Your feedback about last update

Okay so after playing a few matches, honestly, I’m kinda liking the arty nerf. Limiting to where only 1 person on each team really makes the arty feel sparse but meaningful. And from what I can see, it can still do a good amount of damage and if used right, it can pretty much save a game for either side. Also, the sparsity of the arty is a nice contrast from before where it was just being spammed so often that it wasn’t even fun anymore. It’s also nice that now I can at least focus much more on infantry combat rather than having to worry about arty constantly and just being bombarded by it all the time.

Although, I will say that perhaps the power of the arty strike itself should be buffed up a bit. Like I think you should keep the current system where only one person at a time can call in arty and even the amount of time it takes to cooldown/regen. But I’d say just buff up the damage a bit(maybe a whole lot even?) and maybe even increase the radius of it to make the strikes feel more impactful, but still sparse at the same time. Overall tho, I think this is a nice direction for arty to be taking so that it’s not constantly abused by everyone but is also still a viable weapon that can turn the tide of a match if used right.

Edit: Oh and also, I really like the fact that that arty cannot be called within the first minute or so of battle. It’s really nice for the game to not just start of with others just blatantly abusing where they know the other team is gonna push from. And it also gives us some breathing room to be able to advance and get ourselves situated without being bombarded right off the bat. So yeah, I like that part a lot!

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  • new map & bug fixes and general improvements (especially the auto-dismantling of spawns)

HEAVILY disliked:

  • the nerfs to artillery that makes it ridiculously underpowered (especially compared to planes and tanks that still wipe entire squads & given that artillery was the main source of infantry casualties in ww2)

Artillery now feels like firecrackers that slightly concuss your enemies. Limiting the amount of artillery strikes the team could call at the same time is a good idea, but, really, teams can have 2 tanks & such, but only 1 artillery strike? Maybe that should be expanded to 2 because artillery, right now, is an absolute joke and not even worth bothering with

And it shouldn’t be, it was a main component of infantry fighting - used to suppress certain areas, break enemy static defenses and force them to take cover, and prevent them from mindlessly rushing in a line. People HAD to take artillery into consideration for their tactics and, right now, it is absolutely negligible (unlike rather overpowered planes and tanks).

Plus the reduction in damage was totally unnecessary given the other changes - the main thing that would fix artillery in the game is the bot ai learning to take cover properly. And it was not like you could freely spam artillery before (it had a default 4 min cooldown). The limitation on strikes and the damage reduction were too harsh.

Artillery was one of the cool things that I enjoyed about this game, and which made it feel realistic and different from the other largely-available and dumbed-down FPS games out there. The huge nerf on it was a major disappointment, I don’t even want to play right now.

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Tanks vs planes, add the ability for tanks to somehow resist the planes.

Will you make shotguns usable again?
I really don’t get why they were nerf to the point bolt action rifle are better at any range, those shotguns where fun weapons that where simply not as good as smgs but at least they felt great to use, so I don’t get why you nerf them that hard.

Now the radio squad is bad. Giving radio squads a separate queue may be better. So 4min artillery share an artillery battery, 1min artillery share another artillery battery.

Also, we may want to notify how many radio squad is being deployed in the select squad menu.

Or just limit the number of radio squad to 1, but that will be a problem for F2P players since they only have 3 infantry slots.

Maybe we can add a new kind of slot called artillery slot.


I’ve always played this game mode, UNTIL NOW.
I think last update made this things worse:

  1. A/B/C point marker in game are usefull and user friendly; (OpEn MaP wItH M :crazy_face:)
  2. Temmates name on selecting spawn point are usefull when you play with your friends
  3. Hitmarker and killmarker are ABSOLUTELY necessary in a game where hitbox don’t work out
  4. Aircraft ammo refill, where I have to go?
  5. Why chat is removed? Not everyone has a microphone

New features pros:

  1. Well done with artillery strike, finally
  2. Very nice with friendly fire, i like this in a war game
  3. Map removed from screen, i like that but not without in game label of obj (A/B/C) too confusing

Lone fighters veterans, are you agree with me? Hardcore doesn’t mean less fun

Honestly it is no longer funny for me and my friends. (Always we dont play squad :nauseated_face:)

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I’m talking about FG42 II here, which is real counterpart for Bar for Germany(FG42 is not due to its insane recoil). MG42 is a god-tier weapon but lacks any kind of mobility which is important in CQC. I prefer MG42 when I defend and prefer FG42 II when I have to rush in small maps and conquests. As a sniper-restricted weapon(and sniper squad also only has 5 persons) it should have a little bit more ammo. Nerf FG42 is okay to me because I always leave it to bots as MG42 and FG42 II are always my primary choices, I only use FG42 when all my gunners are dead or something likely.

What really needs a balance adjustment is Berlin. But in the update I only see they nerf Germany even more, don’t know what they are thinking about. But it’s still okay for me since I don’t have any interest to touch Berlin in current stage.

nerfing the bf109 bomb loadout is a bit shit, especially when it only got 1 bomb, but what’s even worse is altering a premium people paid for as its significantly less useful now. A2A combat is really hit and miss (sometimes die instantly and other times your a bullet sponge for 20mm rounds) and I would be willing to wager that very few people purchased that premium for is fighter capabilities. To say its deceitful or a ripoff is probably not the correct term but it seems like a bit of a fuck you to people who paid. I really hope you look at revoking that change.
Also arty nerf was maybe a little too much, otherwise great update.

AA guns are now useless. U cant see where to shoot, if u are hitting the target, VERY low ammunitions and nothing to increase them.

unfortunately, i joined " late " to the " party " but i got stuff to do.

anyway with this message, i’ll try to cover the last updates.

What i Like:

  • new levels for berlin
  • reintroduction of older maps in the rotation
  • ALL the previous hotfixes and bug adressings.
    ( those are always awelcomed )
  • new hardcore game mode ( Concept )
    it’s actually good, and incredible.
  • new tank sights
  • artillery and mortar nerfs
  • HE Improvements
  • new content additions

What i don’t like:

  • jumbo still present in the campaign
  • Lone Wolf " direction & how it has been developed " .
    don’t get me wrong, the hardcore it self it’s fun, but just like the previous lone fighter, brings nothing but more things to work on.
    because, unfortunately, the hardcore mode it wasn’t really well thought out. for a few reasons: the first being, TK System. just like i made a post about it: And here kids, is why you don't and should not give the ability to everyone to get acess the hardcore and tk left and right it gives ability to people to harm and ruin entire matches. the system it self is a hole in the water because you can pretty much get kicked out of the match if you place a mine, and a friendly tank steps into it. and there is no " forgive " tk option. so potentially people can get kicked out of the match just because they made incidents that they couldn’t prevent. such as, killing people in the darkness, accidentally kill someone for flickering, and lastly, grenades.
    all this system brings more issues than actual satisfactions. because it does not prevent trolls, and inflict penalties on those who makes mistakes.

also because of the next reason:
no communication is availabe what so ever. like, the chat is disabled. how am i supposed to communicate with my team ?

it’s impossible to tell if my tank crew died or i have something broken. therefore, don’t get me wrong, i really love that i don’t have HUD, really makes me immerse, but voice lines are needed in order to help the players to understand that something is not working or what’s going on inside the tank as i can’t fully see the interior of vehicles.

and lastly, lone fighter is not made for bigger maps. it’s really off putting fighting just a few soldiers on d-day. or walks for miles and getting killed just to do all the walk all over again.
giant maps are not the issue, but there’s not much fight going on. i would leave those for squad games.

  • map rotations
    i’m not a huge fan of it, i love this game for each maps that has, but sometimes i can’t play those maps because are locked behind a rotation leaving huge works of people that designed maps in the shadow.

  • visual turett not being displayed correctly. a bug still present from alpha.
    basically, i try to flank the enemy tankk thinking that he is looking somewhere else but in reality, he has a perfect line of sight on me and kills me because, hey. it’s a jumbo ( did i already said that should be deleted btw ?)

and lastly for this list,

  • OLD Lone Wolf Removed
    what i mean by that is, i’m aware that you people do not like split playerbase even more, which again it’s understandable. but people that do not like squad gamemodes ( i know, they shouldn’t be in this game to begin with, but it is what it is ) they always played lone figter. and the issue with it, is that not everyone likes playing the Hardcore version. i love both lone fighters if i have to be honest, but considering that lots of players do not have trigger discipline, hardcore is becoming less fun than what it should be. and therefore, there should be two versions of lone fighter. one like the older one, and the second one, with hardcore on. again, both are fun, both are ok. but not suited for everyone. and perhaps lone fighter hardcore should be unlocked at level 10 or somewhere around, for actual people that knoes how the game works.

in conclusion:

cheers for hearing me out. in conclusion, i’m somewhat happy. but the problems still persists.

either way, keep up the good work :smiley: .

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What I like

  • The New Lone Fighter Mode is awesome, really just what this game needed.
  • Only one artillery strike at the same time. (IMO this could be increased to two)
  • Sound updates, while the sound effects are generally very good in this game, there a still a few things that need some work.
  • Better gore effects

What I don’t like

  • Artillery nerfed too much. The endless spam had to be stopped no doubt, but i think you went a little over the top here. Damage was fine and IMO also the initial barrage right from the start of the game was fine.

  • Lone fighter mode needs more reinforcements. This may have been an issue before the update already, but with the increased realism i feel it’s even more neccessary. The games here are just too much of a ‘hit or miss’ and feel too rushed, because you burn through your reinforcements so quickly.

General appreciation

I fucking love your voice lines especially for the Axis side!
Really needed to say this.
Some of the lines may be a bit cheesy but i think they add just so much to the immersion when there is some actual talking and not just screaming and stuff.

I hope you keep adding more of them!


  1. Artillery spam reduced significantly
  2. Hardcore mode seems really fun and I like it.
  3. FG42 Was deserving of nerf.
  4. Nerf to aircraft is a good sign… maybe?


  1. I think the artillery nerf was way overblown, making it so only 1 per team at a time, good change, but nerfing the damage so it doesn’t really do anything? Terrible decision. On the other hand this also make artillery get called in every single time it stops since it forces players to let their artillery cool down.

  2. FG42s nerf was kinda insane, only two clips is very few, maybe 3 would be better? However I think the best way to have fixed it is would be restricting it to certain squads and other classes besides troopers.

  3. Nerf to BF109 was just flat out stupid. What would have been better was a Buff to the P51C since 50kg bombs can no longer destroy tanks and have the radius of an explosive pack. Either buff the 50kg bombs so they can actually kill tanks or change it back. The BF109 was the first reliable way to destroy jumbos and now the jumbos are insanely strong again.

4: increase of tank optics was just bad. I know why you guys decided to do this but you did not think this through at all. Instead of tanks having to play close to infantry to support them they’ve now become strictly long range sniping machines. Now you can see cap points and snipe infantry with HE from way far away without any risk of being killed. Since tanks can no longer close quarters brawl they are hardly ever ever ever in a situation where they can get destroyed by a detonation pack.


After 1st day with new “hardcore lone fighters” I feel like the only difference is that I have to use the map and the scoreboard more often to make sure of everything. And it’s quite annoying.

And it seems like there’s less people playing it. 5 battles, n I’m all the time 1st, ppl seems to strugle with simple tasks… I’d like to know where are all these hardcore players who asked for changing “lone fighters mode”. Cuz for sure I don’t see them on the Moscov campaign on the european/eastern european servers. :confused:

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the m2 always had 2 clips its the Germans that’s special that got more

this new update sucks so badly.

There are too many Team Kills taking place because of this new settings.
HUD is gone, can see minimap, can’t see distance from the checkpoint.
This completely changes the game, I’m disappointed.

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You liked that? I find tanks impossible to use now as its way to sensitive and zoomed in…

Also it doesn’t help that they forgot to add stabilization first or the fact that the commanders scope was able to swivel a bit to get a better view…

What you like

  • artillery strike nerfs

What you don’t like

  • honestly removing all the UI from Lone Fighter just killed the game for me, this is one of those moments where being realistic is bad. I am actually uninstalling until we maybe get the option to play Lone Fighter with UI again, I just hate these no UI fps games.

I’ve really been trying I want to like the game but whenever they fix one thing they break three other things at this point it feels more like a chore to play than entertainment so I’m Just gonna play other games… Might check back in a year or something…

we absolutely need hitmarker / kill marker, it makes no sense to remove it if I can see the kills by opening the ranking.

But I didn’t want to express my opinion too. Much often do not play, but what have you been able to do with it. The radis team is completely unplayable at the moment because he lost his till. To teres, it occurred ??? Classic What ?? VIP players you swallowed and the game is taken into the shit. There are dozens of errors that should be repaired and the game is liquidated instead. I have no words . :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: