Your feedback about last update

what you like see fix and add
can you add small sandbags bunkers for the engineer and a vehicle repair pad?

repair pad that repair vehicle slowly and refill ammo.

Bunkers would be good for protecting rally points. bye the way the in-game smoke grenades for the German is miss a white line and the word smoke in German. I can’t say have mini time I got kill my friendly-fire or have accidental friendly-fire because there is nothing different inti-infantry and smoke grenades, will play lone soldier. Mode this model need to be fix. one more thing the Russian smoke grenades is miss a white line round the middle of the grenade.

Pure PvE mode should be allowed, but u can just get normal reward for once or twice PER DAY, just like Warthunder.

I don’t mind the existence of custom battles, but could it be considered reverting Lone Fighters back to a standard gamemode? You can’t get a game anymore for a single campaign, and removing bots is understandable for the abuse of grinding, but now it just completely killed lone fighters. I only can get 1v1 with a bot or maybe a single player - I know Squad is more popular but can Lone Fighters be a gamemode listed next to it like before?


We need Kp/31 for germans in moscow campaign

But they weren’t used by germany in moscow, only on the finnish front?

Please tell me how this is possible:
Entire axis team with fully maxed out soldiers and weapons has 1000 points or higher while my team has mediocre weapons and soldiers with 500 points or higher.
Shit matchmaking fix the game or someone is cheating.

there might be an issue on current perks on both premium tanks in Berlin.

the 5300 gold level 2 one cant have the loader perk

when a 3750 gold level 1 can :

the perk require 16 speed

so, a more expensive squad, for less options? … as usual with the premium squads…

its exacly the same on axis side :

whats the point ? shouldnt a level 2 more expensive squad atleast equip the tankers loader perk?


Ok even though it’s funny to watch this rag doll death thing needs to go. Want to see body parts all over the place again.

Why the hell I can’t refill my tank ammo in invasion or assault mode just like in a conquest batle and there is a prop in-game stating you don’t have ammo go to a refill point if there is none!?.

And how long will the fw190 be broken in normandy? How many months are needed to fix the way the plane handles and once the MG reaches 100 bullets won’t stop firing?

How long more will the premium squads will be inferior to non premium counterparts? When we will be able to have more soldiers in them exacly like free variants already in-game? Why no one even answers this?

Why you keep advertising premium squads with the option of 100% faster soldier xp if we can’t level normal soldiers there like we did in close beta?

And what does or what porpose the radio man in the tank crews have?

Why I can’t have engineer perks on the engineer in Tunisia bike premium squad?

Why I can’t have the loader perk on a 5300 gold tank squad level 5 soldier, but I can on a 3750 one? Wtf


However, I completely agree.

Typo, fixed thx.

Agreeing fully with post #1211 and #1196
Bring back Lone fighters to main menu as it was before. :rage: This more or less killed LF mode, only a handfull of players now or only bots.
The last updates have made this game worse imo since due to the LF and Academy being removed. I’m prob missing all the good stuff that have been made but these two things made a big bad impression. :confused:

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I heard that it is no longer allowed to stack bonus cards, so please increase the income of single player playing in the custom room, the income is too low now. At least increase it to 0.5 instead of the current 0.2.

Please rework the M2 Carbine … the recoil is way off …

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Let us exchange bronze soldier orders for silver at 6:1 exchange rate or higher even up to 10:1. We need to be able to get more silver orders

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Here’s how the recent BP changes looked:


New BP changes are useless. F2P players could obtain 2 more troop orders in the BP, thats 8 orders a year. It’s just another slap in the face of F2P and new players. 15-17 years old kids come up with better ideas on this forum, about fixing the lack of troop orders. At this point it feels like devs just wanna make this game fail, and start a new career at McDonald’s, cheers.


What I like:

  • custom lobbies finally got introduced
  • timer before the battle got introduced
  • engineers’ buildings changes

What I don’t like:


What I like.
Battle timer.

What I don’t like.
Too many German weapons and troops in Tunisia Axis.

Too many American weapons and troops in Tunisia Allied

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put lone fighter mode back please you killed a part of the game custom games are not working europe servers are alwais empty please