Your feedback about last update

In this game, I hope the waiting time for the messengers’ shelling will be changed to 30 seconds. Now it takes too long to fire every minute, and the German tanks are too weak, and the American Sherman tanks are too difficult to deal with.

also there are plenty of sniper sims out there for you bush Wookie’s so what’s the point here

some rly good changes, esp the arty change and the AI changes!
new map layout is always good (maybe we could get a special version of each invasion where attackers and defenders are switched or the battle goes in reverse! once a week)

still nothing towards major toggle features. Toogle zoom for infantry and tanks is NEEDED same goes for sprint.

What you like:

  • Finally I can destroy my rally point without having to walk back, potentially it bugging out if the combat zone is not longer accessible due to the front-line moving forward/backwards in invasion gameplay mode.
  • Bots getting out of my way, that is important if you want to use the small holes inside the barns etc to shoot outside before your AI thinks it is a good idea to stand there for no reason.
  • Economy buffs in general are nice

What you do not like:

  • Artillery is now nerfed to the ground. It has become totally useless. One per team? In a tiny circle, with so much forewarning that unless you are AI or absent minded, you will never ever die to. Especially how wonky it is regarding inside buildings. Just remove the radio man all together then. The squad is pointless if you have to queue your strike. Make the artillery strike size at least double the area to counteract this issue.
  • Bullshit new premium Squads, too expensive and again with iconic weapons.

What I do not understand:

  • Why is AI so weird, totally useless in melee or close combat. Almost so much so you can circle it, whilst when you are in cover, 100 feet up in a tower, shooting down on a running squad for them to notice you and Headshot you ( which a) the noticing part is highly unlikely ) and the hitting one is also highly dubious. Basically if a good player cannot do it, then neither should AI

As I said in the first place, Devs should give you arcade mode where you can have whatever you want. You would be gone at least but …

if you want to play it that way, no problem mate. I am really amazed how well you can write for a woodsman, you are almost at level of my six year old son. Internet is a wonder, look what it gave us. Woodsman having ability to express their opinion in writing and public.

Don’t respond to me anymore, will not waste my time on you.


“The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average Enlisted forum member.” - Winston Churchill, if he were alive today

  • AI needs to be adjusted so they dont shoot through trees/bushes, a lot of time you dont even see them and you get 1 shotted. This leads to very frustrating experience, foliage should have some sort of visual “terrain blocking” so they cant shoot through them and in general, they snipe you with any gun 300 meters away. Very hard to flank or create smart plays when bots are terminators. It’s just not fun. This should be prio.

  • Planes need adjusting somehow…bombers are too strong. I know they are hard to control, but just look in your game at the score, you can’t even compete with a decent pilot as infantry or tanks, they just dominate too much… It’s tricky to balance them because you risk making them useless, but something needs to be done, maybe start with reducing the area of effect of bombs and rockets that is too big atm.

  • The academy is very clunky and annoying to use, it should be a lot more straight forward.

  • A lot of times it is hard to understand the difference for ex Trooper 1 and Trooper 2…etc. You need to make things more obvious not have to search for information.

  • More realistic and diverse first person/weapon/hands animations, right now they are very basic and few. Looks unprofessional.

  • The Rally point change was long awaited finally here, so happy. My issues is with the previous change to it’s proximity increased to 20m of enemy presence, which was uncalled nerf. If I have to guess this change was made to avoid being spawn killed due to removing spawn protection on rally points spawn. But with this change you just made the game more annoying and boring to play as a lot of times you have to set the rally point too far away and you end up running around too much instead of actually playing the game and fighiting. I hope in the future this will be looked at as it just made the game more boring. Players that set rally points too close, should have awareness and assume responsability if they get spawn killed. 20 meters is too much. Also some wierd changes if they shoot in that direciton it gets disabled too. Again uncalled for decision.

It’s really crazy to nerf all Bf109 G-6s, including the PREMIUM one.

The 109s should never have had a 250kg bomb tbh
They should have been in line with the 109 in Moscow with the quad 50kg bombs
The whole point of fighters is to engage aircraft, not be OP as fuck CAS


What I like:

  • Reworked optics for tanks
  • New sounds
  • No more arty spam at the start of a match

lol and i was solo u have 4 friends helping you fight 1 person lol yea your so tough why don’t you get more friends then it will be an even fight and then get in to plane to cheat your way to victory like you always do so u and lego, star scream then u say ur good how is that
at least star scream wasn’t in the plane like u and lego all the time

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I don’t think nerf Bf109G6 is something worthmentioning, but nerf the premium is another thing. And it happened already twice.

They did not help me stomp your squads repeatedly

I was in the 110 for a total of one bombing run

Lego doesn’t even bring planes in Moscow, he brings a tank

This is comical the lengths you’re going to cope

This is supposed to be a thread for feedback to the latest update not so players can compare epeens … please take it outside …


I mostly played lone fighter before. But with this update I will step back. Maybe this is how the community wants it but you can´t try to make a game to realistic. Like a small thing when you see a marker that you killed somenone from long range without a scope is more satisfying. Now you just shoot out and can´t really be sure if you killed that guy or not. I understand the way with team damage. But the way now with invasion or conquest when you don´t know if team mates are inside a building or behind that hill, and just throw a grenade that will result in team killing 1-5 team mates and you can get banned for it? I played the new map and we were about 5 team mates capturing a point and got team killed by a nade that someone throwed from a distance and probably wasn´t sure if team mates where inside… And in another game i got team killed around 10 times. Thats annoying as f… Maybe have 2 modes? One like before and one like this? Yeah i dont know. Maybe the majority likes this update, but lone fighter were better before in my opinion.


Likes about the new update:
The changes for Lone Fighters are great
New tank sights and the liike
The complete lack of UI elements for planes like the resupply point and the actual points on the map though the only necessary one is the resupply point
Teamkilling with CAS when you have no indication where teammates largely are shouldn’t really count against you
I’ve also had my squad spawn on me and pop in in front of me while I was firing causing me to TK
And the orientation of your tank’s hull and turret and the amount of crew left should remain in the UI instead of deactivated.


thank you for not going off the rails more i like how u dropped the conversation

Overall, I like this update.
However, artillery nerfs are pretty much in the logic of overnerfing. I agree with most nerfs, however 1 artillery at the same time is pretty draconic. Now, before someone tries to shoot me, I think that some kind of limit should be in place, but it should be 2-3 artillery strikes, not just 1.


you messed up lone fighters EXTREMELY
cant use chat
cant see hit markers (especially bad for planes)
cant see health or stamina
bug where u cant see ammo
cant see damage done to tanks
you’ve essentially downgraded the game to make it feel like its in extreme early stages


Massive amounts of derailing cleaned up…

This is NOT the place to discuss cheating, this is for feedback on an update… use it for that purpose please! The behavior shown in the replies (which are now hidden) is simply unacceptable. Please ensure that it does not continue here.



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