Your feedback about last update

So these paras just flew to these locations like birds? Nazi Germany sure was a green and eco friendly country.


At this point when it comes to some of these players abusing paratroopers I don’t think they like it when the other side can fight back so that’s why they’re fighting so hard to stop the Germans from having Paratroopers in low BR


Soviet 5th Airborne Corp was deployed to Stalingrad.

Germans have Panzer tanks. How is that “fair?” (German tanks were superior, that’s why it’s “fair”.)

I don’t understand the interest in making every side be a carbon copy of the others. I’d rather the factions have different strengths and weaknesses.

We are referring to the Vickers paratroopers, right? (I don’t have them. I joined the game one week after event ended) The Vickers sucks. Give them BARs and make them 3s. That would require players who want to use them to risk being thrown into the BR3,4,5 tier. As long as they are tier 2, they can always be deployed to the low tier.

I hope they expand the game into new locations, specifically into Sicily/Italy and the 1945 Soviet liberation of Manchuria from the Japanese. If you want German paratroopers to be in a spot where they have a large airborne advantage, maybe the addition of Crete would be good for that.

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I fixed it for you.

I don’t play against Germans in low BRs at the moment, so it wouldn’t affect me if I’m the one you’re referring to.

…I guess I do play in Tunisia when the matchmaker decides, but there aren’t many paratroopers there at all anyway. Maybe every tenth round or so, someone will have the event paratroopers.

I’m not quite sure how having the 506th (BR5) paratroopers is “abusing paratroopers.” They’re the ones I’ve got.

It’s not exactly aimed at you but there are those people in our community who have abused this mechanic to slaughter our new bloods so we need some of our old guard there to protect our new bloods

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How could the paratrooper mechanic be abused? Detractors have already gotten them nerfed to make the squad float down like dandelion poofs. They’re sitting ducks in the sky every time they drop.

I’m assuming you’re referring to the Germans. Germans already have several low BR advantages. You can’t scream “unfair” at an exclusive item added to the game to counter those advantages. If Germany gets low BR paratroopers to match with the Soviets’ customizable ones, it will heavily skew the low tier towards Germany.

In the past for the Soviets you could bring Max level weapons to low BR and slaughter new bloods and currently right now in the Pacific you can get the Browning from the paratrooper box in BR 4 even though it’s a BR 5 weapon.

Paratroopers are just broken and if you can get a rally point in the strategic position it can make all the difference and the allies in the Soviets should not be the only faction allowed in low BR to spam paratroopers.


What you like:
I do like the fact that the game is matchmaking to ensure that new players arent thrown into a game with veteran players.

What I dont like:
Well as a player who plays on console and im sure other console players may feel the same way. It is the fact that console players can not access custom games. Not sure if this was deliberate or not or if it is going to be implemented down the road ,but i definitely would like to make a custom game especially since when cant even try out the other mode lone fighter either nor make a room designated to our friends only. Thanks

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So should I be just thinking what was fixed was just the ladder issues? Cuz



Yes I still saw stretched models too.

Some of the recent QoL changes

Italian paras are BR4, their AT gun is grb39, it can’t pen t34-85, when on Berlin or Stalingrad > reduce their BR to BR3, can even remove flamers if lower than BR4.

Customization for Moroccan, SAS, Lebel and other premiums still not given default soldier option per map / campaign

Vehicle customization options, including premiums now lacking a default colour scheme, tropical yellow in Normandy, bulge

Stretchy people still present on PS5, also helmets on paras, stuka tail gunners D3 not firing

Don’t understand:
Why certain weapons and vehicles are still BR5, su85, mkb42, means they don’t get used in br5

Volksturm squad in progression tree has no Berlin armbands like the 2nd volksturm squad available.

Re: Enlisted

What I like:

  • the research tree
    What I don’t like:

I was hoping you guys could add maybe more realistic graphics and maybe some weather for a realistic experience, but overall good game

Which rifle in the tree was Kalashnikov involved in? I was under the impression that the Avtomat Kalashnikov was his first major undertaking. He reverse engineered the M1 Garand and copied it (Kalashnikov even admitted as much in his book)

Just as i4i says, BR II can throw you into BR IV/V matches where you are totally outgunned. The reason so many people like to play BR I and II is the feeling of a more “real” WWII fighting.

I mean StG44, FG42, Federovs etc. are cool guns and fun, however in WWII they came late and in very small numbers. So playing with BR I and II guns is just more authentic and therefore fun.

That does not mean we don’t like to play BR IV and V with all the cool stuff, but we liek to play BR I and II too, and beiing on a constan and huge tactical disadvantage due to beiing the ONLY faction without airborne capability just sucks!! Not even mentioning the historical joke of denying early BR paratroopers only to that nation, hat first introduced them to the battlefield!!!

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StG44 was more common than you might think. It’s just that the majority of them were sent to Eastern Front. They were somewhat rare on the Western Front, but still there.

The Garand is BR3 and was the base rifle for the United States in the war. The M1903 Springfield was a WW1 rifle that wasn’t used in its base configuration (sniper variants were used) anywhere in Europe. Some were used early in the Pacific, especially at Wake, Guam, Guadalcanal, and Phillipines where supplies were desperately thin and every rifle on the islands were used for defense. The good thing is that since the Garand was the most superior GI rifle of the war, you can compete up or down and not be too disadvantaged in the top tier.

I’d like them to add new maps where mass paratroopers would be appropriate. A Crete map, a Sicily map, and a Market Garden map would be quite appropriate for unveiling “low” tier paratroopers for Germany but I think(just my opinion) they should be BR3 so that you essentially put yourself in the mix for any match.

Even if they didn’t start as super interesting maps and DF had to work them up to flesh them out, having even a basic Crete operation that has a village and an airfield would suffice. A Sicily map that just has the Primosole Bridge to capture would be better than no Sicily. Those would be cool and German Fallschirmjäger make perfect sense in those locations

I guess it depends on what you call common. There were a little above 400.000 StG44 build in WWII oposite to 14.600.000 Kar98k, so imho that tells a clear story.

But again, don’t get me wrong, I like BR IV and V wepaons like the next dude, however I (and a lot of others too) like playing “early time” WWII, whith just SMG for close quarter and bolt action rifles for the rest.

All this is possible in Enlisted, with the huge down side of Germany/Italy, as the only faction, not having paratroopers at that BR. That was what my post was about. I just tried to explain it to the guy who didn’t get why we make a fuss about BR I/II anyway.

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Fun fact, for every front line soldier 20 support troops are needed, the Japanese min maxed that to 10 support per frontline soldier.
That and the US survey which found that only 15-20% soldier contribute to fire fights effectively.

So even though 400 000 isnt much when you compare that to 27 000 000 which served in various positions of the Heer.
Those weapons were effectively contributed to squad leaders and platoon leaders who were the most battle hardened. Elite SS, panzergrenadier and Volkgrenadiers also made us of StG44 in large quantities, no wonder StG44 left such a shock in the men who faced that weapon that all nations are using weapons based on the StG44.


What you like

  • Replacement of the Bronze and Silver Orders with a unified currency
  • Newly created variety of vehicles on the battlefield
  • more variety in the maps were played
  • Maintaining the ability to continue to choose your side

What you don’t like

  • The current matchmaking in its current implementation
  • The historical inconsistencies caused by the current matchmaking (IS-2 and Tiger II in Stalingrad; please stop making a fool of yourself before the Steam launch comes. You are advertising that you are a WW2 shooter and not a Wolfenstein. By the way, that is a complete contradiction about your work so far, which was, by the way, very good due to many small details, research into troop units and their historically correct locations, map design based on real locations, propaganda loudspeakers in Stalingrad, squad and class system in which you recognized that in WW2 you didn’t every soldier had an automatic weapon, etc…)
  • The permanent up tiering as part of matchmaking, which means that you can only bring an equal deck into the field in Tier 5 (it’s especially funny when you, as a T1 player, get into a T3 match in which your own team is the only one other than yourself consists of beginners or bots)
  • Matches with more than one tier level difference (e.g. T1 vs T3, or T3 vs T5 are just a bad joke; As a result, your teammates often call you a crappy team or a bad player, even though you can’t give your opponent any credit due to poor matchmaking)
  • Difference in ground weapons between T4 and T5 too large
  • It’s currently absolute nonsense to play with a T4 deck when you have a T5 deck due to the constant uptiering. As a result, T4 is dead.
  • The assault soldier class was eliminated at T5, as almost every soldier can carry an automatic weapon
  • Automatic weapon spam on Tier 5, as the class system in the squads has been undermined here
  • The spam of prototype weapons from small series, which in the end each player can use almost as often as he wants
  • The elimination of campaigns and the opportunity to play your favorite cards and scenarios
  • The superiority of some MPs in terms of accuracy and firepower compared to long guns and/or machine guns at a distance
  • The situation regarding inactive players, game quitters, bots, and unbalanced games has not been resolved, but has even been made worse depending on the faction
  • Beginners with only one weapon in their deck end up in high tier matches even though the remaining 99% of their weapons are at T1 level, which results in the match becoming unbalanced
  • In short, the battles have become more unbalanced, boring and frustrates palyers than ever since the implementation of the matchmaking system, as the previously given balancing of the maximum weapons was removed due to the campaign framework conditions. Unless you play the faction that the players prefer and only have “soldiers and privates” as opponents on the opposing side. But even then, shooting at the fair gets boring at some point.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Why punish the core players for a lack of awareness and non-existent marketing through such a merge?

I would like to go back to the original values before the Steam launch. Because I see the Steam launch as an opportunity to fix some problems, such as missing players.
In addition, the game should no longer have the above-mentioned defects/weaknesses. Because that will end up scaring new players away.


More fun facts in the same spirit: Post-War analysis of the United States’ GI involvement in the war indicated that roughly EIGHTY PERCENT of all Garand rifles went unfired during the war. Soldiers who had BARs and soldiers in the vicinity of BARs did the overwhelming majority of firing upon the enemy. The consensus analysis was that the standard infantryman felt that -even though the Garand was superior to the Axis counterpart Kar98K- he didn’t feel as if firing his rifle would have any meaningful positive effect and would simultaneously draw enemy attention to his position.

BAR squads were entirely different. BAR men routinely ran out of ammo and had to be resupplied and Garand carrying infantrymen around them were inspired to fire their weapons. This was the major impetus for the evolution and adoption of the assault rifle (select fire, detachable magazines, intermediate cartridge for recoil control)

[Edited to add the following]
The T20 project intended to modify the Garand such that it would receive BAR magazines and fire in full auto to give soldiers the psychological advantage of “overwhelming firepower.” T20 eventually morphed into the “Lightweight Rifle” Ordnance project and that resulted in the debacle of the M14. Ordnance would not abandon the idea that the replacement rifle must fire a .308 caliber battle round and in fully automatic fire, the recoil was WAY too intense for sustained combat operations. Couple this with the fact that the Garand’s replacement was designed for battles with the Soviets in European cities and it became immediately useless in real combat in Southeast Asian jungles. The wooden stocks would swell and warp in the humidity, destroying the M14s accuracy and the metal parts would rust within months in theater. Thankfully, the failings of the M14 were sufficient enough to force Ordnance’s hand into replacing it before escalation in Vietnam or the situation there would have been even more disastrous


Well i’ve not played the game in over a month and a half basically every since the game breaking update ‘‘New era’’

However the game decided to start an auto update today soo i’d like to ask a few questions.

  1. Has there been a fix/update to map selection? Are you able to filter out campaigns/maps or at least modes you don’t like to play.

  2. Has there been a fix/change to research? It was worse after the update needing to go back and ‘‘regrind’’ sorta say multiple new lines just to buy weapons/vics already researched is a pain and even WT another gaijin game doesn’t do that.

  3. Has the costume game editor been update soo that you can exclude weapons/equipment you don’t wana see or able to set up realisticish at least scenarios?

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