Your feedback about last update

Great update :slight_smile:

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Haven’t gotten a chance to test out this update as of yet. But from what I’m hearing and reading(in the patch notes), so far I’m liking quite a few of the changes. There’s some nice sounding graphical and sound based changes/improvements, as well as other things like the arty nerf for example.

Although maybe the arty nerf was a tad too strong? Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you guys are making changes to arty and are actively trying to solve that problem. But maybe totally nerfing it like this was a tad too much from the sounds of it. But I’d need to play the patch to see the full effects of it.

Also THANK YOU for letting us destroy our rallies now when building a new one. Been looking forward to this change! But yeah those are my thoughts for now. Gotta go try out this update before I give anymore of my thoughts on this. Also needa try out hardcore LF! See how that is.

Many thanks to all of you for your feedback on the form. We took everything and will hand it over to the developers.


new map
rally point thing
bring "balance " in the first tier fighters of normandy(the BF still have 2 more bombs …but not a nuke)

Radio squad is useless now , if you nerf the quantity of artillery barrages available to 1 , that barrage should be extra deadly , now its very weak , it just shakes the screen and only kills on almost direct hit
the damage from before the update was ok , the real problem was the spam


Great update overall, the artillery finally balanced with benefit for general gameplay. Well done!


rally point
Proper airplanes’ bombs

No map, using airplanes is now useless. Pointing an enemy is quite useless. Using a radioman is useless.
Cant see dead modules of tanks and crews.

What you like

  • Bots pathfinding in Berlin is a bit better (still a lot to be desired though);
  • General optimization seems better;
  • Removing 250kg bomb from BF-109 seems like a step to a right direction;
  • Spawn points autodestruction - yay, finally;
  • Artillery nerf.

What you don’t like

  • Artillery overnerf. You, guys, are a bit extreme. Like is there no middle ground between “extremely OP” and “extremely useless”?
  • Tanks FoV and magnification. Even if it is historically accurate, doesn’t make it less annoying. If the tank was operated by real humans with communication between them - this change is very nice, but we are alone in that tin can - not being able to see anything around and insane scope shaking when moving makes gameplay not fun at all. Tank are more of a giant sniper rifles now.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Why Berlin campaign takes so long to release. All assets are done long ago.


  • The existence of a hardcore mode now
  • 1 artillery strike per team at any given moment


  • The fact that the hardcore mode completely replaced the old lone fighters, ruining the experience for many players (why not add “hardcore” as a new game-mode, while keeping the old lone fighters - that way everyone will be happy and the game will still be enriched by a new game-mode
  • The new hardcore mode significantly increases how overpowered tanks and bomber planes are
  • Not being able to call artillery at the beggining of battles (it was the main time when artillery was called!)
  • The General decrease in letality from artillery (artillery was the main source of casualties for infantry during WW2, but it is weaker than tanks and bomber planes in game, and now significantly so after the update - please balance the artillery but without decreasing its letality too much)

if you want to “fix” artillery, fix the bots AI, making it properly take cover from artillery, do not nerf artillery to the point where it is unrealistically weak (which was not the case historically as it was the main source of casualties in WW2)


Great update. I can finally play the game now without dying to explosions 24/7

What I like

  • The new Lone Fighters mode feels very immersive and tactical.
  • Adjusted xp income makes lone fighters viable to grind.
  • Silent rally points would encourage players to build them closer to control points.
  • More magnification for tank gunners makes longer range engagements more viable.

What I don’t like

  • Text chat and quickchat commands have been REMOVED from lone fighters mode.
  • Still no proximity voice chat in lone fighters mode in addition to removed text chat.
    As always, people still don’t use team voice chat so there is basically NO communication.
  • Can’t see friendly infantry markers from planes in lone fighers mode unless close enough to crash.
    This has resulted in quite a few unwanted tk incidents.
  • Plane target lead indicator still sometimes disappears in squads mode.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Why text chat and quick chat commands are removed from lone fighters mode. Thes have been the only channels people use to communicate, if at all.

Tactical and immersive does not mean absence of communication. Pleas give back text chat and quick chat commands. Thank you

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What you like
new ai
new 4x50kg bombs german
artillery 1 minute delay

What you don’t like
new artillery system cant use artillery efficiently and level troops fast
artillery dosent do dmg anymore
airtillery volleys are too a part

What is not too easy to understand
ai sees trough bushes and smokes and one tabs another side of map you

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It seems like most of the community plays squads mode?
I like that mode but im more into lone fighter. The updates with artillery etc is probably working better on squads mode, but the drastic change on lone fighter is a bit too much.
Absolutely make it more hardcore. But i think that some of the changes are unecessary and to much.
Examples the chat.
The marker when you kill someone. Or maybe kill log but with a slight delay? Just so you have some knowledge that you killed that guy long range in the forest.

The thing i really think needs to be nerfed is the airplanes. Its hard to nerf them maybe, but when you try to capture a point out in the open and get blown away everytime by a plane. Then it gets kind of annoying. But it also depends each game if players have higher level in plane squads or not.

now with team damage its even harder to level up if you play lone figher. sure have minus experience if you tk someone. But -200? When you get very little xp if you kill someone depending on wich weapon or vehicle you use? I like the grind but without premium it takes a long time.

What you like: Pretty much everything except of what happend with “Lone Fighters” mode.

What you don’t like: Being forced to play re-designed “Lone Figters” mode.

What is not too easy to understand: Why wasn’t there added completly new “hardcore” mode instead of changing completly good “lone fighters” mode.

After two months of playing this game and having excellent fun I was going to buy Elite Battle Pass just like my friend did. And I’m glad I didn’t did that before this update. Everything becouse of this whole re-desing of the “Lone Fighters” mode.

There was already an option to turn on “minimalistic battle interface”. We don’t like that we’re forced to play like this overnight. We thought that there will be added some new “hardcore mode”. Right now I have to choose to play with squads, which I don’t prefer, or try to get used to the new “Lone Fighters” and play alone becouse my friend completly hates it.

We hoped that we’ll stay longer with this game. Probably years. Just like we did with “H&G” even if it was completly broken, but there was no better alternative. And now there is! Well… For us… At least untill now. Right now we don’t know what to do with this game. The only thing we know is that we’re holding up with buying Elite Battle Passes and WE HOPE THERE WILL BE ADDED AN OLD “LONE FIGHTERS” MODE.

Still… Fantastic job with everything else. Nerfing artillery strike (only DMG, the rest is OK)… Maaaby a little bit too much, but… Still, pretty good job. And once again WE WOULD LIKE TO PLAY “LONE FIGHTERS” MODE AS IT WAS BEFORE. Thank you.


I like:

  • tank MG auto reload
  • nerf of arty
  • nerf of FG42. Your idea is great, nerf the gun so less people use it and then limit it to certain classes, genuinely brilliant! Can’t wait to see it done with M2. (Yes, I’m unnecessarily sarcastic.)

I don’t like:

  • arty nerf seems to be an overkill

I don’t understand:

  • why did you add more zoom on tank sights (that makes it harder to drive while being gunner) before implementing proper cupola mechanic

Like: arty nerf, auto-destruction of old spawn points (thank god!), bf109 4x50kg nerf

Don’t like: FG42 nerf because it was not stated in the changelog, and the fact that only FG42 and AVS36 have the nerfed 2-magazine capacity while the M2 doesn’t.

Don’t understand: why implement historical tank sights before introducing stabilisers? It’s really nauseating.

They’re already more than useable. In fact, they’re already better than all the other weapons of their class in the game, almost objectively. I mean, “oh no, the FG 42 now only has the /second/ highest killing potential of any trooper weapon while being objectively the best handling trooper weapon in the game.” isn’t really a good basis to ask for other weapons to get a buff on your end.

(pre-nerf) FG42 at 100 kill capacity
M2 at 45 kill capacity
(post-nerf) FG42 at 40 kill capacity
M1 Carbine at 37 kill capacity
Garand at 32 kill capacity
Gewehr at 30 kill capacity
Lee-Enfield at 30 kill capacity
All other bolt actions at a 25 kill capacity

The FG42 is plenty useable. Just learn to use it semi-auto except in emergencies and you’ll be more than fine.

Good to hear. Always glad to see you interact with posts here.

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Like : Arty nerf, teamkill enabled in lone fighter

Don’t like at all : UI removed in lone fighter.

I played and paid only for the lone fighter gamemode, but now it’s unplayable since it has no UI at all, you keep getting teamkilled because ppl can’t see the blue triangle above your head.

Very disapointed, just make hardcore lone fighter as a 5th gamemode for the few ppl interested by this.

Hope i’ll get my premium refunded

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