Your feedback about last update

remember this keo? i sure do


Hmmm, I really hope that we can turn excessive soldiers into bronze or silver orders. I have an insane amount of soldiers like 238 and I do not need them anymore.
Also one of the main reasons to go for premium was to get +100 reserve troopers and that the academy worked twice as fast. Now the bigger reserve is useless, but also the bonus of faster training ist gone.
Do we get something else for that?

Not sure about the new training system. I was not a fan of the academy, but the new system does not feel “better”. With bronze orders I could get lucky (getting four or even five star soldiers). I think in the end the new system will make it more boring, with no real advantages.
Also retraining now becomes a pain in the … .


also what are the plans regarding spare knives @Keofox? some of the people here on the forum have accumulated some multiple thousand knives and it would be nice to get some info regarding them

When retraining soldiers … If I want to spend 10 bronze to train a soldier, don’t make me click the training button 10 times. Let me just enter in how much I want to spend …


  • Perk training: You used to be able to re-train perks every 3200 XP and could accumulate the points. Now you can only re-train every 12800 XP at level 5. This is a huge pain especially since it is a lottery. Can you either decrease the perk retraining XP or make it so that you can choose what perks you want? By choosing perks instead of playing a lottery you can efficiently try out different play-styles/ builds.

  • No transfer of reserves for bronze orders. Also no increase in silver distribution.

  • No warning on an update that fundamentally changes the economy. Please give us a heads-up before releasing the weapons economy update so that we can spend our bronze and grind a weapon we want before the only option becomes silver.


  • Removal of academy: managing academy became a pain due to the max # of troops allowed in reserve. It becomes a lot of micromanaging and forcing yourself to play classes you don’t like just to make space in reserves.

  • Increase in bronze progress: pretty crucial for the leveling up change especially for tier II and III troops.


F2 bombs removed ? I dont remeber that somebody complain about it … New system is killer of new players … And old players and whales will raise to unlimited power. Soo thx devs.

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Now that the academy is gone, the terrible reserve troop interface is even more inadequate. Please fix it to allow more options to filter / sort troops.

I like the academy interface where we could see each soldier by class as well as which soldiers were in reserve and which soldiers were assigned …


Deterioration of the system of retraining of fighters. It can’t be left like this. The old “retraining points” system was good and had no problems or conflicts with the new pumping system. It was removed to make your progress four times slower. Go and participate in my thread, if allowed to increase the grind 1 time, it will be increased again.


When I brought up the fact that this new update will lead to more grinding, people were up in arms and getting mad at my opinion.

Let’s not forget about the players who have supported this awful new system:

Welcome to a system of skeleton squads where you have to grind like crazy to get silver orders or buy those silver orders in order to fill up your squads.

Soldier levels and perks require 4-5 times more xp to unlock, and your soldier loses level each time you re-roll them for perks which are still random, and mostly useless. You now have to grind for 40+ hours (meaning days and weeks) or grab your wallet in order to get the perks you want.

You cannot exchange soldiers you do not need for silver orders.

The old system was tedious and a grindy with annoying time locks. The current system is equally tedious, continues to have a bad interface with no sorting options, and it is even more grindy, verging on the extreme, on top of that, with the added bonus that you are forced to pay for orders in order to get soldiers to fill up your squads.

The gap between new and casual players and veteran players and whales has been pushed into the stratosphere.

I hope this change is reconsidered and things are improved. As it is right now, it is plain pay to win.


The free battlepass, the achievements and the ones that get added to your daily tasks from the login rewards

Give us back old Lone Fighters. There is no reason to play it now, more here → Give us pre-today's Lone Fighters back! - #4 by 7685966

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I dont like the new upgrade system for soldiers. I really liked the academy to train them.

Why did you change that???

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Definitely a bad joke if that’s the case. Or a simple classic gaijin.

there are instances, where i die and i change to a BOT from my squad, he is unable to shot untill i change the weapon first.
even with full mag or a half one, the game simply doesnt register my mouse action.

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They had to stop training and return.

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I like the change aside from silvers being made almost wholly unavailable to f2p players in any usable amount

Silver weapon and bronze should both be given out the same way bronzes are, just at a slightly slower rate


I don’t like the changes at all. I liked the academy much better.

The best thing is, the German version does not even show what a level upgrade costs. After a click I was quickly rid of 56 bronze - I already lost the desire for the game.

So what should I do with the useless hundreds of reserve soldiers?

PS the daily login bonus is still buggy, 2 bronze weapons displayed but as always only get 1!

I absolutely love the changes to soldier progression. It’s fantastic.

Need a way to get rid of soldiers for bronze orders.

When gear changes come… will need a way to get rid of weapons for bronze orders, other than that, I am super looking forward to it.



We remember them. Mechanics at WIP.

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