Your feedback about last update

I feel the “first shot”, or “single shot” accuracy of all weapons needs to be revisited. The random decrease in accuracy needs to be far less often, and the current random inaccuracy for semi-autos needs to be reworked to be based on firing speed, not as it is at present.

When someone fires a single shot in ANY weapon with the next shot at least 2 seconds later the fire should be very accurate. As you increase ROF, accuracy should suffer of a gradient curve.


yes - it is not a wargame.

Could have been a briliant one… but no :frowning:

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Revert the shot despersion change it’s awuful the gun play was flawless don’t “fix” what isn’t broken

More feedback:

Bullet dispersion, at least make first shot accurate or reduce for FS please, I do like a nibble of RNG though.

Give fortress map cracked /breechable wall with det pack like DDay
Please change allied plane to Bristol Beaufighter

New tanks on Tunisia please, as much as I like Cruiser, give us Cromwell or other allied tank, finally give us Tiger 1 (please)

Replaying this to level up, really want STG but noticed a few bugs, things that could be improved - JU87 has no defence and 6 crew.
AA is just ok, but please give allied US equivalent

Why is main cannon (R2) on BF110 the slow firing 37? Surely it should be the 30mm on the trigger, if I remaped it would alter my fighters too.

Some visual issues: Saw one soldier with panzerfaust floating above his head? Seen shaky bodies sometimes. When aiming with lmg, sometimes the ground makes you shake and hard to maintain focus as view kind of flickers.

Love this game, hooked! Keep up the good work!

What you like

  • I like That you can choose Play Soviets Or Deutchlands. Updates constantly.

What you don’t like

  • Maps looks poor!!! Played Vanguard/BF5 - Maps are amazing, whats is lack in this game is good maps!

Maybe you can add commands for the AI Bots - For Example I am the Leader of the Group and when we reach the destination i can command them what to do: to stay in position ,l ook for the enemys, hide , peek from the window. When you drive car - steering wheel dosent work/ AI bots dosent shoot anyone - they dont mark anyone.

We need another major Update for environment, maybe the engine is not build for FPS games, its look terrible , for tanks good , but FPS i dont know, Unreal engine looks more smooth for FPS games, maybe need upgrade for Engine.

So many Soldier Have the same appearance, it would be awsome if we can customize soldiers , like snipers - special costume like Bush , you know this type of updates and customization would make you feel like you play Rpg game, now RPG game of leveling soldiers and not much.

Dagor engine is not made for FPS games.
GO with Unreal Engine 4 -5. you destroy the market. or Upgrade game engine.

Add Team Deathmach without Bots for smaller Maps maybe.

What is not too easy to understand : That when you released Closed Beta Tunisia it costed 39 Euros. So are you focused on money? dont worry about money when you have good product. Audi dont worry about money, because product is good.

Good luck , have a good day.

You can do that to some extend. Press X and they (try to) defend/ stay at that position you selected. They automatically choose their spots then.

Sorry to crush your hope but they surely wont add another LF-mode.

But Audi/ VW dont sell their cars for free and give you “in-car” buy-option to earn money.

  1. Automatically , so there could be option when you give them orders what to do. You are Leader of the Group , so why they have to do automatically, give more sense for leadership.

  2. Regarding the mode, no problem.

  3. Do understand what you say: If the product is Good !!! I dont mind to have 6 Squads instead of 4 , and support Devs with 10 euros a month. So you know ,when you dig Air in Tunisia, and make a hole, come on mate, focus.

Its less “automatically” than issues with pathfinding and the “adapting” (like incoming explosives or artillery).
You can give x-orders to each soldier sperately but tbh I wouldnt waste so much time for micro-managing your AI and at the end AI also tries to “survive”. Maybe we will face that in the future.

There still differences. As far as I know, the (German) car industry don’t sell unfinished cars to their costumers. Also, they have brands and their brand consoomers.

DF basically sells you the “privilege” to test unfinished and even broken stuff under a brand no ones knows, unlike BF or CoD. And unlike the other industries, they used crowdfunding. All that without consoomers (at least I do not know anyone who is that sick that he is a consoomer fan of the snail).
People usually try to avoid buying something in F2P games (especially when they are underaged), regardless if they are good or bad. That’s where P2W comes in. You already mentioned the slots. Do you really think people buy them to “support” the snail and DF or to gain an advantage in the game? Same goes for Premium, BP and Premium squads or anything else you can skip/ buy with Enlisted Gold.

They do not need to have a perfect game. The game has to be addictive/ “good” enough to hold you and “force” you to waste your money there. It can’t be easier for them since they are the SOLE running WW2 F2P arcade game on the market.

  1. To do not waste so much time for micromanaging , we can always use map. and give them orders , izi.

  2. Me personally i dont want to spend any money at the moment. When you change appearance , it dosent give me any choice for myself, so where is Rpg game. To far from RPG. I do understand what you mean , BF and COD do suck at the moment as well, because they focus on money more, - BF5 have no eastern front , so what kind of ww2 game can be without eastern front.

I hope that the accuracy of all weapons can be improved. Now that the accuracy is reduced, the game experience is very bad. :worried:


I forgot to mention personal orders are great and can be used effectively, but there are occasions I need them to cover left and right sides, if I use marker to point them, they all point in that direction which means hard to cover door, if they are not facing it.

Hope this makes sense.

Updates that improve the accuracy of guns are really nice. Thank you for accommodating users’ complaints. But SMG is missing from the list of accuracy improvements. I hope SMG also improves the accuracy of the first bullet. :heart_eyes:


Can you bind R1/RB sqaud command instead of (Look). Hold R1 to switch the command on and tap R1 to switch soilders for the comand. Xbox same way just with the RB. Thanks you for the great game you worked on.

I meant for the Individual sqaud orders.

(Not only for last update.)

What I like

  • Almost all campaigns are enjoyable again - less bombs
  • AI gets better, but really slowly (can get over sandbags)
  • digging, smoke barrage and destroyable pots in Tunisia :slight_smile:
  • new badges
  • shield indicator for spawn protection
  • changes to training - please add unlockable advanced tutorial with mark, rally building, basic AI commands after engineer unlock for one time extra XP/order
  • lots of announcements, more communication recently

What I don’t like

  • unrealistic movements (too quick turning, huge jumps and insane speed of pose changes with perk)
  • some of the unexpected/unreasonable changes and overnerfing (bullet dispersion, shotgun nerf, now recoil patterns)
  • important basic bugs not fixed since start of open beta, e.g.
    • building a rally point with engineer is often interrupted; multiple blueprints may appear in same place etc.
    • bipods
  • Tunisia pricing/opening was badly executed
  • bomb indicator is visible from almost everywhere - should be transparent or smaller when further away or behind hill (or option to disable it)
  • grey zone camping

What is not too easy to understand

  • why to remove retraining points together with academy? It is good as it is, makes it easier to replace a lot of unwanted perks in one session, this way I remember what I wished to do. Better to keep it even without academy.
  • will we get back Kamenka River eventually? Please? :slight_smile:
  • why isn’t there a sticky “known bugs” forum topic maintained by community and developers in cooperation
  • in-game communication is very limited, is that by design, or no time for it yet?
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i just got the russians in moscow to level 20 where is my XP boost of 20%

More feedback:

What I like is dogfights, not using mouse pointer, please explain to pilots in tutorial. (Not sure what direct mode is, as it’s seems very hard to control)

Normandy, axis side more players for sure
Fixed dispersion
New campaign levels in Normandy Panther!!!

What I don’t like:
STG Moscow, FG42 no class limit on it? Please DF put some limit on number of classes / squads (paratrooper only?).
Jumbo premium - why not something else?
Panzer in Berlin, just a skin c’mon!

What I don’t understand:
Conquest might be fun but to get XP you leave, as not enough to make it worthwhile.

Still no nation specific Engineer AA, MG placements

Destruction, nice to have a change, but could be done better than just 6 radios… emplacements, radios, ammo dump etc
Put smoke and shovel on other campaigns please
How about tailgunners JU188, JU87 is helpless

Looking forward to next update either way, nice to be back on Normandy…

Will play Moscow, wait for Tunisia Tiger before going back there. Then Berlin, once you add STG of course!

What I like:

  • The new campaign levels and new content to all the campaigns.

  • The reduction to random bullet deviation. Thank you that was not a positive change I feel like it’s in a good spot now.

  • Bomb nerf - loving it now I can actually play infantry in Normandy

What I don’t like:

  • Moscow has a bug with XP and rewards less xp than other campaigns in general.

  • The M10 is open top, I hate open top tanks. Warthunder has the closed top variant can’t we have that or get roof as last upgrade?

  • AB 41 has broken damage model and is pretty hard to take out considering it has so little armour.

What is not too easy to understand:

  • I find it really odd that you’ve given MKb 42(H) to sniper squads in Germany. It’s literally an assault rifle it should go to assaulter class who instead get a pretty useless 20 round Beretta for assault 3s as a rank 30 unlock. I play mainly Allies in Moscow but I think that’s unfair considering we get PPSH 41.

  • What is the purpose for fighter planes and why do they take so much XP to level up? Maybe give them HE rounds or something so they can strafe better at the moment they are borderline useless?

What you like

I like that this is a game i can play with my father, he’s old and not very quick on he’s reactions but he’s having a lot of fun with the game when the maps are a bit tight packed with enemies it gives him great joy being able to hit someone at 100 m range with a kar98 and see the ragdolls fall out the windows.

I in general really like the weapon models and my favorite weapon is by far the Gewehr 43, however the sniper variant is quite, strange to use. The crosshair don’t seem to be right… Something funky going on there. I at least can’t see the bullet traces which leads me to believe the stem on the crosshair is a bit too far up.

The weapon models in general are all very well done. Im always excited to unlock a new weapon and go ham with it. Can’t wait till i get the MG34

What you don’t like

I really don’t like the latest update to Normandy with objectives that are capturable for both sides when defending and now having 2 objectives to defend. It’s nuts. It’s not possible the maps now favor the attacking team so much that it’s for me, unplayable now because. It require a lot of brain cells to defend tactically, (Same goes for attackers but it’s a different topic) the objectives you’ve implemented are too open, too far apart and in general it’s a cat and mouse game that removes most of the mechanical gameplay you’ve set the game up for using radio stations to call in reinforcements… Making the game mode a cat and mouse game make the radio’s only stay on the map for at most. 2 minutes… Leaving no impact on the gamemode in a tactical sense or manner. Artillery? Redundant. Hunkering down and trying to hold an objective? Impossible.

The objectives from where the defenders spawn don’t seem thought out at all. they’re right in the open, nothing to cover em else than a trench you have to climb out of… I had one guy sit at about 50m range from where the defenders spawn and just mow em down with a heavy machine gun. We literally coulden’t spawn without getting killed on the left side of the mansion. the Right side wasen’t better but atleast they didn’t setup a MG nest ontop of our spawn.

Not enough with the above mentioned, playing any map with 2 objectives spreads the 10 player teams so thin that you can’t really find each other. The game mode that had some sort of historical mechanic to it, is gone now. It’s just hide and seek on steroids and to be honest i would much rather go play a whole entire other, different game for that.

Also either add more players to conquest maps or make us able to pick and choose the gamemodes we want to be put into. The Conquest maps are in general a very dry experience not alot of action and mostly a lot of cat and mouse gameplay. The maps feel extremely (Like tremendously) big for the amount of players put into them. The most i’ve ever seen someone get (as for kills) in a conquest map is less than 40.

What is not too easy to understand

if i want to spend money on the gewehr 43 with the kurz cartridge can’t i be allowed to? Instead of only limited to one. I really love the 3 round burst although it shoots a bit too fast and you can rapid fire 30 shots in less than 2 seconds. The salvos overlap and it’s probably something you should look into.

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What you like

What you don’t like

What is not too easy to understand

what is 'golden order 5-star modification for 6-star vehicle orgin?

  1. golden order 5-star vehicle is as same as 5/6 star of orinally upgraded vehilce
  2. golden order 5-star vehicle is as same as 6/6 star of orinally upgraded vehilce, only appeard 5 star maximum at the screen.
  3. none of above, sort of modification applied and it’s more than 5/6, but worse specification than 6/6