Your feedback about last update

I like the changes, but it is true, that reaching high level soldiers is now very easy… perhaps way too easy, given how cheap upgrading is for highest level.

Sure, multiply this on more soldiers or squads and it adds up, but this change so far did few rather bad things as well.

  1. Empowered more veteran players even more since upgrade from rank III and IV to V is fairly cheap and relatively fast to aquire (considering it is supposed to be endgame tier of soldier… ). But who knows what are you guys planning for “veteran tier,” so this might be just a stepping stone before real endgame soldier rank.
    Don´t get me wrong, I do not want WT level of grindiness, and I really like the concept that got rid of academy. It saved lot of time, but perhaps too much time.

  2. Screwed up new or casual players by the shortage of silver orders

  3. New way how to reroll perk is very grindy. Perhaps it was meant to compensate for easy way to get higher rank soldier in terms of grinding time for ranks? Either way, good balance should be found between the two.


I will pass this on to the developers in the feedback.


A little clarification from us. Sorry for the fact that we are not very clear about submitting the new system


Focke Wulf 190 on Normandy is still bugged although it has been reported several times.

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What i like:

Finally something to use bronze orders on

What i dislike:

RMN-50 class change - i don’t use mortar squads, and my troopers have backpack slots instead of second weapons, now the weapon i got for a goldorder is useless.
After a major change like that the weapons should be refunded for anyone that brought it, and if someone wants can buy it again.

Loss of academy…
Just wow… a change like that, without warning, announcement what will be done… nothing.
I just finished filling my reserves in battle for tunisia yesterday for 300 bronze orders.
I just brought 20 Assaulter III for my normandy campaign for silver orders.
I just finished training my 4* assaulters on normandy preparing to merge them into 5* of specifically Assaulter 3 given the better stats.

But ok, what i did don’t matter as much as what i cannot do now.

I cannot SELL my surplus of soldiers for orders.

I cannot CHANGE the class of a soldier as i could in the academy (be it a pilot to a gunner, or simply an assaulter 1 to an assaulter 2). I think this is a major issue, and you need to introduce a way to change the class.

The change to retraining was totally unnecessary, the system was fine as it was, now it just adds even more grind on top of an already grindy system. To get the perks i wanted i sometimes had to reroll DOZENS of times, before i would just stack up experience until i had a moment without the people i play with to roll my perks. Now, not only i have to grind waaaaay longer to get that one perk point, i need to reroll it whenever i get it or the experience is lost.
This is in my opinion the worse change in this patch.

I got premium and i feel like silver orders are gonna be an issue at some point, i perfer not to even think about F2P. May i suggest either:
-A system to trade orders (both type and “color”) so people are able to get the stuff they need? a 3:2 ratio for switching betwin soldier/weapon orders (give 3 get 2) and a 5:1 ration for bronze to silver and vice versa.
-Once you introduce “selling” unused soldiers, le people sell higher level (4* and 5*)soldiers for silver orders
-Introduce silver orders every 5 or 10 bronze orders gained.


Love the new system. As I posted on the Reddit:
I love love love this new system. Absolutely love it.

Some recommendations:

  1. As you gain more and more specialized troops you will need fewer Rifleman. The troop you get the most of from the squads you unlock during the campaign. There needs to be a way to turn in troops you don’t want for bronze orders. Even if it is only one or two. Especially for the people that have huge reserves of troops right now.
  2. Silver order availability. This needs to be communicated to people on how to get and what they can expect to achieve over time in the Free to Play model. I.E. over 30 days you can expect a log in award of X number of silver orders, and the battle pass contains x amount of free silver orders. Just so people understand the “according to our calculations, this won’t be difficult.”
  3. Nothing else. This is freaking great.

Lone-Fighters FIXED


Upgrading a soldier Tier I from level IV to V costs 18 bronze orders.
Upgrading a soldier Tier II from level IV to V costs 54 bronze orders.
Upgrading a soldier Tier III from level IV to V costs 72 bronze orders.

I have to admit that Im not extensively using tier II-III soldiers, so now when I see actual pricing of higher tiers, I have to say, that these aren´t that easy at all for non premium players.
For that reason I will backtrack a bit on my previous statement and can confidently throw my fears about rank upgrades being a bit too “easy” out of the window.

Premium players probably are not likely to have problems with this, so it indeed empowers them quite a bit.
Also, tier 1 with its low pricing now seems to take role of the solid “soft cap” of usable soldiers, which is not a bad idea to have.

New/casual players might actually have problems upgrading even tier IIs, as the gap between the tier prices seems to be rather big. Thus possible shortage might be expanded not only on silver, but also on bronze orders.

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Dislike the last update so far to be honest, sadly.
(-) Strongly dislike adding hit marks, kill/assist info in the middle and all the other things from squad into lone soldier mode. Wasn’t it supposed to be more of a “hard” mode?
(-)Dislike the removing academy changing the way bronze troops now work. Even though i read Keofox reddit link about it and get the point they are making. I might change my opinion on this later but this is my current feels about it, same goes for a friend of mine when discussed this update.
(-)As mentioned before, seems to be to few ways of getting silver troop cards. Might be badly communicated how to?
Bronze to get random troops reinforcement felt better when you needed a class to save silver troop cards. It now feels more like it’s forcing players to draw their credit card to get what they want instead of grinding and hoping you get what you need when using random troop reinforcement.
Also felt nice when getting a higher tier on the random troops reinforcement.

(+) Haven’t noticed anything better yet. Hope i will if i mange to get more time in-game but i feel doubtful.

FuIgrim_ post (1093) kinda sums it up pretty good.

Hope things will revert back to previous update.
I feel less incurred to play Enlisted now, sadly. :’(


I don’t understand this. At all. This is more efficient, (more bang for buck), easier to navigate, and quicker. It is in all ways objectively superior to the previous method.

I think that the new cost is overpriced and landing for a Pay for play. We will still play the time it takes for academy is, so it is far more effective than paying bucks.

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Please let us choose after retraining. It’s hard enough already to get the proper set of perks, I have only 1 soldier at level 5 with all perks as I wished after 5 months of (casual) playing…

It’s hard to sell the concept that if I send my soldier to practice grenade throwing, he will come back with faster healing capabilities first, then instead of that twice as fast climbing, then… you see the point.


Uh. No. Do the math. It takes about 18% of the orders to get a Tier I troop from level 1 to level 5, takes 1% of the time, and is much much more straightforward. Tier II is about 90% of the orders, and Tier III is 150%. Long run it works out. You also don’t have ANY wasted orders of getting troops you don’t need. This system is much more efficient.


updata of the part of new system is good.,but it lost so many Supporting services.
it has 4 place sholud to be done.
1:replace the college ability of Premium account, 2:the new way to get silver,3:delete soldiers and give back some copper change,and 4:show us the new way to let the Junior soldier can be have better rank slides. its not 1start to 5stars. its rank1 to rank2 rank 2 tobe rank3.the soldiers should have a way Promotion to the rank 5 in the future,when rank4-5 is coming.

so i means some planes to work:
1.delete soldiers can give back some copper change, according to how many are the delete soldier have,include the max stars and the yellow stars .
2. maybe it can be exchange copper for silver, like 18 copper for one silver?
3.change back the pass reward, lvl61~64,its dont need so many exp-cards.when they want to use a Warehouse to let people can use exp-cards they have get anytime.
5.replace the college ability of Premium account for : I :you can get more by delete soldiers.II:.have discount to exchange copper for silver. III:.have a biger Warehouse.
6.give us a new way, to let the Junior soldier can be have better rank slides. its not 1start grow to 5stars. It is rank1 Breachto rank2, rank 2 to be rank3.the soider should have a way Promotion to the rank 5 in the future,when rank4-5 is coming. and Premium account should to influence it
[and pls work as soon as possible!!!no time to give you another month to work! although its hard work!]
@Keofox forgive my poor english

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New academy system is good in theory but it MUST be accompanied by an economic rebalance for Silver Orders. Free to play players will barely get enough Silvers to fill out one campaign, let alone several. This will kill the Free To Play playerbase, and with it the game as a whole.

Enlisted isn’t War Thunder where it dominates a niche market. It is competing with Hell Let Loose, Battlefield, Call of Duty, and many others, and if the game is not designed around the F2P experience, it WILL die as players flock to other games. I don’t know why decisions are being made but more consideration needs to be taken when it comes to how changes will affect F2P players.


I think you should add the option to do multiplataform squads, I mean in the same squad there are users from PC, Xbox and PS

  • What I like:
    New vehicle like planes and halftracks

  • What I HATE:
    The bronze random troops, its was really usefull and help a lot for me (a new player) moving on and unlocking new squad members. I understand that it was maby a little bit over powered sometime but, removing it is a little bit to much. I personally think its should get a nerf but not a complete removal from the game. Collecting the silver troop thing are not that easy so making a squad just became painful.


I think a nerf will be better like

Bronze order gives you: 1 random troop (lvl 1 to 3) + maby a little chance to have 1 or 2 more

Silver order give you: the class you want (lvl 3 to 5) + a 25% chance of two randoms (lvl 1 to 3)

Of course doesn’t to be like that exactly but at least around that

I like the new Bronze order progression system for soldiers, big improvement over the old academy system.