Your feedback about last update

I hope they will once implement that you can really look trough commanders hatch and actually shoot. Same as you have when you pop out of the hatch. Would solve the problem of too much zoom from gunners view.

*What I like:

  • new Invasion map is always welcome
  • historical sights for tanks

*What I don’t like:

  • so now artillery went from something considered OP to a complete joke. Some changes were needed, but what happend here is a total overkill with literally all nerf suggestions that ever showed up on this forum. There is no point in bringing artillery squad after finishing uprages, again.
  • FG42 and M2 are still available for every damn trooper. Nerfing FG42 ammunition count doesn’t fix the problem devs. Whole WH running around with literal machineguns, that were given only to paratroopers is absurd. Same for time traveling M2, that was bringed probably to “ensure balance” - but there would be no need to ensure that if you would just limit FG42 to gunner class at least - BAR would be a perfect counterpart.

*What I don’t understand:

  • ghost nerfing exp gain just to have possibility to say “we are increasing it” in the patchnotes seems shady to me, but at least we will progress a little bit faster

One important element is missing from the update notes, rendering tanks nearly useless in many situations:

Why on earth was there a high zoom enabled for the gunners sight by default?
This is like running around as sniper while always looking into your scope, making you completely unaware of what is going on around you.


why do you want to limit guns for? just leave them alone the devs stated its for balance that there not changing it so why keep complaining about it its not a big deal

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How is it for balance please explain me. Heck we can give BAR to every american trooper then cant we? Just nerf ammo for it, one mag per trooper and pretend everything is fine…

yes that would be better i like the bar better than m2 so i would be ok with every trooper with a bar how is it not balanced u get the fg42 and we get the m2 so how is it not balanced and how is it game breaking

What you like:

  • New Lone Fighters mode- should be interesting to try out.
  • Historical scopes for ground vehicles- realism is always nice.
  • Economy buffs.

What you don’t like:

  • Artillery changes- nerfed too much. As @Ad9999 pointed out, it’s a complete overkill of what makes radiomen squads special. It makes them non-interesting and almost identical to regular trooper class.

Darkflow you almighty god, please give these guys arcade mode where they can shoot nukes at each other if they really wish but don’t butcher us with this …

Cant see anything when driving a tank anymore.

Also can you undo that shotgun nerf from a couple patches ago shotguns are pretty useless now compared to other weapons…


Listen, I’m not going into that discussion with you again. We had time for that in different thread, there is no point in repeating that again here.

dude u got hardcore mode what are you complaining about. never seen people that get there way and cry about it thought you would be happy with hardcore mode since it caters to player like you

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What I dont like:

Not happy about the nerf to arty but I haven’t had a chance to play it yet. My gut feeling is that you have gone too far and no one will be playing that class going forward.


dude u got hardcore mode what are you complaining about. never seen people that get there way and cry about it thought you would be happy with hardcore mode since it caters to player like you

I’m not interested in that “hardcore mode”, because it is just the same boring Lone Fighters in slightly different package. It doesn’t change anything in regards of weaponry.

What you like

  • Bots will finally try to get out of my line of sight when I aim
  • building a new rally point is possible without backtracking YES!!!
  • different bomb load on the BF seems fair. “you’re a fighter, not a bomber”
  • augmented delay for artillery’s strikes, BUT…

What you don’t like

  • … Artillery received a OVERnerf. only one radio team per side is nerfing the class to the ground. Granted, a nerf was incoming and warranted, but this is too much and makes the class completely useless. what it means for us is less immersion (whine all you want, the red army had endless lines of artillery batteries and were not waiting to use it in fear it would annoy the Germans) and a useless class. What it means for Gaijin is: people will have one less squad slot to buy; like for mortars, this class is to be forgotten to give place to actually useful ones.

That’s pretty much it, overall good quality of life update with tons of little fixes, but another support class to stop using completely.


For new lonefighter mode, see this:

You just need some more tweaks and changes for this mode to fit hardcore players.

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It’s unpleasant to use fg42 with 40rounds,plz make it like it used to be.And by the way,can dp machine gun got it’s magazine spin like a recorder?

You got HARDCORE mode in with each time you die you say “No worries bro, next trooper with FuckingG 42 incoming”

Play your arcade all day long mate… not sure why would you want that from WW2 game as there are bunch of games out there that have what you are looking for.

yes but i have never seen grown adults cry when the devs catered to them specifically with a few tweaks it would be right up there ally but even if they fix it they wont play it

Then please buff FG42/II in terms of the magazine. Germany should have at least one usable weapon in the FG42 family.