Your feedback about last update

hello, I noticed that there is a problem with the language of the game since the last shift I no longer own the game in French.
Will you give back the possibility of playing in French as before?
thanks in advance

I also prepare a list of bugs encountered in game since I spend a lot of time there


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Was really hoping for more tech tree content. Having only 1 new addition to both Germany and USA after 3 months is disappointing, to say the least, especially for the first post-merge “major update”.

Tiger H1 would be a more interesting addition if BR IV actually meant anything at the moment, and wasn’t just a worse Tiger E. Please correct me if I am wrong, but since the merge, the only noticeable additions (sorry M3 Lee) to both USA/Germany factions have been the APCs (but the best were locked behind event and paywall), Corsair (AP-4C), why is it called that??, and the M4A3 (105) sherman. American’s got some cool vehicles that weren’t all copy/paste variants, and there was much rejoicing.

I do not understand why more content is not being added now that it is possible to go back to what were previously early campaign levels and add more fun/unique low BR weapons/vehicles.

Also, there was a recent survey of what the community wanted to see fixed/changed for next update, and none of the top requests (Economy, Matchmaking) have even been mentioned in any of these dev blogs. But don’t worry! Now soldiers will jiggle accurately in vehicles! The players wanted that valuable change, right?

The common thought I have had with many of the recent new reveals of upcoming features has been:
“Cool, this feature looks interesting and might improve my game experience, but who was asking for this?”

If by the time the Steam release rolls around and nothing has changed in regards to matchmaking and the economy I cannot in good faith recommend Enlisted to my friends on Steam.

The fact that bipods are still broken after multiple years and “fixes” has become a community meme, someone mentioned bipods would receive a rework in a “coming soon” update, but I have heard that exact same thing so many times over the past few years, that I just stopped believing it. Just one example, but you get the point. The devs say they desire community feedback, but actions (or a lack thereof) speak much louder.

When “Enlisted: Reinforced” goes on steam with premium squads costing $60 EACH right next to [Relevant WW2 Shooter] for half that, which do you think will sell better? Which will have a better rating? This game already has a huge promotion problem (there hasn’t been any for years!), changing the name for steam release is probably the most brain-dead marketing decision I’ve seen in a while. I really did think it was an out-of-season April fools joke when I saw “Enlisted: Reinforced” Seriously, who thought that was a good idea in the marketing department?


More tech tree would be great, however things like research has become a joke and anything released is just an instant research and its “done”

There has been nothing added for old players and everything has been catered for the new players, currently the game still has my attention for events & battle pass, but really there is nothing else here.

The economy is ruined, even when players pointed out how it would be ruined the devs still went a head with it…

Any decent feedback and requests seem to either get deleted or ignored. The complete ignoring of BR matching and underpaying silver is beyond a joke, I’m fine for both, however new players don’t have much to keep them in the game for the long run, since they have to struggle for silver and then get matched against people with better load outs that they won’t be able to counter for 2-3 months, especially since they will also lack the map and general game play knowledge.

Also the continuation of boosts being tied to conquests is utterly stupid as is the maps being out of reach and poorly dealt out. Tunisia anybody?


Typ Hei automatic with only 1 extra mag? Is this a joke? M2 has 3, so they have twice as much ammo


The new Type 100 is ass. Also more ammo for the Type Hei Auto

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Thank you for some of the changes to the Pacific playarea/border adjustments, I hope you keep up this trend and help attackers.

You guys prob have a heat map and you can see the win rate of factions and see what bases/maps are problematic, I hope you prioritize those.

Appreciate you guys listening and improving the game.

But remember you can also help the attackers by adjusting the playarea of the defenders not just by adjusting it for attackers.

Take this map for example:


You cannot see it in this picture, but the defender’s playarea/border is so loose that as an attacker you end up being farmed over and over in own spawn point. It’s a miserable experience. Please limit the de fenders to hold the objective and not have them push the attackers in a spawn trap.

Still no customization system rework.

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Yeah, Its getting annoying.
DF really needs to work on this.

Ps5 Feedback

What I like:
Idea of ai able to fire AT not really tested yet
Controllable tailgunners - although seems a bit hard to get used to reversing controls and moving turret, but don’t change it, you have allowed me to have independent pilot controls, TY!
Performance - seems very good so far
Love Jap and LVT4 APCs - gunners working
I think you fixed my wheels down when bailing bug on pacific

What I don’t like:
BR Paras for axis, need lower tier counter please
BR4 still matches against BR5 so no difference with regards to matchmaking
Too much Pacific for High Tier Allies
No binocs / personal weapons for Pershing commander view
Slight graphical issue when looking out of cockpit over wing, logged on CBR with vid.
Hope all gunners in planes get high poly models soon

What I don’t understand:
BR4… some vehicles BR5 even though not as competitive ie TDs, some planes too seem mismatched ie. G10

That will do, very good job, I think Pershing overrated but a least allied hopefully won’t cry as much!

  • What i like: -
  • Event Squads, unique event rewards
  • New Maps, new locations on existing maps.

– What i dont like: –

  • Many of us HATE, the fact that everytime there is more and more unhistorical content
    this is WORLD WAR ONE.

Frankly, after so much hope in vain. i thought of just stop playing… even thought i decided not to, customization system is still crap, no one seems to listen to the claims of the players who USED to love this game because of it’s historical accuracy…

How do you know? Maybe some volkssturm guy got lucky. They’ve used lot of ww1 trash.


yea beside Farquhar-hill rifle stop production before ww2 so if anything that thing shouldnt also exist but it does

anyway i aint angry or anything just want to point it out if we are gonna argue about some helmet

It could be.

Volkssturm outfits are distributed just randomly in Berlin.

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You can always get rid of it by buying normal helmets


Well, if you don’t enjoy games like HLL or PS. There’s not much other ww2 fps online games left.

If this is the reason that will make you quit the game, okay.

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I guess not

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We need a WWI mode now lol

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It could work as an april fools event. We have gotten modern and sci-fi so ww1 should be next

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What you like

  • Immersion, hardcore, minimalistic hud.

What you don’t like

  • Fov slider, lack of locked graphics and sounds parameters in a custom or ranked thing - fair play

What is not too easy to understand

Why never get a server in south america - waiting since 2013 war thunder

What are you impling with our comments and your “south america” thing?
kinda xenoph, but ok.

  • Look above an see how many “South Americans” also wrote on this wall without the format -

Did you knew Age of Empires and other major games do get Brazilian/South American servers? you seem a bit ignorant to be honest.

For the sake of the rightfulness of your comment, i erased the ones of mine that were unnecesary, and edited my original one to match the criteria of this sub. But still, you oughta be really an as*ole to put all of South America in a bag because of a conversation where only i have an “hispanic” allegation on my name. Shameful.