Your feedback about last update

Здравствуйте, на начальном этапе у меня всё ок, только умоляю - сделайте больше бесплатных отрядов, точнее окон для отрядов, потому-что ради такого премиум покупать не хочется. То есть увеличьие количество боевых активных отрядов или сделайте так, чтобы отряды давали за выполнение задач

The update for engineers
by the way, do you have any plan to release it on Mac OS?

Hey I have a HUGE problem with the game and so do hundreds of other’s, it is a simple but effective fix.
Artillery’s slash is too large every game the advancing forces spam artilleries around the objective and since the artillery has such a large damage radius the defending team can’t get anywhere near the objective making the advancing team win every game with out any fight because we are constantly getting killed to the artillery making it seem the the defending team isn’t even there. Please fix this i didn’t purchase two months of premium to get killed by artillery from 700meters away from the initial blast.

You aren’t killed from 700 meters away, and artillery was deadly back then as well so the problem might be fixed differently as well. It’s a game so after a strong enough artillery strike there should be silence for a while to make infantry enjoyable most of the time; trenches should protect somewhat and sandbags as well (buildings seem to protect sometimes but not that reliable either), also planes should be possible to get killed instead of bombing the unprotected arty survivors. Also I think visuals should be beefed up to match the deadliness - lots of earth tossed around, sunshine blocked, craters formed, whatever that makes a huge bomb feel huge.

Maybe split the radio operator tasks into artillery and AA strikes, so there’s half the number of artillery strikes possible but low flying planes are in for a surprise from edge-of-map AA attacks requested by radiomen… (Seems weird at first, a made-up solution to a real problem, but it would solve both problems at once, generating new ones in their place… :slight_smile: )

Or make some of the capture zones no-bomb zones, that the attacker really wishes to capture not just demolish; so no artillery strike could be ordered in their vicinity, also the bombs dropped there would malfunction and not explode.

game is headed in an awful direction.

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M2 carbine should only have 2 magazines to match FG42.

Great update 10/10.

I like most of it. But seems like you’ve way over-nerfed the artillery. Seems pointless using it at all now shrug


What you like


  • Only one artillery strike per team may now be active at any given time.

  • Artillery can no longer be activated during the first minute of the battle.

  • The preparation time for initial artillery ranging shots has been increased by 5 seconds.

  • Upgraded artillery now only gives a 4-fold reduction in the time between volleys (60 seconds instead of 48), rather than a 5-fold.

  • Historical viewing angles and scopes for all armored vehicles have been added.

What you don’t like

  • Artillery ranging shots now do less damage. - not sure about this one. But historically, if shot at least close to the enemy, first shots did make most dmg as everyone was not hidden and in cover.
  • The basic bomb armament of Bf 109 G-6 has been changed from 1x250 kg to 4x50 kg. – not sure about this one.
  • Hs123 at Normandy Airfield …

Good changes altogether … probably

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У него пистолетные патроны. Слабые.


Can I ask what is wrong with this change?
Now the BF-109 G-6 is more Equal to the P-51C (still better tho)

i dont understand why u wont nerf the fucking planes ur nerfing the artillery but not planes why people keep asking for a nerf to planes but they wont nerf them why



I tought I will see these historical sights for tanks in the game… Hope they will come sooner or later!


Forgot to put “- not sure about this one.”

Am afraid no one will use it now, except Premium guys who have more places for planes. Same as 109 F1 in Moscow. ONE 250kg bomb is not OP, I would rather see P-51C buffed.

That’s how I’m thinking, share your thoughts.

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Like hardcore mode without interface. Its already another lvl game.

Hello. We are preparing a nice improvement to the explosion cover mechanics. You will be able to better hide from bombs, changing the position of the body (to lie down) will reduce the chances of getting a shrapnel in the body.

We didn’t have time to prepare it for this update, but we’ll be finishing it soon.




And please do swap those Hs123. Such a great map design and everything should not be ruined by such things. I hope its not too much work.

This is the first update I’ve felt to sign up to the forums to react, as I’m not a big fan of engaging in the psycophant winge fest that usually follows a post.

But I gotta say the Tank zoom is abysmal. How the heck can I engage at close quarters with a zoom that large and the sway of the view is very unrealistic.

I would admit that the Artillery was a big OP but come on, having to wait until someone else in the team is not using it … are you serious? Just reduce the effect as you have done, but the way it is at the moment: what incentive would anyone have to upgrade a radio operator in this game for you to have to wait your turn in the piss queue?? So you’ve nerfed the radio operator’s squad use effectively.

just a fyi

I’m a great fan of this game and this is the only F2P game that I’ve actually paid money out on (purchasing the pass), but I’m hestitant now because these changes seem to come as a result of the whinning and crying of sucky players. Please do NOT go down this route and take into account that a large percentage of people who are happy with the game don’t go onto forums. Before this update I was content to renew monthly passes, now I will wait to see how this game settles down before shelling out any more roubels


First off, great great update.

What you like

  • The new mission is really cool. I always enjoyed the ver sur mer map but I did not like assault. It is really nice to invade it.
  • By building a new rally point the old one will now be destroyed automatically. Perfect fix, was really needed.
  • Arty nerfs, I am really happy to see that you are taking a different approach with the nerfs to arty. I think this will change a lot in the games. Really nice that only one arty can be up at any given time.
  • The nerfs to bf 109 are really needed. Now the German fighters are on par with the US. Only attackers have an easy time destroying tanks, before it was attacker and fighter that could kill tanks without much skill.
  • A lot of small fixed to a lot of different things, have not seen anything bad in there. Awesome.

What you don’t like

  • Atm the tank scope is zoomed in to the maximum as a default. When you drive the tank your scope goes all over the place. When I use the manual zoom it gives me +/- 10% zoom more than I already have. It used to be +/- 50% zoom. Its hard to drive a tank and it feels not intended/bug.
  • P38 fighter plane still counts as an attacker plane resulting in the US not being able to spawn their actual effective attacker planes (A20/P47) If that gets fixed I feel the air war is 100% balanced together with the bf109 nerf.