Your feedback about last update

Any news? Can we hope for an update soon that brings back our beloved original Lone Fighters mode?

Why change the singleplayer? no map on the UI, Atellery wars good, and now ONE per team? sry bad update idónt like it…the update makes more destroy also makes good.

I m not enjoying the oversized zoom in tank gunner sights.


Thanks for rendering artillery squad useless! can’t use it, timing stinks. Paid for an extra squad now that was a waste. can’t cut artillery and not cut tanks and bombers. Common sense, in WW2 a bomber would have to land and wait for bomb reload. these guys just fly away and fly back. Pick the artillery squad and can’t use the whole match causer its active on another player, ridiculous! Don’t give us players we can’t use! If that’s the case, eliminate artillery altogether. stop listening to players who can’t strategically move out of the way and figure it out. Reimburse me for the time and money spent upgrading artilary players and squads.


Feedback about new tank controls:

I’m playing with the bt-7. I’m not sure if it’s because of the new controls or new scope, or maybe both, but aiming feels less accurate and it’s harder to make small adjustments. When aiming while zoomed in you can see the aiming reticle jumping in small intervals instead of moving smoothly.

Personally, I also find the previous scope zoom level more comfortable.

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No one wants your updated hardcore model,The Lone Fighter mode forced me to press TAB, M and 1 to confirm the kill and ammunition.You have completely changed this model, and I feel cheated by you, so can you refund the money and let me leave this damn game?


Fortunately, enlisted is not a buyout game, but it made me feel the same disappointment as when battlefield 5 was released.

Also the bt-7 feels slower, which sucks a bit.

Plus, when you do get to use artillery by the time it drops the enemy has moved. Useless. This is why I hate programmers; they can’t leave well enough alone. They have to constantly mess with things that work. Dropped a few hundred on this game already for them to just keep messing with it. People were saying that players were spamming artillery. But its ok for the aircraft to spam for 100+ kills a round! How’s that balanced?

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Arty spam was pure cancer. I m glad they fix this issue.

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I hope you’ll get you money back, but I’ve tried and they don’t want to refund… #scam

What I like:

  • New weapons
  • New maps and scenarios

What I don’t like:

  • Artillery second nerfing where you have to wait so long to bomb and adding more delay
  • Not equally nerfing bomber planes which clear the full map with their bombs killing only enemies and not friendlies too
  • REDICOULOUS nerfing of picking guns from dead soldiers on the field. Now IF you manage to get it, in the case of FG42, you have a gun with ONE (yes ONE) fkn bullet, which you cannot reload and you and up loosing your main gun for that! Then you have to suicide or hunt enemies with knife or try to get another stupid gun to have only 5 bullet… And of course if you are not a sniper and you manage to get a sniper rifle, you don’t even have the diopter any more :stuck_out_tongue:
  • Keep adding scenarios and maps in Normandy having Axis defending 90% of it and not balancing it and have both sides equally attacking / defending.

The above proves how ridiculous are people keep commenting about “realism” of the game :stuck_out_tongue:

What is not too easy to understand:

  • Upgrading weapons
  • Squad management / ranking / academy

Yeah me neither. Too sensitive, too zoomed in and driving is quite difficult because of loss of peripheral vision. I like to play my tank close to the action with my troops and support them. I feel like I can’t do this properly anymore because most of the time I can’t even see where my troops are when they’re next to me and might run them over. Plus now enemies close to me have a huge advantage and can easily sneak up with a det pack.

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Please revert changes to tank scopes and zoom from last update. It is not an improvement and it makes tanks way too zoomed. This may make even more people camp in the backline with tanks instead of actually getting into the action with the troops.

Before anyone says just use commander mode - anyone who has a reasonable amount of experience with tanks knows that the minute you are close to the action and your commander pops out and opens fire the bots seem to aggro to you and snipe your commander out.

diapo 1 diapo 2 diapo 3 diapo 4 diapo 5

AA only SR net R. any R can defend everything by E. I like 750 men. I can penetrate his R.1

Please make the VG-2 reload less spastic.

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Please limit weapons like the AVS and FG-42 to Engineer 2 only
Handing out rare weapons to everyone isn’t historical or realistic in any fashion
Also contributes to poor player retention when new players are relentlessly stomped by people with full decks of automatics


Well, yes…but that makes new players pay for progress or for some special squad. That’s good, right?

To pay your way to the FG/AVS is upwards of like 200 USD
So no, most people won’t pay THAT much to get to it
Maybe a little smidge here and there, but the fast majority won’t pay shit.

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