Your feedback about last update

When you get full BP, it goes in 4 repeatable prizes (Boost - Sil order weapon - Boost - Sil order soldier) which you can by with gold


holy cow

how much did you spent gold ?

Around 17k gold

holy cow xD Fortune xD

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I only play lone wolf, today i log in and lone wolf is gone on all campaigns :frowning: sadly i will be back when its back on the game my friends and I hate squad mode, lone wolf is amazing.


Lone Fighters is in the custom games browser, but the problem is there is only one active lobby out of like 75.

So I’ll never be able to play the campaign I want on lone fighters with players because of this.

You can make your own server with the army and rules you want, but what does it matter if nobody joins and 50 other people have empty lobbies in which they want to play their preferred mode?

This needs to be removed and stand alone lone fighters should be re-implemented.


I agree

also agree af


So you spent approximately 200 euros or equivalent, and got enough bronze orders to fully level half a trooper 3 squad’s soldiers.

I mean, it’s 114 bronze orders to get a III soldier from rank 1 to rank 5… So that’s just barely missing out on the five. Silver orders are needed too. But of course this investment gives a few of those also.

Aren’t you glad you won the match, though? :slight_smile:

What I like:
New custom games. Feedback on that post - needs more options in short. Finally only assault and invasion, no more conquest or demolition)
Don’t really like the Tunisia weapons or levels generally - fighter with no bombs or bomber with no tailgunners…

The key bind for dismantle AT gun or building same as rearm, need to know what the right control is just to rearm in config.

Why do we not have tailgunners or nation specific engineer building yet?

What I don’t like:
Engineer buildings still same as from OBT, please give us nation specific.
Ragdolls, although not as bad this update, the wobbly dead are very distracting

More to come later. GJ overall though.

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My favorite is Enlisted’s historical campaign and faction system.

What I don’t like is that the custom game provides the same experience as the default game. This will remove the historical campaign and faction system from the Enlisted.

What is difficult to understand is that the Soviet Army is so good. It seems to be intentionally favoring only the Soviet Army.

What the fuck?

The custom-battle mode quickly turned into a single-player bot-massacre mode. Experience gain from such games NEEDS TO GO. The amounts of possible exploits are endless. It will make grinding extremely easy for even the worst players, everyone will be running around w/ FG42s & Jumbos, buying premium time will eventually just not be worth it.

  • Experience cards balance has been ruined as people can use them in SP exploit matches.
  • Battlepass tasks are completely unchallenging now, you can easily do them against bots
  • You get medals even though you’re not playing against anyone else (absurd)
  • You get experience bonus from victories even though you always win in all-bot matches
  • You get bronze orders from these battles (ruining the game’s economy)
  • This is taking away players from the normal lobbies, making bots an even more common occurrence in them, which is terrible for the game

This is alarming. It might completely ruin the game. This needs to be fixed immediately (even if it is to be reinstated later) before more damage is done, as players exploit it to hell while it is still up. I have tested it for hours, it doesn’t work as intended, it is a pure bot-massacre and exploit fest, I instantly figured dozens of possible exp-farming exploits. My fingers are hurting from clicking so many times to kill bots without effort. THIS NEEDS TO BE REWORKED FAST.


If u not like custom game so dont play it, just play normal match. Like me, i dont like Lone Fighters mode…so i not play it, i play squad mode. Easy.

Since custom games are easy to gain experience, because everyone is playing custom games, there are no players in normal matches, so everyone is ai in normal matches. Then it’s no fun, and when all allies are bots, if the enemy has more users, there will be a balance problem.

I think deve will fix ep gain in Custom Lobby, this is just a test OR Deve think there are so much player now, so that Custom Lobby dont effect that much (because only deve can see how many player play the game at anytime)

Speaking of machine gun nests, you’d think there would be different guns for different factions already?

Soviets could have DP-27 (yes, Tachanka memes) or DPM, Americans can use the M2 Browning and Brits can use the Vickers. Or perhaps the German nest can be countered by a mobile Maxim M1910.


Yeah i know but you have to wait and face custom choosage of other players in a game which was automatic and neutral.

I hate the update just now :upside_down_face:

Or there is another option. You provide a dedicated PVE mode. I don’t want to play against players. I just want to get the fun of my game as a player through killing bots, and then gain experience to unlock better equipment for easier killing bots. . You can add special PVE tasks, so that you can better satisfy the happiness of PVE players.My original intention of playing ENLISTED was to lead a team to kill bots. I killed a lot of bots with machine gun sandbags during the testing phase last year. As more players increased, it became more and more difficult to get a lot of kills by setting up a machine gun.I hope you can meet the needs of our PVE players.


@Keofox I’m just going to leave my personal suggestion here, take it or leave it. Add a cap to kill XP in custom games. Something where players against bots still get XP, but it wont be more than a player in
a normal match could get, like around 300 or so. Should be easy to do and it’s fair for everyone.

EDIT: I’m also going to throw out there that people wouldn’t exploit and do this if the progression wasnt 2000 hours to finish all the campaigns. Destiny, The Division, and many, many other MMO’s all learned this lesson as well. Reduce the grind, focus on selling cosmetics like vehicle/weapon/uniforms. Youll net way more money that way, at least in my somewhat educated opinion on the topic