Your feedback about last update

“In the old system for training one soldier of any rank from level IV to level V, you would have to use 54 first level soldiers in the Academy.”

This was not the only rank you got in the old system, as often you also got second, third or fourth level soldiers. Which speeded up progression a lot.

With each new Level, there are higher stats for a soldier, allowing for more costly Perks.
When you start with Level 1 and work all the way up to Level 5, it is a given that the most desireable perks will only become available when reaching Level 5. But then a lot of repeating level progression is needed to actually get there for three reasons now:
a) The Perk system gives you (only) 3 options to chose from. Which has always been the case.
b) The necessary stats will be blocked by Perks earlier selected and
c) (NEW) now no more retraining points can be accumulated at earlier Levels.

Also in the old system there was no difference between Soldier Squad Tiers.
Why now introduce such a massive change for higher Tiers?
It will make the level-up for higher Tier Squads (and re-levelling up to get desired Perks) completely unattractive.

I also second the point brought up by many that earlier Premium features like higher number of soldiers and faster training time are no longer relevant, while there is no benefit to replace them. These were important features to win people to sign for Premium - so what’s on your plan to make up for them?


With the new system, new players keep getting a number of silver orders for inital tasks.

When you are playing your first campaign, those silver orders may suffice to get started and fill up the desired squads with Soldiers.

But it makes looking into the other campaigns unattractive now even when being on Premium, because from the start you will know there will be a lack of silver orders to populate the squads.

The current system is broken and no sane new player should even think about sticking around because things will only get worse once the new weapon update rolls out.

The first point: We were promised more ways to earn silver orders but what they did was exactly the opposite. With the previous battle pass, when you would finish it, you would have 4 rewards that would keep rotating until the battle pass would end: 2 silver orders for weapons (elite bp not needed), 1 silver order for troops (elite bp not needed), 2 silver orders for weapons (elite bp needed) and 1 silver order for troops (elite bp needed). Now, they replaced one of the silver orders for weapons and one of the silver orders for troops with XP boosters, so the chance of getting silver orders was literally halved. This won’t be the end of the world for veterans and players that own the elite battle pass, but if you take a closer look at the bigger picture, you will notice that the silver orders at the end of the battle pass can’t be claimed if you don’t own the elite battle pass. This means that the F2P players will literally have no chance of getting silver orders once they finish the battle pass & all achievements (assuming that they will even make it to the end of it, given the grindiness and limitations of the game). You might also think that they’ll get all the available silver orders from the battle pass, but then you’d be wrong, because a lot of them will require the elite battle pass in order to be claimed.


(this aged like milk)

The second point: Stacking retraining points. There was literally no reason to remove this feature. With the new changes, after each battle, you will have to carefully inspect every single soldier and make sure that he’s got the right perks, otherwise all the extra XP gained with said soldier won’t be turned into retraining points and it will go to waste. Who on earth came with this idea and thought that’s an improvement?! Now it will be much harder to get the perks you want and having a higher rank for the troops is useless if you don’t have the right perks. Who wants to be stuck with a perk related to bolt action rifles on a Machine Gunner?

The third point: We’re not allowed to sell troops for bronze orders even if they officialy stated that we will be able to do that. Some people might say that it’s a work in progress and it will come at a later date, but after the recent events, I pretty much lost my trust. My main concern is mostly in regard to selling unwanted weapons, which is linked to this feature aswell, so again, people need to look at the bigger picture and stop saying: “Oh, that’s ok, you can get double the amount of bronze troop orders now”. Keep it up with that passive attitude and soon you will find out that you won’t be able to sell things any more, because “the community asked for it”. Also, if it’s a work in progress, then why did they remove the option to get random troops by using bronze orders if they haven’t added the sell option yet? Those two things are linked together because the only reason they would remove the random orders is this: If you would use a bronze card to get a random soldier, and you wouldn’t like what you got, then you would be able to sell that soldier and keep rolling indefinitely until you would get the one you want, which would break the new system (the same logic applies to weapons).


The fourth and last point: The massive difference between leveling up class I, II and III troops.

Class I: I > II = 6 bronze orders | II > III = 6 bronze orders | III > IV = 6 bronze orders | IV > V = 18 bronze orders | Total: 36 bronze orders;

Class II: I > II = 12 bronze orders | II > III = 12 bronze orders | III > IV = 18 bronze orders | IV > V = 54 bronze orders | Total: 96 bronze orders;

Class III: I > II = 12 bronze orders | II > III = 12 bronze orders | III > IV = 18 bronze orders | IV > V = 72 bronze orders | Total: 114 bronze orders.

This doesn’t make any sense. Why would any non-whale choose to level up ONE class II or III troop when they could level up THREE class I troops at almost the same price?! This decision basically turns those classes into memes.

The good things about the new update: The ability to rank up class I troops at a more than decent cost. This is amazing, but it comes at a way too high price, if you’ll take a look at what I wrote above.

The solution to fix this mess: Let us turn bronze orders into silver orders. I have no idea what the ratio should be, but the option needs to be available. Doing monthly events and stuff like that won’t fix the problem and without new players, the game will simply fade away and die. Daily login rewards won’t fix the problem either, because the amount of silver orders gained from there is insignificant. One other viable option would be a silver reward after completing 3 battle tasks (it shouldn’t be linked to the battle pass rewards and it should contain both weapons & troops orders: weapons > troops > repeat). If these options aren’t feasible, then at least let us earn some silver for X amount of XP gained throught a match.

Personally, I couldn’t care less about these changes, since I finished all campaigns and I have everything I need, but I do care and everyone needs to understand that without new players (especially F2P players), there will be no more Enlisted. They’re as important as the paying users and they shouldn’t be treated as second class players.


New players are fucked


Honestly I was quite excited when I heard that academy is gone, actually motivated me to go have a look. Essentially, as a player, who plays every campaign for both sides I am now utterly screwed. I started playing in August and I have 34 silver tickets for troops as of now (though I did quit playing around the time daily rewards got introduced). Now, even if I will buy premium I wont be able to play efficiently as I did before and so I feel forced to play in one campaign only (and get bored very fast). So what is the point of 4 campaigns if you cant play all of them or forced to play with half-empty squads. My hope for Enlisted werent high but that seems like a new low…


We need either the random troops for bronze orders mechanic brought back, or given another way to get soldiers for bronze orders. And please, please, don’t take away the random weapon order mechanic in the first place when you introduce changes to that system. You will ruin the game for everyone.
Alternatively, silver orders need to be able to be earned in battle. Locking anything progression-related behind the battlepass is a terrible idea.


Just need a PVE mode, that is all me and my friend need, maybe dont gain xp or reward or anything, just fighting bot for fun and relax. Like “Pratice With BOTs” mode, that will do.

Thks and best regards.

What I like:
Academy removed.

What I don’t like:
Still too much dispersion for many weapons.Why don’t introduce a level and skill-based matchmaking system than such insane bullet dispersion?

Okay, see what you did here.

  • They will remove random weapon orders.
  • They will forget they don’t allow us to buy pistols.
  • They will add a lot of battle orders for extra silver like “kill 25 enemy with pistol” as requested by community
  • When we start to complain, they will add a 2-person pistol premium squad for 70 USD.


I’m glad it will never happen… :innocent:

To remain on topic:

What I like:

  • the new way of upgrading soldiers for orders
  • the end screen displays battlepass task progress
  • @a_fomenko confirming and closing bug reports today

What I don’t like:

  • removal of retraining points
  • keeping the randomness during retraining
  • you keep very old stale bugs around and not telling us you don’t have time to fix them in next two months, so they are re-reported. E.g. FW-190 or rotating spawn screen - to my understanding you’re working a hell lot on new features, the two console releases must have been huge work, it would be great to have a stop after adding some post-victory chat and matchmaking, and fully focus on bugs.

What I don’t understand:

  • for F2P players, why don’t you increase the available battle pass tasks now that you inflated it with bonus XP, soldier cosmetics and all - how will they earn enough silver to be able to fill more squads in multiple campaigns?
  • why don’t you add more unlockable achievements for silver, or a silver order on every 7 zone captures or every 30 zone kills?
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bullets soem times seem to glitch out and not work and there seems to be some high lighting of troops in buildings but other then that i like it

What u mean can get to max rank now? No u cant

I’ll let this speak for itself


Please introduce new achievements for each campaign and each faction.
This way, new players can gain some more silver orders at the beginning of each campaign, when they are most needed.


silver order every 50k EXP
simple as that


Silver orders could be rewarded at threshold (x points) like in the past but was Bronze.
Possibly get 10 bronze to convert to silver option would help?

Only feedback so far:
FW190 is pretty much a waste of time - cannon bug, wobbly flight model, impossible to fly.
Planes in general seem to take time gaining lift when first spawning, don’t know what it is, but would explain some unintentional suicides…
Firing blanks on some guns, reload fixes but never an issue before. Kurz definitely has this problem.

What about tail gunners?
Moveable AT guns, more nation specific AA, MG placements?

Will post again when got more, keep up the good work though!

Ps5 here btw

In summary, is the point you’re making that even if you saved up all the bronze troop orders from an entire campaign, you’d only be able to get 10 tier III, 12 tier II, or 33 tier I soldiers to max level?

If that’s the case, then there is a serious problem. Thanks for laying this out.

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My Silver order idea - Login Bonus (WG does this, and it is a nice incentive to login and play).

Every week, if you’ve logged in everyday (M-F) you get at the end of the week on the Friday either a package of 5 x Silver Solider or Weapon Orders.

I would like to think that would be a good start to helping the F2P out, which are just as important to keep in t his game as everyone else, period.

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Would be good if the new update was explained better, is the academy gone now?
How do I level up troops, do I have to spend my bronze orders?
If so, there’s no way you receive enough of them and I think the old leveling up system is better, or at least that has been my impression so far.

Also I have accidently leveled up and spent bronze orders by accident a couple of times, maybe a confirmation screen would be good (with a “don’t show this again” checkbox)
or perhaps you could move the button, thank you.

Please don’t rely only on the free battlepass as the only way to get silver orders. I use to play with my friends just on weekends during long sessions (8 hours per day on average) and so far we’re having fun most of the time, but because we just play on weekends that means that we just get 2 rewards from the battlepass per week. If daily login and battlepass are the only way to get silver then we’re pretty much done with the game as we will not have many options to get new weapons and soldiers in comparison to the old system that allowed us to buy more troops and equipment by grinding on battles and using bronce currency.


About a way to obtain silver orders, some suggestions:

  1. Set a fix number of xp needed to unlock one, just like it was with bronze orders.
  2. Alternative give one after a fix number of battles completed without considering xp earned.
  3. Trade a number of bronze orders for one silver.