Your feedback about last update

From what I’m understanding, that was a one off bug. I ended up on both sides of that.

still seeing that and to be honest i don’t think it was a bug i believe they did it on purpose to drive up pay to win in game. As based on what they have done with merge and after they care more for money then players enjoyment of game.


Companies in the business of selling video games care about both; profit keeps the business open and making customers happy leads to profits.

I like: extremely fun arcade game, variety of squads, weapons, vehicles, etc. I think most of the changes have been positive.
I don’t like it: I’ve been quite worried for a few days with the progress of the battles and the game in general. Dozens of battles are just a massacre against, it feels like I’m playing with bots on my team. There are new maps that are absolutely unbalanced, before playing them you know that with 99% certainty that you are going to win or lose them. I find it very unfair the huge amount of score that the tank receives compared to the infantry (I love driving a tank from time to time, however, seeing how your infantry companions with the same or higher number of kills receive a pyrrhic score It seems very unfair to me), I think a 1/1 in infantry/tanks would be more fair and rewarding in terms of experience. My favorite maps right now are a miracle they appear.
Conclusion: Very good changes that, however, are making me have less fun playing every day, day by day. Before the change my level of fun was extremely favorable, now I cannot describe it as even minimally positive. Something strange… . I love this game and I’ll give it a few more chances, but if I continue to feel the same frustrating feelings, I’ll move on while waiting for a new adjustment to the overall balance of the battles.


Vehicle borne machineguns should not overheat as quickly and should honestly do a bit more damage
The fifty cal on the M3A1 should either do the same damage as the pintle on tanks or just oneshot people

And on top of that the fifty cals on vehicles overheat nearly instantly, please fix that

Ardennes maps are top tier, god bless

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Never adter crosshair event I guess lmao

What i like are the historical weapons and vehicles. I also like the gameplay. Its much better for me than the sprint/slide Battlefield games.

What I dislike:

  • the uneven distribution of real players in a game. It’s not all about superior material that makes the Germans dominant in high tier but there or more real players on their side that can use artiklery and good stuff.
  • the superpershing. Using a tank that never saw combat isnt the solution. Whats next? IS3 for Russia znd a Maus for Germany? Give the us side a 3 th tank or limit the use of the top tier 5 tanks to 1 per side instead of 2.
  • keyboard players on console only servers. If you want to use keyboard play on crosplay instead of looking for an unfair advantage to the rest of the server

dude if you have bot teams your better off 9 out of 10 games id trade all th players on my side for one bot

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Very fun, but please make it possible to play on Linux native or with Wine/Proton.

Happy New year everyone! Best wishes to you and your family for 2024.

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You too :grin:

Tell me y battle rating 3 gets into a match with br 5s and get rolled over its so frustrating im ready to throw my controler out the window and choke slam any of u developers that cause this shit to happen u say ur gona fix the match making but i dont fucking see it happening when me and my buddy were playing br3 rating and should only get early br4 but NOOOO we get br 5 match fuck u guys im sure other people r having the same issue and its pissing me off to stop playing the game i wanna see this game successfully succeed but when this shit happens it makes me not wanna play cus its stupid people with br3 ahouldnt get into a match with br5 players at that point i feel like im playing call of duty and battle field 5 specily with the conquest bs

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How to solve the problem of collision grenades in the game???

same reason you see t5 units when playing t2 the devs dont care any more

What I like:
It’s research tree.
What I hate:
Too long loading
Can’t choose maps, I hating when i getting more than 10 games just on Berlin maps. Also i hating that you can’t fix all bags, you adding more new things but forgetting to fixs bags.
What i don’t understand:
I can’t understand this situation: soviet premium squad Ba-11 getting br4 and should figt with tigers and panthers. Also don’t understand why you can’t make ability to choose a map, i tired to getting just :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Berlin maps.

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check crew guns they will change br of the tank or plane squrad

@Keofox @James_Grove @Euthymia07

Something broke in the game around 1140 gmt.

Event progress and tab missing.

All my player stats are wiped. Shows zero for everything.

People on discord are reporting server issues.

I exited a match and was close to finishing up tasks left over from yesterday. Rally uses and 10 matches but i dont think it counted it.

Maybe something about being reset to marshal bugged it.

devs already aware, thanks for report

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Great thanks. Can you let us know when it’s fixed? i have a 300% booster i dont want to waste

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A lot of people are seriously nitpicking on here eh? Cant please everyone I suppose. Here’s some of my nitpicking to add to it! lol Anyways…just giving feed back from what I’ve experienced since the update.

Liked: a lot to be said for the general polished feel to the game now… graphics are fantastic now, love the blowing snow effects & the new maps are fun & pretty well thought out.

Not so much:
I mean… honestly… I’m super disappointed since the update…just what happened to the tank gameplay? Everything feels super unbalanced when it comes to tank fights/armour values.

Example#1: I tried to takeout the German Flamethrower tank… I hit it point blank with no less than 5 Bazoka rockets & it was still going!? Wtf?.. OK so the next time around I am in the German flamethrower tank, & a guy takes me out with 1 impact grenade!? An IMPACT GRENADE!!?WTAF? This isn’t the only instance.

Next example: Tiger 2…which in itself is a problem…looking to bring out any tank against the Germans for some fun!? Well then you had better expect literally 100%chance of them countering with the Tiger 2…which wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for the lack of consistency when it comes to tank fights. Case-in-point: so I am in the Jumbo& I take a HUGE wide route get the flank & on this guy…& after much effort to get to him, I managed to score a hit to the Tiger 2 perfectly! Or so I thought…directly in the barrel… according to the armour x-ray, that 75mm AP round should have been a FOR SURE knock out to the barrel leaving the Tiger defenceless…(literally the ONLY chance you have when facing off against such an overmatched opponent, speed means nothing without the ability to actually defend against such an opponent)… Like I said this SHOULD have been a great tactical shot which would have given me a chance to get up closer & take out the tiger with an explosive or tnt pack from underneath…SHOULD have… instead I watched the round ricochet off, he turns the turret towards me & it was game over in one shot. Frustrating to say the least knowing that my tactical thought & ability meant nothing due to inconsistency.

Alternatively…I had been curious about just how invincible the Tiger 2 actually was, so I ventured a turn on the Axis side…loaded up the Tiger2 & went into battle…within seconds of my first tank fight I had been disarmed & blown up by a T34…So wtf? Where’s the consistency?
I was worried about that when I first heard about being able to now use all tanks in more maps. I knew people would simply abuse the heavy tanks & there would be problems getting all tanks to behave correctly across different maps. This needs to be addressed somehow…

I don’t know how popular this opinion is…but personally, I would like to see the old levelling system back as well as the separate campaigns with the more accurately portrayed/evenly matched vehicles for each. It held way more merit this way in my opinion. Honestly I think the old system just needed a little tweaking vs a complete revamp.
Furthermore being able to choose which battles I took part in, knowing what weaponry & vehicles were going to be used against me or were at my disposal was perfect, perhaps even ideal, yes there were a few balancing issues, but for the most part, the teams felt like they both had a fairly equal chance at winning(even Normandy could be navigated with minimal difficulty with the use of more strategy& less “Bwahhhh I play this like COD dudeee”

Now it just seems like it’s a hard lean towards COD players & a big ol jump away from what made this game so awesome to begin with. Long, hard fought, truly rewarding & memorable battles that averaged from 1/2hour to sometimes hours if the game mode & conditions were right! It was awesome to finally have a game that you could actually get into a grudge match with someone & see who could one-up the other guy! was brilliant…Now Ive seen literally only one match that lasted all of 22 mins, & every single other one is over in 10-12 minutes. It’s got COD stank all over it now…:sob:…what has happened to my shining beacon in the world of full of terrible FPS.

Confusing: The research system…it just seems unnecessary to have it at all, compared to how everything was laid out previously… I mean it just a seems like an overload of info on one big page. Like one of those conspiracy theory web-boards. Complicated doesn’t always equal better. Also you shouldn’t HAVE to buy weapons or tanks you don’t want just because it’s in the research line of a weapon or vehicle you do want. That’s just stupid.