Your feedback about last update

j aime le jeu en général,très bien fait dans l ensemble.
je n aime pas le fait qu on ne puisse pas sauter de l avion et se parachuter sur la zone de combat(est ce pour ne pas pouvoir prendre une belle position en hauteur inaccessible du sol?) je n aime pas le fait qu avec mes roquettes anti char,je ne puisse pas détruire un char en tirant sur les flancs,la nuque de tourelle et l arriè n aime pas non plus l angle vertical de tir avec le canon anti char,si le char est trop haut ou trop bas,mon canon ne suit plus et obligé de détruire pour reconstruire.

me too. lone fighter is imo the best game mode in this gamem


they really f*cked up. Please Gaijin add back the best mode in this game - lone fighter… i mean jesus, i did this score like 5 minutes ago and good but i dont have any satisfaction from this… like i said i guess i have to say goodbye to enlisted : (


You have to learn how to read instead of crying in the first place.

widzę że PL to napiszę po polsku, grałem raz w custom i musiałem grać przeciwko panterą xD Gram na kampanii moscow… Teraz spróbowałem znowu zagrać to wszedłem do bitwy gdzie typy już miały po 2k scora… Muszę jeszcze popatrzeć dokładniej na to ,może uda mi się znaleźć bitwe z moimi filtrami która jeszcze sie nie zaczęła i co by miała graczy…


Beznadziejne to jest, albo gram przeciwko 2 graczom i 50 botom albo 50 graczom gdzie bitwa dobre poł godziny temu się zaczęła… znalazłem 3 albo 4 bitwy z moimi filtrami, jedna to gość sam gra na boty chyba z 30 botów, druga to goście grają 24 typów na 24 typów i gdzie już się kończy, 3 bitwa cały czas w lobby jest, 4 bitwa jest połączona z normandia jak sie nie mylę i dwóch tyypow se nawala z pz iv H w boty xD barrdzo mi się to nei podoba : P

W tej chwili stworzyłem gre sam, na 30 botów, z moimi filtrami, zobaczymy może ktoś dojdzie… Mam taką nadzieję…

hey give us back lone player game mode


Chill the fuck down, LF isn’t gone sadly it’s under custom lobbies

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xD Nice gri*ding btw xDD Ehh

What i like:

  • Immersion
  • Shooting feeling
  • Sound design & musics (Maybe a lack of epic music while in battle.)
  • The way the dev team communicate and work. (Many updates. News about the game every weeks. The way they see the futur of the game. Etc)
  • The level design (Maybe too much the same map style.)
  • The squad system

What I dislike:

  • Lack in use of small vehicles (Cars or boats). I feel no one use them (I don’t even know if they are respawning when destroyed :/)
  • No really good rewards or long timed objectives to focus on. (I have over 100 hours in the game and I feel it’s just grindind campaign level for the fav squads I like to play and that’s all. I see no reason to play again and again when you have all your fav squads at max level.)
  • The aircraft pilot. (I know they are supposed to stay and fight in the air but what if I wanna join the battlefield to help my team when my plane is no more useful?)
  • Campaigns & sides choice are not connected. (It’s maybe weird, but I’d like to have some “bound” between Campaigns or which side I want to fight for. Something more global, more community oriented. I feel there is no impact if I loose or win. I have nothing especially in mind, just a though. I want to fight for something bigger than me, more than just a squad, I want to feel i’m useful to my army but I’m kinda too idealist and too soon for the actual state of the game.)

What is not too easy to understand:

  • The remove of Academy & the new soldiers system. Before, It was easy to fill squads by buying random soldiers with Bronze order. Now, my squads rank up but they are all empty because I don’t win Silver order (Winned 1 or 2 the last 5 days) . This is non-sens to me, I think it’s killing the FreeToPlay spirit of the game.
  • Aircraft squad. Why having a full squad of 3/4 members where there is only one place in planes? And the way to exit planes is way too long.
  • Can the AI squad members shoot while I am driving a car? I feel they never shoot.

Keep it up!

I liked the ability to repair and resupply fixed guns and fixed machine guns.

I heavily disliked the nerf to the PTRD, i
AT rifles are already way to bad, if you wanted to put in line the PTRD with the PTRS, you would have buffed the PTRS to the historical 45mm of penetration and buffed it’s damaged, but is it currently stands, the AT rifles are going to fail to damage tanks most of the time. To be honest at this point I don’t even bother using AT rifles against tanks, because it takes longer and is more dangerous than getting close with a dynamite bundle. Over all plz buff AT rifles damage against tank parts, it is already hilarious how many rounds it takes to break a tank track.

por favor gives us back lone fighter mod : P


You call this grinding? Look at this:

Wait, what ? How xD How do you have 5k% boost xD

You can buy boosts with gold from BP.

What’s that, BP i mean


How ? Show me or something, i have battlepass but i dont see any possibilities to buy it

wait, did you just bought every level of battle pass and all bossts come together ? i mean they stack ?