

Stay frosty, marine.

It’s not time to say game over just yet!


Bought them both to support this game, post merge I can see the potential, just don’t run events for identical units again please, that hurt!

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gonna just push this up just in case other people didnt see this

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Ooookay, now I understood, it’s rather confusing actually, but hell, who am I to tell? Thanks for making this clarification.

why not.

i wanna have another halftrack beside the one i bought.

heck, even 3 more :eyes:

one for each br.

( so i don’t have to switch their weapons every 2 to 5 seconds … )

would love this one too:

too bad it’s not in the game…


If it’s going to be 251, I want a second squad too. One for the BR2 line up and one for the BR5 line up

Especially since weapon presets are lame rn:

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looks like there will be.

and the upcoming event should be about those halftracks ( m3 for muricans ) :wink:
( hard to notice, but one is tan, and the other is grey )

can’t wait

( hoping that… they dont’ change idea at the last second )


Me too, because tomorrow I will complete current event.



s i k e

gonna be the sdkfz 7 with the tent instead.

:joy: :skull:

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I wonder how you’re going to do this with the tarp in there.

gonna take me about 20 mins to find out.

because i have to find the code, edit it, and then apply it.

interesting question.

time to find out for the science ( but i think we both know how it’s gonna be )



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Good luck xD :+1:

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managed to find out the code.

( it was quick luckely for me, as i prolly encoded the whole folder earlier )

and it appears you won’t be able to shoot ( surprisingly i might add )

      attachTm:m=[[0.945526, -0.325565, -0.0] [0.325565, 0.945526, 0.0] [0.0, -0.0, 0.999956] [-2.1, 1.7, 0.0]]

about this gibberish:


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wait, i spoke too soon:


at least the arm fit.

but to be fair, it’s easy to fix.
you just prevent players or ai to use weapons inside as shown in the code above.

for some reason, it’s not applied to all seats


HE rifle grenade got moved to be 3. Hes saying rifleman are useless without it :expressionless:

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yes it is

Good changes, but just a fraction of what’s needed…
What about:
(some examples)

  • the M1 garand at BR5 for no reason…
  • the “BR5” american tanks that are collectively worse than the Panther at BR4.
  • the PPS-43 beeng the best BR2 smg by so far you downtiered most german BR3 smg’s.
  • the PPSh-41 (box) being equal to the PPD 34/38 in overall effectivness, yet still BR3…
  • the DPM being BR4 while bringing nothing to the table compared to the DP-27 at BR3.
  • most anti-tank rocket/grenade launchers being too low BR.
  • the RPzB. 43 Ofenrohr should be BR5+
  • who thought that smg’s and assault rifles being at the same BR makes any sense???
  • the Tiger E and the Tiger II (H) being at the same BR?

++ many more…

The changes implimented here look good, but they don’t fix the major balance problems.
Top tier is extremely compressed, to the point that half of the BR5 weapons/vehicles are juat obsolete.
Why use the Tiger E while the Tiger II (H) is at the same BR??? Why use the Kiraly 39M ovar the StG 44 ?? Why the Pz. IV H is still at BR4 while it doesn’t do anything better than the Pz. IV J at BR3???
All that you did was downtier some smg’s and uptier rifle grenades, while much more is needed…

We need BR6, we need a better matchmaker, we need to stop the BR3 vs ALL #$%&*#@! and start getting matches in BR 1-2, or 2-3-4 for once…

When i read “Implemented changes to BRs based on your feedback” i expected something meaningfull, not this basic s…
I expected a thorough look at the state of the game and feedback, with a list of significant changes to go with it, like the list in the thread below…


the MP40 with silencer needs to be moved to BR 2 too, so people can play one of the most liked special squads ever in low BR!


I hardly ever use them. Think I had some on my Soviet team for laughs :laughing: