Your feedback about last update

I think it’s necessary for balancing at least Normandie. Before this update Normandie Axis gameplay is a constant suffering from Jumbo spawn and P-47 spawn while it gives americans fuckin 250 tickets for every capture, which is extremly hard to win. see here: Normandy, it's easier to attack

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Well, the easier solution would have been replacing Jumbo with E8, and FW-190 with ME 410 B1 (4x20mm and 4 wfr gr 21 rockets or 2x 500kg bombs). Piling on more and more ahistorical weapons and setups does not fix the original issue, it only compounds it further. It is a real shame.

And fg42 or stg do not balance out the Jumbo and p47, in my opinion. It just leads to a situation where any other tank, plane or weapon is never being used. Why use the historical kar98 and mp 40 when you can use battle of the bulge weapons such as stg, or paratroop exclusive weapons (fg42) which were only used by the 2nd parachute division during battles around Carentan and Falaise. The division was badly mauled there, and few of the paratroopers and the 2000 weapons delivered made it out of Normandy.

Just played Moscow. The map was covered in fog and I was getting killed bi AI i Couldn’t even see, then played Tunisia fog again. Please tell me this is a bug.

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I really dislike the decrease in bullet accuracy/ increase in bullet deflection angle. The bolt actions and semi autos feel very weak now. It is especially a problem in Normandy. I was missing shots ~100m with a kar98. It’s frustrating to see the bullets curve away.

This just makes automatic weapons even stronger since you can miss your shot with a bolt action rifle due to random bullet deviation.


They had almost 12,000 of htem - you think weapons didn’t get exported or something??

Feedback so far…

What I like:
New tanks, Moscow, Tunisia bought m13 as it’s different, I think.
New Omer map, wow proper house to house fighting superb gj DF!
New XP bonuses
New individual command orders, although it does seem to get stuck.
Fixed the axis mg tank alignment thank you

What I don’t like:
Why is SBD3 in Tunisia, history buffs confirm or deny it was used please.
Engineer specific AA and mg placements for each country
The announcer is German even if I chose native on most campaigns now?

Forgot to mention:
Tail gunners for planes anytime soon?

That will do for now, gotta get back to the front!

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It was used by the USN there - off Ranger and 2 escort carriers

There’s plenty of other stuff that is silly - mix and match nationalities, BAR graphic for Bren gun in campaign screen - FFS - don’t we know what a Bren gun looks like already?
-bad premiums
-bad tanks in Normandy still
-Daimler should be 1st tank in Tunisia, and Crusader II should replace A13 and be 2nd - really poor history
-so many other things that people have listed

As far as history goes the game is a joke - good fun as a silly arcade run and gun - not a wargame at all.

I also really really dislike the accuracy nerf. It’s something literally nobody asked for, it’s completely unwanted. It greatly harms bolt action play and favour spray and pray behavior, with ppl realizing carefully aiming won’t work as well anyway.

Just… why?

You guys want the game to become a smg fest only?
I was fine with smgs being king in SOME theaters (Berlin) But it now affects my beloved Moscow theater aswell… I’d better just grab a ppsh and idiot charge around now…


No - it was an American plane.

And it was used in Operation Torch from US carriers - photo of deck of USS Ranger at torch from wiki - SBD’s on the right:

One thing I do like is the new high level planes in Moscow - the Il-10 and the 190D - to me this is a GOOD example of “balanced but different”

The Il-10 has a big bombload - 2 x 250kg is the biggest of any Soviet plane in the 2 campaigns - and powerful guns, but is an attacker so not so maneuverable. But if you do get in front of it you are toast :slight_smile:

The 190D is a fighter, but with a useful bombload - 1 x 250kg is good, but not as good as the attackers - good guns for air/air, and maneuverable.

So 2 different roles and characteristics, but equally valuable. At least on paper … unless they’re effed-up like so much else in the game :frowning:


190D also gets 4x 50kg bombs

What i like.

more maps, toys to unlock …

What i dont like:

bot management its kinda Meh…
Bots keep runing around even when ordered to stay still on the fking corner…
50 euros for a panzer 4 exacly like the starter tank in berlin for example. overall the how expensive premium squads are right now…
squads with 9 soldiers with a full auto.

What i Hate:

Mkb42H in moscow . both the fact that the weapon is in the moscow campaign, and the fact that is considered a sniper

What almost gave me a stoke:

MP43/1 with the description of “SMG”

What made my heart skip a beat:

No STG 44 in berlin. and yet, another FG 42 variant…

What makes me trully sad:

Overpriced Premium squads are still worthless. there must be an option to have the exact same composition as non premium squads!


months waiting for new levels on the campaigns… i was expecting more…

but hey… we got tunisia…


people complain about fg42 and the option for every type of soldier to play with it.
devs give us the fg42-II.



There are few positives for me in this release, and many negatives.

  • British No 4 rifle can’t transfer because Tunisia uses baynet, Normandy doesn’t - what nonsense
  • Valentine Mk 1 was never used by Soviets - initial deliveries were Mk II
  • SBD should be in a naval squadron, not a USAAF one that didn’t exist
  • Whole squad of AVT 40 is an awful moneygrab that will sucker many new players into thinking they are getting a leg-up - it is a con.
  • Panther vs M10 in Normandy is rubbish - worse than the Jumbo vs Mk IV
  • New Premiums in general are no improvement on previous bad squad design and bad value

Those are the ones I’m annoyed enough to remember :frowning:


The new BP XP booster may be wasted if game crashed even after you rejoined the match!

This is my 3rd match after I bought elite BP, and in this match, I crashed at the beginning of the match, even after I rejoined the match. The booster is gone!
Please make sure the booster works only when I player ended a match normally!

Because the forum cannot represent every player… and you can notice most ppl in the forum are F2P players

What I like:

  • LMG movement nerf. Although I would preffer more recoil while moving rather than RNG dispersion.
  • bomb nerf. Generally good but something feels wrong, I need more time for testing.
  • tunesia maps are looking great. Top notch attention to details.
  • personal orders. Nice but useless imo, take too much time.
  • plane damage models seem to be much better.
  • AI actually takes cover. It’s HUGE improvement.
  • polish language. I’m yet to check it out it but I’m pleasantly surprised.
  • tank tutorial got added.
  • motorised divisions. They need more work but I’m happy that they got introduced.
  • new maps and guns, but that’s obvious.
  • movable AT guns. It’s not out yet but I’m glad it will be a thing. Amazing.

What I don’t like:

  • Stg in moscow. Like WTF guys?
  • Stg for snipers. WTF v2. Snipers have basically LMGs in Normandy and Berlin and literal assault rifles in Moscow. Just rename them from “Sniper” to “Rambo” at this point.
  • bullet dispersion for bolt action rifles. This nerf would be ok if regular bolt action rifles weren’t affected, but they are.
  • sometimes AI is spining like crazy.
    And they still can do 180 degree turn and lock on you. At least make proper movement animations so I can see what enemy is doing and try to react.
  • bayonets are useless. My heart is bleeding but that’s the truth. There is no reason to equip a bayonet, everything else is better.
  • camping out of bounds. Especially in vehicles. It’s very low effort, high reward strategy.
  • some old stuff still not touched, mostly bad models (MG42), no models (buildings for allies), misleading statistics.
  • AAA is still bad at fighting planes and AT guns are bad at fighting tanks (except for Moscow).

Hard to understand:

  • Tunesia progresion seems weird. Like for example one side has a tank and the other one a scout car at the same campaign level.

Really enjoyed the last update. It even made me decide to buy premium, the game is very good and this sort of listening to player feedback and constant improvement and new content coming from the devs really makes them and the game stand out, especially compared to others. I haven’t had that much fun with a game in decades.

That being said, what I didn’t like, and a suggestion, is the login bonuses window and roulette popping right when you open the game. I like the idea of login bonuses, but adding them right at the beggining of when you log in is annoying and will probably remind people of shitty mobile games or something. Put it next to the Battlepass tab or something, don’t make it pop up right when you log in, it will leave an outright bad impression on many players about the game, especially if they were in doubt as to playing a free game, and especially while the ‘gacha’ system is still in.

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What you like

  • Various guns and new maps

What you don’t like

  • increase in bullet dispersion

What is not too easy to understand. it makes the game less interesting

  • When will the ability to customize soldiers’ outfits be added?

What you like

New levels
New game mode

What you don’t like

I think the bullet spread system is very bad

What is not too easy to understand

It makes the most sense to start the Tunisian Open Beta two weeks after the first pack was sold. Currently, Al-zabal Farm has a seriously favorable balance to the defending team, and the overall number of campaign maps is the least. I bought the pack the day it came out with high expectations for Tunisia, and expected it to go into open beta after at least 3 maps were added, but I think it’s kind of strange to open it in two weeks.