Your feedback about last update

They added the Polish? I must have missed them

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Aside the APC itself the new premiums might be the worst premium squad in game. Randoms stats, cheap and unupgraded guns, lack of big backpacks with 3 medkits and 1 det pack unlike 90% of prem/event squad.

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That’s because only APC soldier is premium one. The rest 5 guys are not.
And the not upgraded weapons was already a thing. Tunisian premiums bikers/flamertrooper.the weapons which weren’t premiums were interchangeable and not upgraded.

But funnily enough, the premium sov paras has fully upgraded AS-44 on other hand.
So I guess it’s classic DF’s consistency.

And I do agree, this is extremely lame. I do believe it’s purely because of the fact those squads were made in extreme hurry. But that’s just my personal speculation.


I am supremely happy with the reworking of the Berlin map! The anti-aircraft guns now look more natural with the tangled barbed wire removed, and you’ve added a type with a shield. The overall impression of the map is somehow very much improved as well. I am also happy to see the addition of the trucks. All the vehicles are beautiful and cool. I like the new map basically. I think it looks great except that there seem to be too many roads when viewed from above. The only thing I dislike is that this map is named Hürtgen Forest. Honestly this map does not look like it. I hope you guys will use this name for another great map.

Since you guys love the merger so much devs have announced the 2nd merger coming in January.
Now you will have just 2 options, Axis and Allies. Now Germany can defend in Pacific Campains and Japanese in Berlin.
Gold guns will be Phasers from Star Trek and the Blaster from Star Wars.
The knife can now be replaced by Jedi Lightsaber and a stop street sign.
In addition all tier 1 gold tanks will be 60 bucks since you all love tier 1 so much and tier 5 tanks will be Spongebob wearing Pink Underwear with 75 mm cannon.
This is all historicaly accurate ofcourse.


Weapon presets automatically equip the lowest star variant (not upgraded weapon), please change it on exact opposite.


What I like,
new maps are cool,
New uniforms are cool,
Corsair looks like it’ll be a fantastic high BR fighter

What I don’t like
Premiums, not only that, the half tracks are only for the Russians and Germans, Nada for the US or Japan, even though the Soviet half track is literally a us made vehicle with a US weapon on it, on top of that the German squad is objectively better than the Russian half track…… again.

Hard to understand
Why do veteran players still half to research and buy everything in the tech tree again before we can get further along in the tech tree


What you like
1- The new maps are awesome! We need more of those bigger maps.
2- New vehicle APC
3- Fast updates after merge.
4- Very good communication with community

What you don’t like
1 -Handling of squads (the soldiers will not be saved in a squad)
2- Handling of presets
3- Costs of customizations are way too high.
4- No customization presets
5- No selection for prefered campaigns

What is not too easy to understand
1- No changing of uniforms/camouflage for premium squads.
2- Vehicles of Tunesia in Stalingrad/Moscow?
3- No different camouflages for Fallschirmjäger helmets

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Omg…did you actually reply to my stupid Polish joke?

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So True…
They Screwed this game so bad and now will make it worse!


another minor bug, when enemy si killed by grenade from new type 99 rifle with GL



The last update that fixed the low polygon , made everything blurry/shimmering, especially in the distance and it seems like a lot of times textures don’t load at higher resolution despite having every video option to max.

Using TAA if it’s to any relevance.

Also there has been a major FPS drop on the last major update. from ~220 to ~120. Substantial.

Also would be appreciated if you guys add Nvidia DSR.

What you like

  • I enjoy being able to switch tiers and use different weapons, vehicles, and squads and having them actually feel viable

What you don’t like

*The being up or down tiered (Battle Ratings) by two. The BRs should have a 1 BR difference, because I refuse to play BR 3 or BR 4; BR 1, 2, and 5 are currently the only viable tiers.

What is not too easy to understand

*That you absolutely MUST research everything in a line to get later items. I was in the midst of researching later tier weapons, and I could not get them without having every thing beforehand. Same goes with some of the Gold Order vehicles and squads that should be able to use them but can’t for arbitrary reasons.

Its getting worse tir 2 saw tiger and tiger two in moscow

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What you like

*New maps definitly some good one,the research tree is okay too.
The apc system is nice by the way could they count as rally point for mission ?
the BR is not the worst , that something I don’t really care since i’m playing BR V with rifle

What you don’t like
the para spam how u can get 100 rounds gun that’s easy to swipe an entire stupid team on a point and fast cap (for playing it way too ez )you should receive your gun from your ammo box
those magnific usa plane wrecking everithing with rocket and bomb while at 1 second from the spawnpoint
the research tree for tank should dislocate between TD and the other one
Now gold order for soldier are useless having gold soldier assault III or II while you have the 4 is not a good point gold order should be the best you can unlock

What is not too easy to understand
The camo system for the squad is pretty hard , how do i know when my squad is full research without checking in the upgrade tree
Are you playing your game ?

Shouldn’t we have an engineer with assault rifle for those who were having stalingrad premium ?

Of course they dont they dont care about the game they want to make a money mill out of it like war thunder


Do any devs play their games?


If they care about it yes but then again none of the devs that made enilted work on it now they are all war thunder devs

As far as I remember everytime they turn the game on, they do an event around it where you get a higher bonus if you run into them in the match.


hi for info enlisted it’s not the same devlopeur as War Thunder it’s DarkFlow Software the studio that makes the game

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