Your feedback about last update

Please. This theme is for decorated reviews. You can discuss Tunisia here: "Battle of Tunisia": campaign discussion


For here just one confusing bit.

When is the new economy system going to be introduced? I have a lot of orders I am sitting on till that happens.

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Gewehr 41 Walther still have a bugged reload.
New premium Gewehr 41 Mauser have the same bug.

What I like:
Finally give german players STG!!! THank you Darkflow.

Also, for Moscow and Berlin (these two is my most played campaigns), the late campaign levels is extreme towards Axis.
MKB42 (scoped version as a preview version of its infantry version, same for scoped SVT) vs AVS? Just for pretend it’s the next SMG for moscow. (Luckily I know this in advance and already unlocked the Sniper I squad to test MKB42. However I will never grind the Sniper III squad at all! the Sniper II squad already takes 20k for squad LV1!!! 20K!!!)
And for FG42II vs AVT???
an almost none recoil 20 rounds rifle vs 10 rounds 80+/20+ recoil rifle?
German already get better LMG and already OP and all roles accessible FG42 for berlin (I dont count SMG since all SMG is weaker than LMG, especially the MG34 in moscow and MG42 in berlin)


WTF, 15 rounds AVT40?

Yeah. The Premium Berlin Panzer IV is a joke, especially the price.

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where the hell is the counter to fg42 for americans and why no new weapon for usa for gold order

Well, look at Jumbo, and those who defend its existence.


If it is the same with BA11, etc, only 1350, I definitely has no disagreement


The BA is actually worthable due its design (Germans have a hard time killing your crew unless its a Panzer IV. I would even call it one of the best tanks in Moscow).
Panzer IV is literally the free one with tracks on the hull and turret and its still worse than the free Panther.
There is literally no reason to buy it unless you like to collect stuff.


I like most of the additions to the game because new stuff is always welcome to me.


  1. Fighters are completely worthless because bombers are extremely rare and often used as kamikaze.

  2. I am against introducing weapons which make no sense in the timeframe (Stg prototype for Moscow campaign). Earlier campaign such as Moscow and Tunis could have revolved more around bolt action rifles and smgs. With the new additions, these campaigns turned into Berlin/Normandy reloaded, where, once you unlock semi-auto rifles, there is no reason to use bolt action for any of the troops. in my opinion, semi-auto rifles should be limited to certain infantry types (engineers for instance), not for all infantry types. Just as it is the case with smgs and mgs. Help the game be more varied, and slower paces. With everyone waving auto weapons around, it is just another Battlefield/Call of Duty game.

  3. Power creep is a serious issue for every campaign now. Once you unlock STGs or FGs for the germans, there is zero reason to use any other weapon, and you have a serious advantage over the allies. I like playing the germans, but i like game balance more.

You could have had a nice balance between smgs (short range, spraying bullets), mgs (long range, tons of bullets downrange, but forced to go prone or mount the weapon, so not very good for assaulting stuff, unless very close quarters), and bolt action rifles (long range, accurate, slow fire rate, high skill ceiling to be good with them).

Instead, we get a ton of semi-auto rifles which, while they do not have the best range, they are great in almost every situation: close quarters and mid range, great fire rate, great damage. There is really little point to using any other weapon besides smgs and semiauto rifles. Mgs and bolt action rifles are simply worse, and equipping your squads with them is like intentionally handicapping yourself.

  1. The new individual soldier orders are difficult and slow to use. Keyboard is getting cluttered with new commands, half of which are rarely used. In my opinion, the original wheel (with the default key alt) should be decluttered and have most of the important stuff there, instead of having THREE wheels for three different things, with many commands we rarely of ever use.

The game meta is very fast, and slow controls do not help or are ignored because there is no time to use them.


About weapon transfer:
Great steps towards reduce playerbase split.
But… The real function is broken up.
Extreme Campaign level limitation. That’s mostly against for what you say.
I know high level weapon bring back can break balance. But at this high of limitation, like PPSH41 from Berlin to Moscow, it takes EXACT same LV30 for unlock or transfer!
It should be: Require you to gain SOME campaign level at destination campaign, but same or lower than the original campaign. Thus to PROMOTE players to play other campaigns, not to keep staying on what he has played a lot.
Also, if I can get the weapons via bronze not expensive at all. What’s the point of transfer?

And WTF many decent weapons in Tunis requires even higher CAMP LV than Moscow?
Moscow get G41 at LV21, but Tunis need LV 25? And even a ZB26 need LV19?

For price… It’s a bit too expensive for higher stars weapons.

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Wooooohooooo yeah this is really nice !

What I like:

  • New game modes!
  • Progression unlocked for free players in Tunisia (more people = better)
  • New map! (Keep bringing new ones, they are top notch)
  • Weapon transfer between campaigns
  • Xp bonus in Tunisia for people lvl 25+ in other campaigns.
  • New bizzare gold order weapons. I can’t get enough of those.

What I dislike:

  • The xp bonus for Tunisia ONLY LAST ONE WEEK.
  • In Moscow: Introduction of God tier smgs (ppsh41) and bizzare sniper only (?) Mkb42h. I love Moscow for it’s bolt actions, those 2 weapons I could easily do without.
  • Tunisia tank lineup still is bonkers, the armoured Brit car should either be the first tank, or better speed/horsepower should be given to both Brit and Italian cars.
  • Tunisia 40mm pdr isn’t working properly still, random/weak pen values.

What I hate:

-“Premium” squads are still not reworked:
They are still extremely overpriced for what they offer, soldier composition STILL cannot be changed, Soldiers in squad are STILL caped at 4 stars.


In one of the upcoming updates

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Can we get a SOON? Or … anywell good to see it is still planned.

Exactly that.
This series of updates was overall great. But even more FGs and that MkB are really dissapointing.



  • Reduced the accuracy of the first shot of small arms. The maximum bullet deflection angle has been increased, so that the differences in accuracy of weapons can be felt at real battle distances in the game.


After playing a bit, the accuracy of bolt action rifles has been hit quite a bit. You regularly miss at distances between 50 and 100 meters.

Basically, an element of rng has been added which makes the game annoying to play, and lets luck decide the outcome of an engagement, rather than skill.

Furthermore, it punishes low level players who are regularly armed with bolt action rifles against high level players which are almost always armed with semi-auto rifles which are fully upgraded, and suffer less from this rng nonsense dispersion, and even if first round misses, the follow up with a second round is very fast, unlike a bolt action which needs to reload.

Bolt action rifles are easily accurate between 100-200 meters. They should have been excluded from artificial dispersion nerfs. And, in fact, semi-auto rifles should suffer from dispersion.

Making weapons artificially inaccurate (especially when this information is not readily available ingame) will only frustrate new players because they would not understand what they did wrong which caused them to miss, and they would perceive this as lag, or ghost rounds.

It is also frustrating for experienced players. You aim well, and you miss anyway, and you just cannot tell where the round went, because artificial rng nonsense. Probably, so you can grind more, or spend more money to upgrade your weapons to reduce this effect.

There is also no clearly visible feedback to see where the round fell (kicking up dust, or tracer).

A change that would have made sense is bullet drop. I really do not understand why this sort of rng mechanic, especially for naturally accurate weapons (like bolt action rifles) is considered a good thing and it was added to the game.

Some dispersion at long ranges makes sense. But at medium distances 50,100, and even 200 meters is just extremely annoying and it makes no sense.


What I like:
• Progression unlocked for all players in Tunisia
• New maps
• Weapon transfer between campaigns
• Xp bonus in Tunisia
• Daily rewards

What I dislike:
• T-28 still cannot fire separately from different machine guns
• M1903 Springfild is starting weapon for Normandy and Tunisia, but I can’t transfer it.(I have some 3 star rifles for my British beggars). Same with Kar98k for Axis.
• Engineers at 9th company level
• Reduced the accuracy