
I don’t think you said anything about Battle Ratings

I dropped the weapon cards in the topic about br weapons, what I could talk about, I DON’T EVEN KNOW)

Er… Guys? Some of the weapons and vehis are still on the same position? Are you sure you’ve done everything right??

Only the soviet paras?


It’s about BR, not about position on the research tree.

imagine spending so much brain energy on decimal points and useless stats. get over it

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Tiers are different from BR’s, so it’s fine

Are you going to do something?



Why dont you use them instead of complaining??

He actually does lol

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Grenades and pistol shouldnt have BR

I agree, but at the same time, I would like to protect new player from getting spammed with impact grenades.


I must say…

I’m really impressed and pleasantly surprised. This should make me shut up for a while :laughing:


brb going to start reporting all your useless screenshots

It’s not like this fixed all the issues, but at least the game will be playable during the holidays during which there will be no updates.

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I hope in the next update they adjust the VMP 1926 to br 3. its the predecessor of the MP38/40

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and the zh-29, its a prewar weapon

Should 5 br players experience this?


New players need to have some difficulties too. Too easy is not good either.

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Game for noobs(new player) is difficult not because of those grenades its because they are noobs. everything will be difficult even building a rally.

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