New Daily tasks including Tunesia.
  • Fixing AI Soldiers not bandaging themselves in certain Situations.

What I do not like:

  • Ammount of Silver Orders we are currently able to get with this new system.
  • Removal of Bombs from the 109 F2

It’s just not enough. Elite Battlepass gives 20 (before going through the 4 extra’s). That’s nothing.

To show this let us look at how many silver you would need to properly outfit every squad in the normandy campaign for one side:

  • Infantry I: 3 (3 Specialists, can take the 1 soldier from another squad)
  • Sniper I: 4 (2 Snipers, 2 Other)
  • Assaulter I: 6 (3 Assaulter, 3 Other)
  • Tanker I: 2 (2 Tankers for the 4 J)
  • Pioneer I: 5 (3 Pioneer, 2 Other)
  • Bomber I: 0
  • Flamer I: 4 (1 Flamer, 3 Other, can take 2 Soldiers that are left over from other squads)
  • Radio I: 4 (1 Radio, 3 Other)
  • Anti Tank I: 5 (2 Anti Tank, 3 Other, can take Soldiers from other squads)
  • Machine Gun I: 5 (2 Machine Gunners, 3 Other, can take spare soldier from leftovers)
  • Fighter I: 0
  • Mortar I: 4 (1 Mortar, 3 Other)
  • Sniper II: 4
  • Infantry II: 8 (5 New Infatntry 2, 3 Other)
  • Bomber II: 0
  • Tanker II: 2
  • Sniper III: 4
  • Assaulter II: 6
  • Pioneer II: 5
  • Machine Gunner II: 5
  • Fighter II: 0
  • Flamer II: 4
  • Tanker III: 2
  • Assaulter III: 6

Total Silver Orders required to fill out Squads with their new Soldier types (while keeping old ones): 88
Now if somebody wants more new soldier types for older squads (say if you want to run 3 Assaulter Squads) this is going to become even more expensive.

Please keep in mind that this is for one faction in one campaign. We have 4 campaigns and 8 factions.

The only reliable way to get new Silver Orders is via the Battlepass (rng from daily does not count because it is rng).

So the current suggestions I would make (not all my own):
Double the base ammount of Silver Troop orders you can get from the elite battlepass (from 20 base to 40).
Increase the cycling through extra days once the battlepass has completed by 2 days (from 4 to 6) and make it so F2P players can get 1 time XP Booster, 1 time Silver Troops and 1 time Silver Weapons from this for free (though admittedly they will likely not get much use out of those). It would certainly mean a rainfall of extra Silver for Elite Battle Pass holders but right now it is just an XP boost for F2P players that means they would sit on all those new levels they can’t realy do anything with in a campaign.

Another option is to improve the daily rewards by removing the chance for bronze orders. Either you get a Silver or a XP booster.

Another option I saw somewhere else is to get 1 Silver Troop order for every X XP you get in the campaign. How much that should be exactly is up for debate though.

I would also suggest to consider a “Two for One” event where you can get 2 Soldiers for 1 Silver Troop Order.


I agree. As long as only the silver orders can be used for soldiers I’m probably gonna stop playing for a while. I have a bunch of soldiers in a couple campaigns but with Tunisia, for example, I never got to bringing in more soldiers before this update. I don’t have enough silver orders to fill squads at all so there’s very little ability to progress.


What I like:

No more academy, hated that thing, but silver order lacking which you know

Love the panther and mp43 in Normandy

What I don’t like:
FW190 A8 flight model is very broken, it is far too wobbly (screen Joystick mode,. Console), I cannot use the plane.

Firing blanks on some guns

No nation specific placements for engineer yet, stuck with mg42 on sandbags as allies.

No tailgunners yet

Levelling up is a grind still, even with premium squads and battlepass, so God know how slow for FTP players

Ragdolls seem to be more glitchy latest release.

What I don’t understand:
Lack of short term response re limited silver orders and what you will do about it (Devs)


With latest update:

FW190 still needs looking at
Firing blanks, even though you use ammo… is this a new gun jamming thing???

The Tank long distance view bug is back again too, where the turrets look like they are not looking at you, but still shoot you :slightly_frowning_face:

More to come

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ЭТО ПОЛНОЕ ДНО! Нормандия, Тунис, за Москву. Я 3 ДНЯ ПОДРЯД ИГРАЛ ПО 5-6 БОЕВ! Знаете сколько раз победили нацики?! ВСЕ РАЗЫ!! Да в режиме захвата даже 1 точку захватить не реально! ЭТО ПРОСТО МЯСОРУБКА 1000 ЧЕЛОВЕК!!!

just bring back the random troops things its suck to dont have it it feel like you have to buy your soldier with point now or just silver ticket !!!


More feedback:

What I don’t like:
Operations only destruction mode
No leaderboard (although not gonna bother trying to get high)
Ragdolls shot someone watched his body fly literally off the map

What I don’t understand:
Why FW190 unfixable
Tail gunners and moveable artillery guns? When mentioned a while ago.
Tank on Omer Axis spawned in house and could not move?

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About Operation sandstorm
What I don’t understand:
How the leaderboards’ rank system is working. And no info at all about how to improve ranks.

I just has no interest to put any effort in this. Since I knows nothing.

I absolutely hate the ninja change to rerolling perks!

Last week we still had retraining points, it was a nice system.
Than you changed it to the new system, the only plus was that you could erase all perks and than level from zero to five, rerolling perks as needed.
Now, you can only reroll one perk at the time, a level five soldier, has to earn 12800 XP every time he wants to reroll one perk. Before you could just remove ALL perks you didn’t want (or had not the perk points for) and level to one star, reroll or keep the perk, than to level two reroll or keep the perk and so on.

This change makes the game way more grindy than before.

I am really starting to regret it big time that I just recently spent money on this game.


Semi auto rifles losing ammo when switching to a soldier who has it. For example - I die, switch to let’s say to another member of the squad with Fg 42 start shooting no dmg, no sound but ammo is going down. Need to reload to lose this bug.

What I like;

  • daily rewards seem to be nice. Although I would prefer to choose when to use them.
  • simplification of soldier upgrades

What I don’t like:

  • implementing Operations competative event. The game was meant to be casual, luckly it’s just an event. You can see my river of tears here: Enlisted now vs how it was advertised
  • it seems that economy got screwd up by the progresion update. Monitoring the situation should have the highest priority.
  • priorities. It looks like you guys don’t know what to do next, you tease something and then it’s either half made or not made at all (AI stances, does anyone know how they are doing?). At the same time you implement some weird things like said Operation event.
    Maybe it’s just an impresion and in the reality you have an actuall plan.

Hi there. I registered a bug in Moscow(LF). Sometimes when i wanna spawn the map (during spawn location choosing) starts moving, so it is impossible to spawn on squadmate for example. Could you fix that? Thanks :slight_smile: