Your feedback about last update

I can’t understand why you gave a Premium Panzer IV better ammo than a regular Panzer IV.
The bullet spread patch is a very lethal nerf against automatic rifles, but even more lethal against bolt action and semi-auto rifles.
I think we need to mitigate the spread of bullets or go back to the previous patch.


What you like

  • New map
    New gun
    New mode

What you don’t like

What is not too easy to understand

  • Please let me choose the outfit. Need more outfit.

The bullet spread patch should disappear.


Uh… because it is PREMIUM?

Starting with this, we need to stop how much Pay-to-Win can get worse.

That ship sailed loooooong ago… when they announced the curent transaction model it was patently obvious.

Again filler content (M1 Thompson vs. M1A1) and bots are doing 180* turns without even playing animation. Flanking is now pointless. Fuck this bullshit.

What you like

  • The new maps
  • New weapons
  • Daily rewards
  • New game type

What you don’t like

  • That most of the new premiums tanks are tanks we already have just with different paint or some boxes on them. Give us different vehicles at least or for the germans at least a different ausf. Hard to want to invest again into something I already have.
  • Also don’t like the sheer ridiculous price of premiums
  • Bullet dispersion while a good idea, is far too extreme at times. I like the idea but it needs to be toned down.
  • Don’t like that I still can’t move AT Guns even though it has multiple seating locations now.
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What I like

Better AI

What I Dislike:

Unbalanced, axis vehicles are trash in Tunisia

What I don’t like:

  • Bullet dispersion adjustment just went so far, which looks like unrealistic to hell. Please reduce it for all weapons at least by 70%. Now it looks like all semiautos have more dispersion than an SMG in real life, which is unbelievably unrealistic.
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There is absolutely no reason for the new premium tanks outside the end of tree tier ones like the Jumbo or PzIV E to be priced so expensively
Especially one like the PzIV J in Berlin
That’s absolutely spastic to price it higher than the Panther A premium

We will soon be releasing an update in which we will set the spread for bolt-action rifles (increase the accuracy)

Thanks for your feedback.


Please reduce the dispersion for ALL weapons not just BA rifles. I can't kill anyone because of the gun dispersion (SAD)

Such a dispertion is just insane.


Thank god.

Thank god.

But Bolt Action only? How about Single-fire? What about Making first shot accurate?

Right now, Every weapons are just Bullet spray. Can’t hit shits. At least we have to buff single fire mode more accurate, or Every Semi-auto rifles will be useless.


Increasing the accuracy of bolt action rifles is a great thing. But I feel excessive bullet dispersion in all guns, not just bolt action rifles. It makes the gameplay very unpleasant. Please consider improving the accuracy of other guns as well.

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The non premium bike squad in berlin can only carry 2 soldiers even tho the bike have 3 seats.
There is no MG displayed on the side car. The soldier is firing a invisible MG.

FFS reduce the price of your premium squads. I m not gonna waste 60 euros per tank!


Oh yeah, I forgot the Machineguns. Right now, They are too inaccurate to shoot right now. I know Machineguns should be inaccurate when standing around (or it will be just run and gun) but it is inaccurate when prone or mounted too.

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all weapons should have better accuracy, both bolt-action rifles and other weapons (also handgun)

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I Like: nothing.

This is a WWII version of fortnite.
No strategy possible, only run & jump & fire.


What you like

  • Very beautiful scenery and buildings.

Expectations that many weapons and vehicles will appear.
Immersive feeling as if you were really participating in World War II.
A place where you can play casually.

What you don’t like

    • Please increase the engineer’s rally point score.
      Rally points are very important in this game, but few people make them.
      Shooting a gun gives you a much higher score than setting a rally point.
      I’m tired of volunteering to set up rally points in the game.
      It’s strange that the score is lower than the kill, although it is definitely an important factor in the team’s victory.
      When teammates use rally points, I think 200 points is appropriate instead of 15 points per use.
  • Please increase the score when occupying the base from 50 points to 500 points.
    With the current scoring system, you can earn much more scores by ignoring and killing bases than by occupying bases.

  • This game puts too much emphasis on kills.
    If you want to abuse this scoring system, just kill it will help you earn more scores, regardless of whether you win or lose the game or how much you contribute.
    This game has far more possibilities than any other World War II game.
    Please do not spoil that possibility.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Where is the ability to aim and zoom the gun with a single right click without holding the right click?