Your feedback about last update

totally agree

What i like:

  • Custom battles get back bots !!! at least 12…
  • Battle timer, very good, at least in my opinoin
  • Weapon pickup get overhauled
  • Very good changes, keep it up

What i didnt like:

  • Custom battles get back only 12 bots not 20 wich i prefer more because is bigger chaos and fun
  • bots dont use advenced weapons
  • mixed option dont mix bots at all they all are just same faction (USA vs USA for example)
  • 0,6-1 year old bugs still dont fixed (G41 and other weapons have broken reload, FW190 still firing last 100 bullets, Rifles with grenade launchers dont use right sights, broken sights on some pistols and shotguns)

What is not too easy to understand:

  • I only don’t understand why it’s take too long to fix such things that i mentioned

At all great update, keep fixing and balnce the game, and of course listen to the comunity.

What I like:

  • Engineer Improvements
  • Battle timer
  • AI is more responsive than before

What I don’t like :

  • No harsh punishment for leavers
  • No Incentive to click ‘’ join any faction ‘’ button

Suggestion :
1- ‘‘Leavers’’ are hurting the game so bad , there should be harsh penalties for leaving.
2- Matchmaker should let the players have an option to join ‘’ on going matches’’
3-Give additional exp % to ‘’ join any team ‘’ option OR the faction which needs more players to complete a full match .

why no counter to fg42 and panther the m1 bazooka is still broken the 75 mm cannon on Sherman jumbo still ghost pens for no damage on puma and pz3n

What you like:

-A World War II atmosphere well reproduced
Premium Squad are a good way to sustain the game without made unbalances and PT 2 actions

-Battle timer is very gud

-IA is way better now but need some tricks

-Is finally easier to take a weapon from on the ground

What you don’t like:
-AI should be much closer to group and individual order of movement.

Tank [
-The ability to re-supply a tank should be possible, just like airplanes.

-Ghost shell is very annoying (best example is the puma that is still hard to destroy because only 1/4 ,the shell do damage even with “advanced tank”.

-The tanks shake when they are too close to each other, and their engine is not powerful enough to go up from a trench.

US get the M10 gmc a very Unpowered Tank hunters face to the Panther A, witch is one of the Best tank of all WW2 good speed armor and gun ( and a lot more herre because normandy beach Maps are narrow line and not open fileld therefore the Panther has the advantage of height and distance without counting on its armor because it is very can often bypass
M18 Hellcat use durring Battle of normandy Bretagne and Ardennes; could have been a better choice.

-New bike Premium squad need to have an equivalent with “free” squad, because it’s a new class type (it’s like having a gameplay that is only playable with money)

-A stricter limit must be imposed on aircraft bombs, in number and size (500lb it too hevy)

What is not too easy to understand

-Huge differences/unbalanced in the MG recoil, [Exemple : the recoil of the Breen MG or Bar m1918 is too heavy and the Mg34/42 is non existent

What is not too easy to understand:

(maybe others Campaigns : but i will take example of the Normandy campaign)
: the “Imbalances” between factions Stuff.

Why german get 3 LMG, and especially MG 34 and 42 who are very powerful and useful with heavy ammo capacity

While the US receives an English LMG (the bren which moreover has a visual field obstructed by the Mag)
but above all two time the bar, which moreover is a “Monopersonal LMG” like the FG42 which among the Germans is considered as an automatic rifle, I know it’s not the same caliber but which here has the same use.

moreover the US use The browning m1919a4 / a6 especially in North Europe

Finally Why do German get there Mp40 so early in the Tree (Level 9) in fact is an equivalent of the thompson and that even during the war

and Why the US get 2 time the Thompson instead of the m1A1 Thompson then the 50Mg Thomson

Why some map like airfield has additional troop bonuses for attacker (by destroying the air balloon) and other not, while it is not the most difficult map to attack

-finally a medium option must be created for the parameter: [ Minimalist interface ] which currently only relies on activating or deactivating the interface

I suggest specializing in the engineers’ backpacks, currently the biggest backpack gained near the stage 18 has more medical items, in the case of the engineers it could have more mines.

It’s rather strange that we got the silver weapons at the price of the bronze amps. Apparently we can’t get something without losing something. I would have preferred two 75% boosters instead of one at 100%.

No, you probably did not use the MG. The recoil is present and mostly horizontal. You can see on the video that the gun throws completely unpredictably and cannot be controlled reliably.

No, Thompson has more damage of 6.8 vs 5.7. More rate of fire 550-600 Thompson and 450-500 mp40.
The mp40 has a lower vertical recoil, but it is easily compensated by player skill and soldier improvement.
You are comparing things in an extremely strange way.

i agree with mp40, my bad i had forget that, US one is 45ACP and GE one 9mm Para.

But the recoil of the Mg42 way to low in view of it’s rate of fire, that compared to the Bar 1918 or the Bren (how had a hold point)

My video seems to show that you can’t play with a machine gun without a bipod.
I can try the BAR recoil as an example of the Axis premium squad. The recoil there is 34\11, the regular BAR is 34\15. Under the same conditions, I can put all bullets into the black circle of the target if I control the vertical recoil. With the MG it is impossible because of the horizontal recoil (the sight goes diagonally in different directions).

What you like

  • not much

What you don’t like

What is not too easy to understand

  • why this is not adressed. Also a direct customer support ticket is not adressed. I payed premium for one year ahead. Would not do that again or recommend doing that to anyone
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Hello! After the latest update I saw that you developers have improve the aliasing of the scenario in the Moscow campaign’s maps, also with some little improvements to some graphical elements, such as reflections on the models and other little things. That’s great! Thanks. Anyway the flickering around trees and some objects (like some wood constructions…) still persists. If you will continue to fix these annoying imperfections in this campaign it would be great :slightly_smiling_face:

I understand this is business and you are trying to make living from this. I think there are less egregious ways of making the money than trying to milk it out of every aspect in the game.

The game should be enjoyable even when it’s free it shouldn’t be chore. beginning? - absolutely awesome you feel rewarded for doing great in the battle, that feeling disappears 5 games in. and after sinking in hours and hours back in a day into warthunder I am not going to repeat that mistake here.

main flow is how unbalanced end game weapons are compared with their begining counterparts. I know you want people to progress and improve but it’s still a game and as such it shouldn’t be frustrating to kept being spawned as a rifleman with basic rifle agains skilled squads of tanks holding a position. then you are on a mercy of being teamed up with a CHAD with a stuka or a panther to get your team out of trouble. this is why there are spawn limiters in battlefield and timers on respawn of such vehicles in CODs Ground war to even out the balance.

gunfight feels little clunky, Characters at the other end of iron sight seem to move erratically and quite unpredictably [great for avoiding shots but with the amount of realism this game seem to be going for doesn’t work]. I was looking at a crowd of people and as I shot they went different direction in a nanosecond there was no fluidity to their movement. if that is what you are going for thats okay but in it’s current state it looks more like a mistake rather than feature. Models are looking fine you have great modeling team and with correct information they seem to be able to make everything tip-top.

For a new player [and yes you want new players for game to grow - profits grow along side it]
finding ammo in the battle is quite challenging when i watched some youtube video about it i learned there is so much more to this game that I am missing. squad AI is kind of frustrating when I am trying to flank they gave me away few times by randomly walking into strange spot and then walked back to me. maybe rather than going to fixed position if they just stick in close proximity but seek a cover that is in between them and direction of enemy spawn point or reported proximity. [I know this is way easier said than done, GTA5 cops behaviour springs to my mind as something that may be worth analysing?] I assume the AI’s know of each other so maybe it could be used as a skill that once the squad is fully trained they would ‘‘anticipate enemy’’ to most likely come from Direction XYZ?

Tanks getting stuck on trenches and seem to have no traction/ power to get out. once you clip through a part in a trench the tank starts to visibly shake. makes crashy noises it feels that the colision model is so confusing it doesn’t know what to do.

tank interiors feel a little too boring. maybe having a blured background with some generic tank interior bits when you are changing between lenses could improve the feel.

Sniping is fun. bullet travel feels ‘‘scary’’ as a real gun should be. really happy with that

Sound in game feels pretty good. also very happy with that

Unlocking Axis bits multiple times feel like I should only pick one campaing and never try anything else. doen’st feel healthy for a game that make you think that way. then again this is only for casual gamers point of view but there is potential in numbers of casual players. one logic is that if casual gamer is an easy target then people that spend money on games likely will buy into your game more too.

Maybe try to do it by nation and once you unlock certain weapon you can use it in every mission from it’s debut day? something like warthunder? crossprogress (axis in berlin and axis in moscow for examply) would be a lot more satisfying to players too. I know you are trying to use as many models as you created but you can do that in better way than to force players to use it. make people want to spend the money because they like your game. don’t make them spend it just to be able to enjoy it the way they did day1.

Currently game seem to offer decent content so for now concentrate on the core mechanics and quality of life updates.

it’s fun exploring the upgrades and the squad skill trees etc. my only issue would be the interface. it’s not intuitive. you can miss bit fairly easily. not a new player friendly very much.

from infantryman perspective planes are very menacing and really do feel scary you smacked that nail on its head! love it!

Can I ask if developers play any games in their free time? another question if they do, what do they play and do they play enlisted?

I think you are on a great path with this game and hope that the greed won’t kill it.
Well done so far. could be better but everything can be improved upon. I tried to throw in some suggestions which you may have experimented with and discarded them but I figured if by chance you didn’t maybe I will flag it up. I endorse people to tell me why and when I am wrong but please in respectful way.

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They’re easily comparable.
Thompson does more damage, but both are two-shot downers on torso hits, so it’s only noticeable on limb hits, maybe, I don’t feel like doing the math right now.
The thompson has higher recoil combined with it’s faster rate of fire, making it less controllable overall, and therefore less effective at making medium range hits.

It’s not apples and oranges, but a better comparison is M3A1 SMG vs Mp 40. The numbers work out similarly enough that I’d say those weapons perform basically the same.

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Hey, I don’t know where to post this but for the next event or even the next update can you add lone fighters back in next to squads. I don’t play squads anymore and mostly play lone fighters, and I found it discouraging that I cannot complete the event through lone fighters because it is considered a custom game.
Thank you and have a good one

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The 6v6 bots in the custom games shouldn’t be replaced by the first players to join
They should stay and from the 5th person onwards they start getting replaced
So you’ll have 4v4 players plus 6v6 bots with less bots the more players past four join


We urgently need the field commander profession. Players apply to become commanders. Commanders who do not act can be impeached by players.
The field commander is located in the rear of the map and has an independent headquarters (the headquarters of the U.S. Army in the Normandy campaign is on the warship). Through the map on the table to command players and bots, the field commander can use the exclusive artillery of the camp (Katyusha company of the Soviet Union, ship artillery volley of the U.S. Army in Normandy, train artillery of the German army, 88mm artillery company and V-1 missile, etc.) And smoke barrage. The field commander can command the BOT attack or defense. The commander gives priority to controlling the BOT on the map, which can effectively alleviate the situation that the number of players is insufficient and the BOT has no target.

New mode - rescue mode
When the plane is shot down, one or more pilots parachute to the enemy occupied area. The attacking party sends a team to enter the enemy occupied area to search and rescue the pilots and send them to the evacuation point, that is, victory (the pilots can go to the evacuation point alone). The defender sends troops to search for the pilot and capture him (the pilot can be knocked down and injured by the defender’s soldiers, but HP locked and cannot be killed. The defender can use handcuffs and capture the knocked down pilot, and the captured pilot will be chained and can only follow the defender’s soldiers). The defender captures the pilot and returns it to the headquarters, which is victory. Or kill all the rescue teams on the attacking side. The attacker can rescue the pilot captured by the defender. Both sides can search through the approximate landing point. The approximate location of the pilot will be marked with a circular range on the map. Both teams can search the pilot by marking and the location of the wreckage. Both parties have unlimited access to vehicles. Maps can use planes and tanks.

New mode – escort mode
The invading party is about to invade the headquarters, and the defense party needs to escort the commander away from here, highlight the siege and send it to the evacuation point, that is, victory. The commander is randomly selected by the player. The commander’s clothes are the uniforms of camp officers, his weapons are pistols, and his blood volume is double that of ordinary five-star soldiers (double after the maximum blood volume + 35%). The invading party needs to kill the enemy commander, and the defense party needs to escort the commander to the evacuation point (for example, the commander can go to the evacuation point on his own.)

Suggestion: add a time bomb model to the blasting mode. Don’t just blow up the radio station. You can blow up the arsenal, artillery position, signal tower, substation, airport runway, etc.

I like that you keep on making the game better and better as in gameplay experience. I don’t feel like anything has gotten worse since I have started playing in beta, it only gets better <3

I don’t like and I don’t understand why you said, when you released custom matches, that players could make the game basically a singleplayer experience, when a few days later you practically take that option away with the reduced XP and reduced amount of bots you can put into the custom match.

I also don’t understand the matchmaking - yesterday I played with my friend who is basically a beginner in the game and we were put against a player on the enemy team who had much more late game equipment and at the end of the match he ended up having cca 150 kill as opposed to all other players who had between 20 to 70 aproximately. Believe me, it was a terrible experience to just get ran over by that dude.

I also don’t understand a very simple issue - why can’t you make your custom game private in any way? Like what if I want to play alone or just with friends? I think it’s not difficult to put that option into the game and I believe many players would appreciate it, because if you can’t set your custom game private, then why play a custom game, when players are going to just join in anyways and it’s just like a regular match then.

Last thing I want to say is that I still love the game, I think it’s the best WW2 multiplayer shooter since probably Red Orchestra 2 and I greatly appreciate your efforts in making the game a good game for the players <3

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What I like:

A British Premium in Normandy.

Why I like it:
I think this is the way to go. Normandy a US campaign with some British/Canadian Premium units. Because this is the way Tunisia should go. Allies in Tunisia should be All British/Commonwealth with American Premiums as needed. Axis in Tunisia should be all Italy with German Premiums as needed.

What I like:
Match delay, got time to put kettle on now.
Firefly tank in Normandy, bought immediately! Axis just the same tank though.
Event is fun, not too challenging, but stops people playing objectives sometimes.

What I don’t like:
Tunisia progression tree is bit lacking, stuka ok, but semo, FW… don’t get me started again.
Slight stuttering last night, not sure if latest update has fixed…
FW autofiring guns at 110rounds still
Lack of bombs on Tunisia fighters, please give them something small to drop.
Omer spawn tank in building, not sure if fixed or not.

What I don’t understand:
What to do with old troops prior to academy drop?
FW190, can you confirm it it is as intended no issues? On console, seems over sensitive. (I’m using screen Joystick mode, not mouse pointer)
No nation specific engineer stuff yet.

Forgot to mention Ragdolls, please fix them, wobbly dead people spoils immersion.

More to follow later… overall good job, @Keofox pass the thanks on to Devs, loving the game

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