Your feedback about last update

FG-42s need to be restricted to a specific class
These zero recoil assault rifles are making Berlin absolutely unplayable


After a long time its time to give feedback again. I mostly focus on Moscow and Tunisia.

What I like:

  1. New destruction mode is good and I like it, despite the lack of any axis defense (due to constant camping)

What I don’t like/ what I miss

  1. Many uniforms on German side in Africa (or lets be honest across all campaigns) are not correct… they do not Afrika-Korps uniforms

  2. Broken tank DMs in Tunisia. Those unfunny tennis matches are not fun (hell ABs even consume 75mm M3 shells like nothing. Same for the cannon of M41)

  3. Daimler and A13 in Tunisia (outdated)

  4. The Tommy faces sometimes consumes the belt of the helmets (both US and UK)/ poorly designed faces

  5. I do not like the design on some maps (maybe I open a threads for this or sth. like this). They are too open in favor for defenders or attract defenders to roof-camp which makes defending a lot harder

  6. MP28 and ZB in Tunisia are not correct

  7. New Premium squads are just too damn expensive. Seriously this cant go on like this

  8. StG and PPSh in Moscow.

  9. Panther (I mean why do you want to have the damn Jumbo there?)

  10. Still lack of a real toturial

  11. Still no US faces

  12. Still no StG in Berlin

  13. Grey zones. Makes Normandy harder and give light tanks and cars less opportunities to flank

  14. Still no secondary weapon slot in Logistics

  15. Still no veteran perks (or at least any input how they could work)

  16. Some BP units are bugged in terms of level

  17. Panzerfaust locked on a high level/ still bugged SP

  18. Still no rewards for pure dogfighting

  19. Fighters without air-to-ground weapons/ bombs or rockets

  20. Change of class meta (rifleman and sniper)

What is not too easy to understand.

  1. What was the point of shovels? I saw like two or three holes since OBT started

  2. Whats the point of normal bikes as they have no engineer?

  3. Why cant we decide the nationality in Tunisgrad for our soldier classes?

  4. How are you going to rebalance the campaign levels in the future or do you think I would change my BT-7 for a bike with two worse assaulters?


a bit of context:

as usual, i joined late to the party.

and here is my little contribution.
i’ll start by saying that i’m mostly pleased.
but not without the thorn in everyone esles side ( so to speak )

anyway, i decided to take things more in depth and try all the new stuff before judge it.

let’s begin:

My Personal Feedback About Last Four Updates: ( From to )

this is going to be my " review " and feedback about the last updates :slight_smile:

What i Like:

  • new shovels that works as a melee and are functional as well
    ( can’t wait to see more types of shovels for russians and americans as well)

  • smoke artillery
    ( really needed. although, still waiting for others campaigns as well, i’m sure it’s just a matter of time :slight_smile:

  • New Survivability System for infantry on bombs
    ( a bit a rough description, but i’m happy that now nukes from airplanes are no more :smiley: . really plagued the gameplay for too much time, i’m glad we putted an end to that.)

  • changed camos for Emplacements Across campaigns
    ( a really awaited long one for me :3 )

  • new badge awards

  • slighlty upgraded new training
    ( what it’s still missing in my opinion, is to explain how the bipod works, artillery, mortar man, engineers and generally, show the class available to somewhat " tease " the players. )

  • new gamemode
    better than nothing :slight_smile:

  • new gold order vehicles with historical references
    ( i really love the SU 85 over berlin, and the Sherman from the canadians for normandy :stuck_out_tongue: )

  • introduction of new maps
    my new favorite maps are Querry, and omer. really well designed and good looking. feels like a fresh air

  • new introduction of the long awaited stg and panzerfaust for the germans, m1 bazooka for the americans over normandy.

  • Removed the option to buy and obtain multiple prototype weapons from the gold orders

  • M10 over normandy

  • Mig-15 over moscow

  • Daily Login rewards

  • Boosters

What i don’t like:

  • " Fixed Damage Model Issue For Airplanes, now it should be easier to shot down "
    this has been written in the and the problem is, it’s a lie. because over normandy, i still see BF 110s G-2s eating entire clips from american planes,
    Il-2s as well, P38s, P47s and many others. so this has not been fixed from my experience. same for tanks in that regard…

  • older gold order vehicles not being " patched " fixed ( speaking about missing camos for the PZ IV H over normandy, no insignas over majority of the older vehicles and no decorations as well ) the panther does, but not everyone else :confused:

  • Ability to cook and release grenades from downed position
    … why? is this cod? bleah. not a huge fan of it.

  • new introduction of MK42 Scoped rifle over normandy.
    i’m not against it, but should have comed much, much later down the line. in a few weeks month, everyone will run around with those. glad that it’s locked to snipers, but still…

  • New Jumbo Squad over normandy
    if the tank combat was already screwed, now it’s even more with moneywhales that are able to get directly the bloody jumbo. RIP normandy campaign as a whole.

  • new panther over normandy
    so, instead of taking out the jumbo, someone decide to reverse to struggle on m5s and m8s? someone should be fired for such decisions to be honest. because they don’t know what balance means. and asymetrical balance is being different from whatever buillshit someone managed to make it into the game.

  • new expensive and overpriced premium squads for what they offer.
    like honesty… 55 euros for a PZ IV J Commando over berlin?
    50 euros for 4 dudes with an smgs? 55 euros for a BF 109 G10? which it’s literally in half of the campaign available that is unlockable?
    i made a suggestion about it, and i hope that you guys can come up with something better or to the very least, take something out of it:
    Why premium squads are bad and how they can be improved + Community Suggestions
    and no, you don’t need to watch my thread if you think it’s ““biased””. and i don’t think my thread is better than anyone elses. as such, i advise you to check the others trilions of posts about the matter and see what people thinks about it as well.

  • no americans belt machineguns :frowning:

  • Lack of inventory for boosters. one thing that i don’t particularly like, is the lack of inventory. the problem starts once i collect the boosters, they automatically active their selves against my will. and this is a problem for me because i don’t always have time to play everyday.

In Conclusion:

mostly happy, and unfortunately, disappointed by premium squads as well regarding some other balancement factor ( such as the panthers, jumbos, fgs still in the same positions, mk over moscow ) and yada yada yada.

looking foward to the new system though.

that is all from me.


( i’ll update it if i discover more stuff )


I like most your feedback, but damage models have kinda been fixed, planes go down in flames now, with cannons you blow wings off, which is very satisfying!

Sometimes it’s lag, sometimes I see people firing way to far away, keep following gaining on them then let loose!

Have I read correctly? We will be able to max star premium soldiers? … TAKE MY MONEY!!!


Only one question @Keofox , I had soldiers undergoing training in academy, before the update. Are those soldiers lost?


So how to Upgrade my Soldiers for Bronze? I dont find a button–

So it was necessary to remove the bombs of the BF109 F2 to balance against the Russian plane but when it’s about the PPSh41 with 73 ammo against the Beretta M38 with 20 ammo it’s OK for you? You guys are incompetent and biased developers.


Open the soldier abilities

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Only concern (I miss read earlier)

Retraining points can no longer be accumulated… choosing correct perks will be an absolute chore. Could it be possible to keep accumulting xp past max lvl instead, so it would be similar to retrain points?

I sincerely doubt the removal of perk points is a good change, I don’t think anyone will like that :thinking:


My Feedback About the Update

What i like:

-Old LF is back
( i hope to be able to play the hardcore in the upcoming custom matches though :stuck_out_tongue: )

-New Mission

-New Bronze Soldier System

-Events Section

-Level Up Premium Soldiers

-Defined Mines and Grenades kills in logs ( / Kill tabs )

( can’t link all of them, but i do keep notes of those, and i’m thankful. )

-New Text for the forum
( dunno if should be mentioned here, nor how they are called, but i like them. the TITLES like the one below: )

What i Don’t Like:

-Training With Bronze
weather some people like it, i do not. makes the game much easier than it should. people will reach the end game much earlier. and from a stand point of logetivity, it drained so much .

-Send to the Rear Logic Not Being Applied
what i mean by this is, now i have like, 40 soldiers that i don’t use. and for logic, i should be able to get some bronze soldiers card if i turn them in the rear. but it does not happen. and i don’t quite like that to be honest. but maybe it’s just my opinion.

-F2 getting it’s bombs removed
" just because the opponent does not have them "
so by this logic, all the other campaign should be changed because of this reason? sounds like a bad exscuse to be honest, and i’m not trying to raise a flame war. although, does not sounds justifiable for me.
( just one example that i can think of: FW 190 A with just two rockets against the P 47D 28 that has rockets and bombs… there are many more, but for sake of time, i’ll just stick this one that suits better for the matter )

-Fgs & VGs still in the same places…

In Conclusion:

mostly positive about those changes, but if i have to speak honestly, i don’t like the whole new bronze system. not a bit. and i do miss the accademy. although, i ain’t here blaiming no one because lots of people didn’t liked the accademy in the first places ( lots of my friends actually ) and i remember and saw many threads against it. so if it’s for the good of the community, so be it. i just wished to turn my soldiers that i don’t use for few bronze cards. anyway, as tried to said earlier, this updated made the game much " easier " and " shorter " in my opinion, i don’t see why should have been the case.

but, for the rest, as i said, i like everything else, so kudo.

Keep up the good work.

that’s all from me.


And like every time you only reply to what suits you, keep your biase and trash update but unfortunately I’m not the only one to complain.

i just wanna kno why there is no counter to the fg42

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hi, i bought the Gewehr 41 troop for the moscow campaign and gave them the perk -75% medpack useingtime now noone can use a medpack anymore. pleas fix that

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What I like… No… . I trully love:

The option to have premium squads soldiers at level 5.


Keofox, give a huge hug to everyone developing the game. My money spended here will be more worth as ever.

Now, all I need to see it’s the option to have exacly the same squad compositions as non premium squads…and I ill spend more in this game.

Baby steps darkflow.

Thank you Alot!

Also, I’ll update every single soldier to level 5, finnaly 1200 bronze orders will have something to be used on. Love it!

Besides that I have to test the other parts, I ill give feedback as I play.



Please give us the option to sell unneeded weapons and soldiers for bronze (as you previously announced) asap.


Another concern:

Premium subscription.

One of the (ex) advantages of it was that it adds 100 spots in reserve. It’s no longer useful. Will something be done about it? (Reduced Premium membership price, or new advantage)

Edit: premium also halved the academy training time. So… now what?


This is a fair question.

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If recruiting is only possible with silver orders, make them way more common, or allow transforming bronze into silver.
Previously we could get too many unwanted soldiers, now we can’t afford buying all those we need.
We also need an option to get rid of the recruits we got earlier and we aren’t using, for bronze or silver.

Skill retraining cards was a good thing, not sure why it was removed?

Overall, changes hurt new players more than they fixed tbh.


I recall keo saying during the last two updates “Don’t worry, we will give people a way to get silver accordingly”

Well… what is it?

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We get twice as much bronze now. Not sure how does that help, now that bronze is useless to recruit good soldiers