Your feedback about last update


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What I like: No gewehr 41 or m1 garand in sight. Carcano sniper. Motorcycle flexibility in infantry vs vehicle slot.

What I don’t like: M1A1 instead of the new thompson with the nice open sights from the first phase pf cbt. Same old springfields instead of the Lee Enfield sniper. Too many American and German weapons and squads instead of the more interesting Brits and Italians. 500kg/1000lb bombs available already at early levels. Engineer squad unlocks a bit late (swap places with radioman perhaps?).


What I like:

The maps are beautiful and unique, with a cool combination of urban fighting and sniping across hills and dunes. There really isn’t any other campaign that accomplishes all of these and it feels like I get a little bit of everything on the new maps.

The new weapons look very cool and I’m interested in trying them out.

No G41 or Garand in the campaign. I don’t want Tunisia to become Moscow 2, where every high level player uses nothing but semi auto rifles. The Armaguerra and M1 Carbine are fine because the Armaguerra has very limited capacity and the carbine has lower hit power, meaning it is likely a good idea to use some bolt action rifles in your squads for long range fire power.

What I don’t like: a lot of the Italian guns were already pushed into other campaigns, which makes there introduction feel less unique. Particularly weapons like the Breda Mod 30, which is the starter MG in Normandy, feels like a lackluster unlock for a gunner squad. My suggestion is to remove many of the Italian guns from other campaigns and replace them with other weapons (replace Breda with MG30, Beretta 1918 with Erma EMP, Beretta M38 with ZK383 40 round magazine?)

The balance between tanks seems pretty bad. The Italian armored car has crappy 8 round magazines that force you to aim for weak spots on the allied tanks while they can penetrate you from practically anywhere. To add to that, the armored car does not have a commanders open view, and its magazines take longer to reload(!) than the allied tanks 40mm shells.

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Some more feedback:
What I like:
Tunisia campaign is just soo fun, bolt action fights in wide open spaces, love it!
Adjustments to motorbikes, but my suggestion is default starting to driver.
Love the new vehicles, like the idea of you starting with fighters on both sides too!
What I don’t like:
Sometimes when overlooking an enemy position the gun seems to disconnect from your body, so you basically have your gun in your face and can’t shoot. (Happens on Berlin sometimes too)
The axis tank M14, the coaxial mg is not firing where it should, so essentially you have a tank with just main cannon shells which makes it much harder to use.I even tried going to commander view and it was still the same.
When driving the Axis first armoured car, it is very difficult to drive in gunner seat, most the time I need to change to driver to steer the way towards the objective.
Engineer rank 9 with exception of premium, bit harsh
What I don’t understand:
Cannot move AT guns yet, even though there is a driver position.
What is the SBD bomber doing in this campaign, this was a pacific plane wasn’t it?
Still no country specific AA guns or mg nests, please.please.add M1919 to LMG squads for allies.
Performance is perfect, but blood on ps5 looking a little strange, kind of silver colour at certain angles

I have not seen one person use the shovel yet, it is hard enough to get people to deploy ammo, spawn points as it is…

Tunesia Feedback… Good Baatle Maps, but no damage by German Tanks… with Tank, Anti Tank and Airplane Whats wrong? Skin God Mode again… The Anti Tank is against Tanks useless… The British Tank make Only in 1 Point Damage on the German greyhound and thats Not every Time… ur ring Menü is broken and useless with Xbox Elite Controller its hard blinking.

The First Airplane have Only MG no Anti Tank Rockets in Technic Details this Plane have 8 Rockets, the MG is Useless against Tanks. U can fly around around and can do nothing with it.

Plz bring Balance in this Game!!! The Same in Berlin Russian Tanks undestroyable but one shot on the Panther G and its Down… The next the Balance in Berlin is bad u Lost all Round against the Soviets. What is wrong… The same in Normandy with the USA…

That bomb patch has completely fucked up bombs and should be tweaked

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Things I liked:

-Introduction of progression for Tunisia campaign

-Motorcycle squads taking either a vehicle or infantry slot is fun and flexible. These squads are very cool!

-I really like the new Al Jabal Farm map.

-In general, the Tunisian maps look really cool and are a great change of pace from the more familiar European battlefields. I also like the mix of British, Italian, US, and German forces. It feels like this campaign has a lot of interesting variety.

Things I didn’t like:

-The M14/41 tank has serious problems with its MGs. The twin MG used by the radio operator does not function (not great, but lots of hull MGs don’t work in this game…) but on top of that the coaxial MG seems to be aligned wrong and does not follow the main gun, making it very difficult to score hits. Further, the commander’s AAMG also does not seem to be following the target properly.

As a result this tank (which in fact had unusually heavy MG armament in real life thanks to its double hull MG for the radio operator) has essentially ineffective MGs and has to use the main gun only. Disappointing!

-Neither the Daimler Mk. II for the Allies nor the AB41 for the Axis allow the commander to come out of the turret hatch and look around. This is especially annoying because these are supposed to be fast and maneuverable units, and the value of flanking or outmaneuvering the enemy in these is reduced because it is hard to tell what is going on around you.


Oh, one other thing. For some reason the German assault squad for the Axis in Tunisia is wearing forest camouflage. I do not think their uniforms are accurate for the Tunisian campaign, though perhaps this is intended only as a placeholder?

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the premium motorcycle squads are fucking dogshit.


Все просто шикарно для этой игры. Хорошо бы иметь возможность менять вооружение для самолетов. Выбирать между 4-мя 50 кг бомбами 1-ну 250кг (Примерно). Пускай это будет не так реалистично, но это все же игра. Ну и фарм запчастей слишком нудный. Сделать общими запчасти.

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Bombs are messed up to a point they’re not worth using. Don’t put them back to how they were, but they need to deal more damage than they currently are. They’re a joke

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Giving more non-class locked FGs and putting the fucking MkB in moscow when it didn’t start proper production until way after the Moscow fighting ended is fucking spastic
The premium prices are absolutely insane too

Wow someone abused the flagging system and flagged this post as an advertisement
Wonder who that was


Stop introducing fighters without bombs/ rockets.


Or at least introduce a infantry MkB42 too.

WTF the gold coin squads’ price is higher and higher? Most new gold squads is way beyond anyone’s acceptable price range… Do you want money?
I will pay for something interesting but at a lower price (950~1500), also at campaign LV29, all your new gold coin squad dosent appeals to me for its power.

WTF is this?
When tank squad, especially the most “balanced” PZ4E is the most powerful tank in moscow, letting you able to level up squad+soldiers extreme fast. I decide to stay 4 stars is incase future tier5 tankers.

Just find out the 5300 gold for a PZ4J…


No that can actually fuck right off
It literally did not exist outside of prototyping by that point


Looks like they give all campaigns StGs except Berlin :clown_face:

I know this some days earlier. It made my friends and me feels… WTF? Especially the FG42II infantry. Does dev ever want to consider the balance?


I will need to play to see the changes on bullets dropoff and dispersion.

Very happy about inter-campaign progress transfer, will have to see it in action.

Would love some change to logistics, at least in terms of seeing what every soldier in any squad or in reserve has, and a main inventory for each faction per campaign.

The inventory part is kinda important, it’s hard to keep track of all you’ve got without moving through a dozen pages in logistics.

BTW, this time’s Tunis CBT pack is my worst purchase in this game. The squads are horrible, not worth at all after you unlocked engineers. For its a bit advance progression, this time only gives a week? Not even in-game’s saying “20 days”?
If so, in future CBTs, I may just ask for my friends about CBT’s content, and wait for its unlock date.